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hypothetical: calling all evil vagina monsters
(04-11-2016, 10:57 PM)sally Wrote: It sounds to me like she's playing some kind of game with you for revenge. Or it's quite possible she's just a cunt. But think hard, did you ever do or say anything to make her jealous? That's sometimes a hard question for men because they do and say stupid shit without even realizing it. I'd like to think there are two sides to every story and she's not just an evil bitch.

Unfortunately it's a little more complicated than that, at least for her, and I by no means consider her an evil bitch. Truthfully I think she's a product of twenty years of really bad choices in men, partially at her own doing chasing the metal bad boys, and partly just really being stuck in fucked up abusive relationships. She learned to fight nasty, go for the throat, and at the same time her head is so fucked up she doesn't know how to deal with a person who doesn't fight in front of kids, won't raise a voice or a hand to her, but who doesn't back down. Weak willed, I am not.

So she gets these moments of batshit, says or does something really damaging to our relationship, and then can't back off the point until she has absolutely gone thermonuclear. She's insanely jealous and insecure because of all the guys who cheated on her. One time she melted down because I made a crack about a Seahawks fan who had body painted the team logo over her large tits. Wasn't even a real woman we knew, just some meme my GF's friend posted. She fought me for a week over that.

Bottom line is, she's deeply damaged by life, and I can sympathize with that. 23 years doing what I do has taught me an amazing amount of patience and understanding of people who aren't fully in control of their emotions. But christ it's wearying.

This fucking bouncer she was window shopping? Dude broke up with her after three months, by fabricating an affair he was having with an imaginary stripper. Dude INVENTED a cheating incident in order to dump my GF.

And this is the guy I'm losing to. Unfuckingbelievable.
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.

Messages In This Thread
RE: hypothetical: calling all evil vagina monsters - by Donovan - 04-12-2016, 06:50 PM