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You have to give credit to the officers that apprehended the asshole for not killing him after he killed three of their guys. Does PA have the death penalty? I hope so. [/b]
(CNN)[/b] -- Three Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, police officers became the first department fatalities since 1995 Saturday morning while responding to a domestic dispute call, Police Chief Nathan Harper said.
Law enforcement from several jurisdictions respond to a shooting standoff at Pittsburgh home Saturday.
"We have never had to lose three officers in the line of duty at one time at one call," Harper said.
Suspect Richard Poplawski surrendered around 11 a.m. outside the Stanton Heights home he shares with his mother after a standoff that lasted nearly four hours and left two more officers injured.
Wearing a bulletproof vest and armed with an AK-47, a long rifle and a pistol, Poplawski fired about 100 rounds during the standoff, Harper said. Watch officers respond at the scene ยป
Poplawski was taken into custody after surrendering to law enforcement. He is expected to face charges of homicide, aggravated assault and other related offenses, Harper said.
Officer Paul Sciullo III, a 14-year veteran of the department, was the first to approach the home after responding to the scene around 7:05 a.m. He was shot in the head as he entered the doorway.
When Officer Stephen Mayhle tried to help his fellow officer, he too was shot in the head, Harper said.
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Officer Eric Kelly, who rushed to the scene on his way home after finishing his shift, was fatally shot as he attempted to assist his fallen colleagues, Harper said.
The shootings triggered a standoff between Poplawski, who was shooting from his bedroom window, and law enforcement agencies from several jurisdictions, Harper said.
Poplawski opened fire at an Army SWAT vehicle that arrived around 8:30 a.m., preventing them and medics from reaching the wounded policemen.
Officer Timothy McManaway also was shot in the hand, the chief said. Another officer, Brian Jones, broke his leg while trying to get over a fence while securing the rear of the house, he said.
Some neighbors were evacuated during the standoff. Neighbors reported that the family had caused trouble before and Harper said police had responded to calls from the home two or three times.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
Damn. Violent occurences like this seem to be escalating in this country.
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I know. 13 people were killed on Friday in Binghamton, NY. That gunman killed himself though. Another story said a father killed his five children and then killed himself. This world is fucked up.
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Where is that right to bear arms thread again? Maybe someone could merge these two threads.
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I don't think a few fucked up individuals should ruin the right to bear arms for everyone. Besides, if someone wants a gun bad enough they will get one. Whether it's legal or not.
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it is making me fucking sick. every day another mass SENSELESS killing. These fucking cowards kill others because they are fucking pussies and to much of a coward to kill themselves first. Assholes.
And the father who killed his 5 children yesterday. Makes me fucking want to punch something.
what the fuck is wrong with people. I am really pissed off
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I can't even read killing kids stories anymore ...
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Middle Finger Wrote:I can't even read killing kids stories anymore ... Maybe if it wasn't so easy for retards and sociopaths to get guns it wouldn't happenso often.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Liquid Wrote:it is making me fucking sick. every day another mass SENSELESS killing. These fucking cowards kill others because they are fucking pussies and to much of a coward to kill themselves first. Assholes.
And the father who killed his 5 children yesterday. Makes me fucking want to punch something.
what the fuck is wrong with people. I am really pissed off I will never understand killing your children. Or any killing really. But what the fuck is wrong with someone that would kill their children? I just can't fathom being that insane.......
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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Middle Finger Wrote:I can't even read killing kids stories anymore ... Maybe if it wasn't so easy for retards and sociopaths to get guns it wouldn't happenso often. Unfortunately there will always be a black market, just like when alcohol was illegal, that criminals get to no matter what. People would start making guns for the black market if they had to. There would actually be more violence and crime if the black market was costlier due to small outfits having to make guns for it.
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Middle Finger Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Middle Finger Wrote:I can't even read killing kids stories anymore ... Maybe if it wasn't so easy for retards and sociopaths to get guns it wouldn't happenso often. Unfortunately there will always be a black market, just like when alcohol was illegal, that criminals get to no matter what. People would start making guns for the black market if they had to. There would actually be more violence and crime if the black market was costlier due to small outfits having to make guns for it.
So are you trying to say if there was less guns available there would be more firearm offences?!
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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A father of five kills his children and then turns the gun on himself?
I say he did it in the wrong order.
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they just need to make BULLETS cost $5000 each. guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people (metal bullets and sinCUNTer's ol'man)
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Liquid Wrote:they just need to make BULLETS cost $5000 each. guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people (metal bullets and sinCUNTer's ol'man) Yeah as Chris Rock says if bullets were $5000 dollars a pop people would think twice before pulling the trigger andifsomeone does get shot at $5000 a bullet they probably deserved it.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Middle Finger Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Middle Finger Wrote:I can't even read killing kids stories anymore ... Maybe if it wasn't so easy for retards and sociopaths to get guns it wouldn't happenso often. Unfortunately there will always be a black market, just like when alcohol was illegal, that criminals get to no matter what. People would start making guns for the black market if they had to. There would actually be more violence and crime if the black market was costlier due to small outfits having to make guns for it.
So are you trying to say if there wasless guns available there would be more firearm offences?!
::bs:: No, I am saying there are thousands of gun laws on the books, and the criminals ignore them all as they get them from the black market. Ultimately, while you can work to end loopholes and such so that normal citizens can still defend themselves with personal arms, there will be a black market in the end. Your notions put band aids on the problem. Demonizing the object distracts from the real problems, and that is part of the danger. Increasing bullet costs just infringe upon the rights of citizens to stay practiced in firearms. There would be cheap black market bullets for the criminals to buy. So there you go, making costs go up for responsible citizens while the criminals will get bullets cheap. You will still have violent criminals. Just as many would die. He could have thrown a bomb in that room. He could have had a battle axe and killed people. He could have gone in there with gasoline and burned them.
That is why the REAL solution would have been for someone in there to be armed. That is the only real effective deterrent to killings. Criminals will go where there is less chance of them getting stopped or harmed, usually. That is why these killings happen in places like schools and companies, verses, let's say, a store in TN where many ordinary citizens carry.
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I wish they would have open carry laws in all states of the US.
It would be fucking hilarious, you yanks are so scared and paranoid there would be fucking massacres and shootings all day everyday.
"Hey that guy looked at me funny! he's got a gun! BANG!, hey! everybody around me is pointing a gun at me! BANG, BANG, BANG,BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG"
In every town, everyday, forever.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I wish they would have open carry laws in all states of the US.
It would be fucking hilarious, you yanks are so scared and paranoid there would be fucking massacres and shootings all day everyday.
"Hey that guy looked at me funny! he's got a gun! BANG!, hey! everybody around me is pointing a gun at me! BANG, BANG, BANG,BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG"
In every town, everyday, forever. Do you have any idea how ignorant you sound? Really. I suppose you don't have crime in your country? I don't believe that the crime rate in the US is that much higher than it is in the UK.
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ramseycat Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I wish they would have open carry laws in all states of the US.
It would be fucking hilarious, you yanks are so scared and paranoid there would be fucking massacres and shootings all day everyday.
"Hey that guy looked at me funny! he's got a gun! BANG!, hey! everybody around me is pointing a gun at me! BANG, BANG, BANG,BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG"
In every town, everyday, forever. Do you have any idea how ignorant you sound? Really. I suppose you don't have crime in your country? I don't believe that the crime rate in the US is that much higher than it is in the UK.
The US is way ahead of the UK in terms of violent crime.
Number of people killed using guns in theUK in 2008 - 106
Number of people killed using guns in the US in 2008 - 11, 493.
Thats nearly 12 times more gun deaths in a country that has only 4 times the population of the UK.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Where are you getting those statistics? And if the US is soooo bad, why does everyone want to live here? You don't see people wanting to move to the UK to better themselves. Look, I am not here to trash your country. Maybe you could show my country the same respect. Especially since you have never lived here and really only know what you hear in the media.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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ramseycat Wrote:Where are you getting those statistics? And if the US is soooo bad, why does everyone want to live here? You don't see people wanting to move to the UK to better themselves. Look, I am not here to trash your country. Maybe you could show my country the same respect. Especially since you have never lived here and really only know what you hear in the media. He never said the US was so bad, it is the land of opportunity. That doesn't change the fact that the US has ahigher gun related crime rate than Europe.Same thing with drugs, ourgun and drug policies are fucked up here.