04-07-2009, 07:28 AM
One thing that pisses me off to no end is when you have a group of friends, and say, 2 of them have gotten into an argument, and the friendship is pretty much over. Then your caught ( for lak of a better word) talking to one of them, and then the other one will be pissed off at you for no other reason than you're talking to someone they now hate.
Fuck that shit. If I wasn't personally involved, leave me the fuck out of it and never tell me who I can or can't be friends with. More than likely, it will end more friend ships in the long run.
That's when I usually say fuck you to all of them and be done with it. I've only had to deal with this once in my life and have made sure to not get into those kind of clicks again. Who needs the fucking stress?
Fuck that shit. If I wasn't personally involved, leave me the fuck out of it and never tell me who I can or can't be friends with. More than likely, it will end more friend ships in the long run.
That's when I usually say fuck you to all of them and be done with it. I've only had to deal with this once in my life and have made sure to not get into those kind of clicks again. Who needs the fucking stress?