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Anti-NRA Movie Planned by Harvey Weinstein, Starring Meryl Streep
I guess I didn't word that very well HotD. What I was trying to say is its a double standard kinda thing. People ignore the inner city issues and at the same time speak up when its a mass shooting in a movie theater, school, grocery store, etc. I did not mean to make it sound like I think they should shut up about all shootings, however I do think the 15 minutes of fame shit is part of the problem.

It will be interesting to see what comes out of this movie. I see it driving a even bigger wedge between the anti and the pro sides of this issue. Every time the anti side utters a word about regs, banning, etc the pro side pushes back even harder because they fear they will loose their rights, and visa-versa.

Does that make more sense, or am I still confusing?

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RE: Anti-NRA Movie Planned by Harvey Weinstein, Starring Meryl Streep - by F.U. - 01-16-2014, 07:14 PM