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3 Missing Ohio Women - Located Alive!
Dr. Phil makes my skin crawl. But, I'm so glad that Michelle Knight is apparently doing well and showing a lot of strength - I hope her appearance on his show does some good for her and other victims.

A statement released by he "Dr. Phil" show says that during the segments, which will air Nov. 5 and 6, Knight "describes the horrible conditions in the house" and reveals her physical, mental and sexual abuse. Knight also discusses being "tied up like a fish" and spending weeks chained and tortured in the basement.

"Was he afraid you would yell out?" television host Phil McGraw asks the woman in the episode, shown in a preview on the "Dr. Phil" website.

"Yeah, that's the reason why he taped my mouth shut," Knight said.

When McGraw asked what Castro used, Knight replied, "Duct tape."

"I picked the lock and I tried to escape," Knight said. "And [Castro] says, 'Now you're going to be punished.'"

The two other Cleveland kidnapping victims, Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus, won't be appearing on the show and have reportedly signed a book deal.

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RE: 3 Missing Ohio Women - Located Alive! - by HairOfTheDog - 11-04-2013, 11:02 PM