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will you know it when you finally go insane?
i finally tracked it down this morning! i TOLD you i (mostly) wasn't insane!

behind my house is all woods. it goes way back, it's beautiful. anyway, it ends at a huge sandpit, i don't know why it's there. the sandpit has a lot of heavy equipment. so it's the men working there blasting a radio! but hell at 0600 it started this morning! that sound has carried a LONG way. and come through A/C vents or open window.

i'm going to stop by and speak to the gentlemen after i am dressed and on my way out. i can get to sandpit by road running by the lake. so i don't have to hike through the woods with the coyotes and sleeping werewolves. hah


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RE: will you know it when you finally go insane? - by Lady Cop - 05-18-2012, 08:47 AM