11-17-2015, 11:16 AM
(11-16-2015, 10:30 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: ^ I missed the last two Halloween-related posts before. I agree; total over-reactive bullshit in both cases.This will be a distant memory when Thanksgiving break rolls around.
There's too much hyper-sensitive bullshit like that going down on campuses too. One such recent protest went down at Yale.
A married couple of professors (and dorm masters) sent an email saying they thought university students were mature enough intellectually not to need PC-Halloween costume rules dictated to them by the University President.
The professors were of the opinion that the students should instead be encouraged to exercise their own judgment in regards to costume selection and how to address the situation if they felt offended by another student's costume.
I agree with the professors' sentiments myself. But, here's what a resident student had to say to one of the professors about it.
Man, I totally understand why some comedians refuse to play college venues anymore and why some educators are leaving the field. You don't have to be a humorless, threatening, oppressive, self-proclaimed victim to protest and advocate for systematic change. But, sadly, that's what's going down on some campuses these days. I hope it's temporary.