02-17-2009, 08:20 AM
I_RAPED_MOCK Wrote:I heard about your site on the bathroom wall scribbled in crayon on the back of the stall.
I have a Harley Davidson and ride with the Pacheros, you bitches can meet me at the 31'st Harley Rendezvous in June. I have worked security there for thirty of them. I extend this invitation to all of you bikers, if you show up on a rice burner consider it burnt.....
Let's get this party started, so you can all suck my strapon!
I will be gone for a while during March, we will be running security at the Cabbage Patch nearby Daytona during bike week. Cole Slaw wrestling anyone? If any of you cunts can walk the walk come on down and try! I'll be there all week!!!!!!
Google? Is that you, cutie?