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Sup fuckers?
(04-10-2014, 10:52 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Oh shit. More beautiful little strawberry blondes. I hope we're all still around here 10 - 15 years from now -- I wonder how you'll handle their teen years and all that "fun".

They're gorgeous.

I'm sure you'll love the baby all the same, but are you kinda hoping the next one will be a boy?

I'm fine either way. My son told me yesterday he's "Praying to God" 247 for a boy since this is his last one.

I'm partial to girls but only for the stupid stuff, like the cute clothes and doing up their hair. Boys are boring for that stuff. In reality...I hope they have a boy.

Thanks HotD...they are gorgeous in my eyes. No bias here...hah

All sisters should have a brother/s. I'm rooting for the son too!
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I'm stressing. I gave Matt a $5k advance on his 1st installment. That money was supposed to last him a few months. I've been supporting him with my own money since Mike died. He owes me $8k out of his installment. Since he deposited the check Friday he has spent $3200 at bars and a Braves game. I'm so disgusted. My brother worked so hard to save and invest so the kids would have some security. Matt's going to be coming back to me for more money. He just doesn't get it that I have to settle the obligations of the estate before the obligations to the heirs. I have to walk away from this before it drives me crazy. I really can't deal. I'm glad Mike isn't here to see this.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
(04-13-2014, 11:03 AM)ramseycat Wrote: I'm stressing. I gave Matt a $5k advance on his 1st installment. That money was supposed to last him a few months. I've been supporting him with my own money since Mike died. He owes me $8k out of his installment. Since he deposited the check Friday he has spent $3200 at bars and a Braves game. I'm so disgusted. My brother worked so hard to save and invest so the kids would have some security. Matt's going to be coming back to me for more money. He just doesn't get it that I have to settle the obligations of the estate before the obligations to the heirs. I have to walk away from this before it drives me crazy. I really can't deal. I'm glad Mike isn't here to see this.

Isn't there a way to give them all the money they're owed and be done with it?

Who cares at this point if they blow it all or not? Give them a big check, wash your hands of the whole mess and be a lot less stressed out.

I'm probably making it sound a lot easier than it is...I've never had to deal with something like you are, so I don't have a clue.
(04-13-2014, 11:03 AM)ramseycat Wrote: I'm stressing. I gave Matt a $5k advance on his 1st installment. That money was supposed to last him a few months. I've been supporting him with my own money since Mike died. He owes me $8k out of his installment. Since he deposited the check Friday he has spent $3200 at bars and a Braves game. I'm so disgusted. My brother worked so hard to save and invest so the kids would have some security. Matt's going to be coming back to me for more money. He just doesn't get it that I have to settle the obligations of the estate before the obligations to the heirs. I have to walk away from this before it drives me crazy. I really can't deal. I'm glad Mike isn't here to see this.

You opened the door for me to comment -

Ramsey, he is an ingrate, a liar & a thief. These are things you KNOW to be fact. He does not deserve any courtesy from you. I know and understand your desire to care for your brother's kids, I get that but there comes a point when enough is enough. His actions affect your well being. He can say all kinds of pretty words to you but his actions speak louder and they speak the truth. He is a juvenile twat who does not appreciate you. Fuck him. Fulfill your obligations as the executor of the will and get him the hell out of your life.

Do you control the money to the extent of taking what he owes you before it's given to him? I sure hope so.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Yes I go. And you're right. I can't help him and I'm walking away. I have my own kids to worry about.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
(04-13-2014, 12:27 PM)FAHQTOO Wrote:
(04-13-2014, 11:03 AM)ramseycat Wrote: I'm stressing. I gave Matt a $5k advance on his 1st installment. That money was supposed to last him a few months. I've been supporting him with my own money since Mike died. He owes me $8k out of his installment. Since he deposited the check Friday he has spent $3200 at bars and a Braves game. I'm so disgusted. My brother worked so hard to save and invest so the kids would have some security. Matt's going to be coming back to me for more money. He just doesn't get it that I have to settle the obligations of the estate before the obligations to the heirs. I have to walk away from this before it drives me crazy. I really can't deal. I'm glad Mike isn't here to see this.

Isn't there a way to give them all the money they're owed and be done with it?

Who cares at this point if they blow it all or not? Give them a big check, wash your hands of the whole mess and be a lot less stressed out.

I'm probably making it sound a lot easier than it is...I've never had to deal with something like you are, so I don't have a clue.

I wish I could but I gave to follow the trust. Pretty soon I should be able to give them their first installment and then that's it for two years. If they spend it all in that time oh well.
(04-13-2014, 01:53 PM)ramseycat Wrote: Yes I go. And you're right. I can't help him and I'm walking away. I have my own kids to worry about.

What about YOU? Do you ever put yourself first? You owe yourself something too. You are worth being a priority.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I bought 6 pairs of sandals Friday off Shoe Carnival. That made me happy. I'm meeting my friend Shelley for lunch this week. And I'm getting the flower boxes for the deck rail this week. Puttering around the house is relaxing for me. And every day I sit out on the deck in my lounger and soak up some sun while the dogs play in the yard. It's little things but it's how I keep my sanity. And from yanking the kids out if school and running back to NY.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
(04-13-2014, 02:12 PM)ramseycat Wrote: I bought 6 pairs of sandals Friday off Shoe Carnival.

Now that's what I call being a priority. *fist bump*
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(04-13-2014, 02:21 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(04-13-2014, 02:12 PM)ramseycat Wrote: I bought 6 pairs of sandals Friday off Shoe Carnival.

Now that's what I call being a priority. *fist bump*

Do I know how to party or what?
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Getting ready for brunch and a long drive.

(jeans, black t-shirt, black tennis shoes and a little bit of an attitude that will hopefully dissipate when the sun wakes up)
Have a safe drive, HotD
(06-10-2014, 12:38 PM)JsMom Wrote: Have a safe drive, HotD

Thanks Js.

I'm getting ready to jump in the midget shower and check out of this joint.

Sup with you today, mamacita? Is your dad still getting stronger?
(06-10-2014, 12:41 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote:
(06-10-2014, 12:38 PM)JsMom Wrote: Have a safe drive, HotD

Thanks Js.

I'm getting ready to jump in the midget shower and check out of this joint.

Sup with you today, mamacita? Is your dad still getting stronger?

I'm not up to much today. J is out with his dad so I'm relaxing. Smiley_emoticons_smile finally.

Thanks for asking about my father. He is doing good, getting stronger each day but his bp is running high so Dr appt tomorrow.
When did this thread come back to life? This does my heart good. I was seriously considering seeing other boards due to the lack of activity over here.

Red button up shirt, black pants, skull and crossbones socks, a wife beater and black and red boxers. Blowing-kisses

Have a safe road trip, Hot D. I don't envy your hours ahead of driving. I hope you had a lovely visit.

All white...white tank, white yoga pants, barefoot.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(06-10-2014, 01:54 PM)Duchess Wrote:

Have a safe road trip, Hot D. I don't envy your hours ahead of driving. I hope you had a lovely visit.

All white...white tank, white yoga pants, barefoot.
Don't forget that cowboy hat. hah
Have a safe trip HotD. wonder I froze my ass off at work...I forgot to get dressed.
(06-10-2014, 01:54 PM)Duchess Wrote: All white...white tank, white yoga pants, barefoot.

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