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Anti-NRA Movie Planned by Harvey Weinstein, Starring Meryl Streep
A lot of people, including you OP, put a lot of attention on the fact that "assault weapons" are so readily accessible here in the USA, and if they were not available this sort of thing wouldn't happen. I point out the fact that "assault rifles" are used in only 14 of these shootings and now you say big deal, I don't care what type firearm was used? When the evil black rifles were being used everyone had to turn their attention towards the specific type of gun, but now that shotguns and handguns are being used you want to ignore the type weapon used ?

I also pointed out the fact that the number of these mass shootings has not changed over the last 30 years, even though population has risen. 20-30 years ago no one gave a hairy rats ass about it , except for the friends and relatives of those shot, it was hardly a blip on the 5 o'clock news. But now the media has gotten ahold of the stories and everyone is up in arms.

Recently the media figured out that murder pays and when one of these stories pop up they milk it for all its worth. Its all about the money/ratings to them. Just like the guberment really couldn't care who owned what type weapons, as long as they get their cut of the cash cow. Its all a money game to them. Everyone is milking that cash cow to fill their own pockets. They just want to sound like they care and make us believe they care.

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RE: Anti-NRA Movie Planned by Harvey Weinstein, Starring Meryl Streep - by F.U. - 01-17-2014, 05:18 PM