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Do all black lives matter, or only those killed by cops?
(07-12-2016, 01:47 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: But, people don't expect gang members to fairly serve and protect the community. And, people have good reason to believe that if those gang members are caught, they'll be held accountable by the criminal justice system.

Some of those same outraged community members have no reason to believe that a police officer who kills a person unjustifiably will be held accountable in any way. So, they protest to demand justice and change the system which enables that lack of accountability.

I new you'd have a logical reason. It makes sense.

It still frustrates me that thousands of people are willing to walk onto a major highway, during rush hour and stop traffic, but those same people won't stand up in their own neighborhoods and say "enough is enough" to the gangs.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Do all black lives matter, or only those killed by cops? - by cannongal - 07-12-2016, 02:28 PM