10-09-2014, 11:26 AM
(10-09-2014, 10:33 AM)IroningBroad Wrote: Talk about intolerance and ignorance at it's finest..
What is being "an American" according to.y'all?
As for everything else no.It's a free country in terms of being able to choose your religion, dress, habits and anything that is legal for you to fancy.
You can do what ever the fuck you want on your own property, but don't force me to watch you whip out your tit & try and feed a screaming brat while I'm trying to enjoy a meal out.
I scratch my ass at home every once in a while, but I wouldn't stand out on my front lawn and force people to tolerate it, and I certainly wouldn't try and jump into a public pool with my street clothes on.
She wants to come over here and where a burkha all day in her house, that's fine, I could care less, but to put up a stink because she was denied access to a public place? How would the lifeguard know whether it was a guy or girl under there? What if it was some pervert trying to a camera or something?
There's all sorts of reasons to be intolerant out in the world today, according to you that makes us all ignorant, too?