12-28-2014, 06:03 PM
(12-28-2014, 11:02 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Virtually stalking and tattling on Sinead O'Connor, huh aussie?
Are you trying to boss around The Boss as a perceived friend, a mental health professional, a feminist, or an Irish political activist then?
Woah HoTD thank you for the long winded response. Methinks you are a wee bit jealous. I couldn't give a shit about 'celebrity', it is one of my endeariing features.
The Sinn Fein thing, was an open discussion that was started by her. Most of the people were telilng her she was cracked. I even had some personal info I passed on. Most Irish families do have a story. I was born in Belfast, raised a catholic, my contribution on this subject is valid. Her 'they don't do violence anymore' is pissweak and ridiculous. She needed to be called out on it. They have blood on their hands. She is on the wrong track. Her deleting fans comments, including others demonstrates someone is threatened by the truth, when challenged with facts.
For the record, I haven't met her, I have one album and some sheet music. If she comes to town I will invite her to lunch, but she probably doesn't want to talk to me now anyway. I have a friend who went out to drinks with her, they have a mutual friend. It concerns me HoTD that you see this people as gods. It's a small world, anyone can be friends with anyone. I don't give a shit about celebrity status or money, it's one of my endearing qualities.