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AntiVirus Founder Wanted For Murder
[Image: JohnMcAfee.jpg]

"With lots of time on my hands and very little to do with it, I've been reflecting on the recent detour my life has taken. How did I end up as a murder suspect on the lam?"

Great story posted on CBS. However, its rather long.
Here's the Link :
McAfee Blog Entries

(11-17-2012, 10:19 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I can't see your video for some reason, SphincterCop.

Odd, it was from for me. Wonder if its not working for anyone else. Thanks for posting!!! This is probably going to end with a SHOOT OUT because this guy is off his rocker!

Messages In This Thread
RE: AntiVirus Founder Wanted For Murder - by Sphincter Cop - 11-18-2012, 03:50 AM