12-27-2008, 10:41 PM
yankeebitch Wrote:i know exactly what i meant when i used that smiley, maybe you need to retake smiley 101, spend a little more time on that instead of chasing other womens husbands/ ol' menon here and other boards that i have personally witnessed them make a real fool out of you. do you really think any of them are willing to fly out to utah to screw you after they go to your homepage and see your pictures, and yes my husband showed me your homepage and invitations to have him come to utah and "do you" lol! not going to happen poopypants, continue to live behind the screen of your computer and lead people just like you to think you are someone you are not and never will be.::haha::hhhhmm, is there a story here you would like to share?
Devil Money Stealing Aunt