09-01-2008, 09:19 AM
Duchess Wrote:Why do some people think that drugs that fuck up ones thought process to such a degree are fun to do ?...Gimme a glass of wine & a little smoke and I'm good to go, I don't want to be so fucked up that I can't function, where's the fun in that ?Exactly. Plus, some people (like me) are highly functional, or even "extra" functional or creative, on weed. Others are lethargic vegetables or total goofs. Now, I can get like that if I want - like if I am already exhausted or am in company that is being goofy, etc. but in general, I can do everything from doing serious animation work to facing a fireplace while stoned.
The drugs that make it so that you are physically addicted, do crazy stuff, etc. are out for me. I was always too scared to even try them. I go many months at a clip of doing nothing, not even drinking, to clean out ... I don't need a drug that keeps me hooked and/or want to cut open my arm.