01-04-2012, 06:19 PM
(01-04-2012, 12:34 PM)username Wrote: Hmmm, organic psychological problems can include emotional disorders.
"Anxiety (also called angst or worry) is a psychological and physiological state characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components".
My daughter has an anxiety disorder; her twin doesn't. She's in GATE, mostly A's with a B or two and isn't disruptive at school.
I agree that kids that are regularly out of line ought to be pulled out, rapped on the knuckles, whatever. I also think that kids that are slow learners ought to have their own classes (not only for the benefit of the "normal" kids but for their own benefit...it would suck to be the kid who is always failing next to his "peers").
Pretty much the only accomodation I ask for my daughter is the occasional extra time on a test when she's in "perfection" mode (and even that's rare--I'm fully aware that future employers won't give her extra time on projects).
You are getting EBD mixed up with kids who don't require the services. EBD is a pullout program for kids who can't function in a classroom. It takes quite a bit for a kid to get those services. They have to exhibit severe behavior disturbances like violence or complete lack of self-control (screaming, crying, throwing things, hurting others, cursing, sexual stuff, etc.).
Anxiety isn't EBD. Anxiety is just anxiety. ADHD is in that category, too. Some kids can't sit down and concentrate without medication. I know people get pissed when parents give their kids meds, but some kids really do need it and are "normal" when they are taking the meds. Your kid probably has a genetic tendency, unless you repeatedly forgot a kid at the mall or left the baby seat on top of the car a few times...