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Anti-NRA Movie Planned by Harvey Weinstein, Starring Meryl Streep
(01-18-2014, 09:59 AM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: I never lied OP, You, like so many others put a lot of blame on the firearm. Saying it needs to go, no one needs one, etc. IN MY BOOK, that is implying that if they did not exist this shit may not happen. I dont give a flying fuck if you used those exact words, I can read between the lines.

(I couldn't give a fuck about “IN MY BOOK” you said I said “banning assault rifles would stop mass shootings” and I never said that. That is not a matter of perception or opinion that is a undeniable FACT homeboy! Toronto is the capital of America “IN MY BOOK” does that make it true? Does it fuck!)

Yes I am, nit picking about the rifle, because people like you mislabel them. Assault is a action, not a device.

(Yes assault is an action, an action like assaulting a school and killing people with an AR-15 fucknut!)

I do care about the kids that get shot. However I care about MY RIGHTS also. I refuse to give up my rights because some idiot 12 way across the country misused a tool.

(You care about the rights of the victims? Bollocks! that is the first time you have even mentioned them in this thread. The fact you put “MY RIGHTS” in block capitals reveals what your priority is! Oh and as previously discussed and put to bed with our old friend dick? a gun is a weapon not a tool! The only tools are people who deny guns are weapons just like dick!)

I don't expect you to understand this OP. The way guns are regulated in your country, the job you now hold and years of brainwashing you that guns are bad. I don't ever expect you to understand.

(I don't expect you to understand either the way guns are regulated in your country, the job you now hold “selling guns” and years of drinking so much NRA koolaid it dribbles out of your nose and ears when you sneeze. I don't ever expect you to understand either)

Now if you would excuse me, I have to strap on some guns, put my coat on and go start my truck so I can go to work and sell more guns.
Have a wonderful day.

(I'm busy next week as well taking away kids and grandkids from homes where fucking irreponsible heavy drinking bar fighting fuckwits like you have loaded guns on the table during breakfast.

Have a nice day!)
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Anti-NRA Movie Planned by Harvey Weinstein, Starring Meryl Streep - by Cynical Ninja - 01-18-2014, 10:21 AM