09-26-2019, 11:05 AM
(09-26-2019, 09:35 AM)sally Wrote: To exploit a mentally ill kid for your own cause is pretty low and it's even lower for the parents to allow it. Fucking sickos.
I think back, as a parent, every time my kids came to me terrified or stressed about something that they did not quite understand. As a parent you in a steady and non-judgmental voice just diffuse their fears. You moderate the issue. You do not dismiss it out of hand or call them stupid, but you hear them out and tell them a moderate view on that issue. What they may not have considered. What are other perspectives and why in sum total that their fears are not all consuming. That they will be okay, they will be protected and able to face the day as a child another day. Adults are looking after them and they do not need to be adults.
That is our job and pretending we are collectively doing a shitty job and kids NEED to take lead is immoral and stupid. We need to look after kids.