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Are You Cheap, Merely Thrifty, or Lavishishly Irresponsible with Money?
I coupon. I don't eat out if I don't have the money. If I do eat out, it is dollar menu food. I pay all my bills when they are due. If I do without any extras I do.

I have never been late on one single bill in almost 20 yrs. Not even a phone or power bill.

I have serious issues with a coworker that gets daily phones call from bill collectors, has rotted teeth although she has dental insurance, dodges her landlord every single month because her husband would rather eat out BIG (their take out order is more complicated than most mortgage papers) than pay a bill on time. But I ain't her mama.

That being said, I could likely buy anything I wanted at this minute. While it might seem big to most here, I just financed a $34K car over the phone.

I do okay. I pay my bills.

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RE: Are You Cheap, Merely Thrifty, or Lavishishly Irresponsible with Money? - by Tammy75 - 06-19-2012, 12:09 AM