04-23-2009, 07:28 PM
OneBulletLeft Wrote:Because its something you most assuredly don't have.SyberBitch Wrote:At last, Someone with a brain.OneBulletLeft Wrote:She has the right to believe and say what she wants, just like people who believe that black people are more closely related to apes than 'white' people are... that doesn't stop other people from thinking they're assholes though.Ordinary Peephole Wrote:ApparentlyYOU don't get the 'whoile' fucking point. She spoke what SHE believed. She, like the rest of us,has the right to believe what she wants, and to voice those beliefs. You, who's on the flip-side on the coin, are not doing much respectin' yourself.OneBulletLeft Wrote:and respect others for their right to do the same.Thats the whoile fucking point she DOESN'T respect others for their right to do the same, she DOESN'T believe gays should be able to marry, how is that respecting their rights?