10-21-2010, 10:23 AM
(10-19-2010, 07:18 PM)Cracker Wrote: [size=medium][i]
I can't tell if he's 18 or just a little simple. I have points to support both sides. He said "handle", which suggests a middle-aged over the road trucker. He actually typed and posted the lame turkey hand thing, which supports both. He is bragging about his dad and mentioned his "mama" both within his first few posts, which suggests either clannish proclivities or late onset puberty. I can't tell.
I'm older than 18 and have never been an "over the road trucker" you piece of shit wipe! You claim to be from the South in other threads but you don't call your mother "mama"! Fuck, you are a goddamn carpetbagger and nothing more aren't you?!?! The hand turkey, not "lame" turkey hand thing as you called it touched too close to home and you blasted off like the saree-wearing Taliban-held bitch that you are. Sorry that you failed 4th grade art class and are still hostile about it.
While talking that clanistic shit about me, you posted your User Name (excuse me for using my vocabulary to reach back and use "handle" instead of user-name), Cracker which is is a pejorative term for poor whites. It is especially used for the white inhabitants of the U.S. states of Georgia and Florida (Georgia crackers and Florida crackers), but it is also used throughout the Southern United States by African Americans against stupid-ass white folk! Step the fuck off "Cracker" you are fucking with the wrong guy if you want to be a whiny ass bitch. You will get bitch-slapped and put back into your fucking place.
My "MAMA" told me long ago and my "DADDY" confirmed it for me, never engage in a battle of wits against an unarmed person like you! Fuck off, never reply to me again or risk the wrath of someone that will royally fuck your ass without ever whipping my dick out!