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Serious curiosity.....
SyberBitch Wrote:I don't hate Ramsey, but she's a pretty easy target and even I can't resist sometimes. Unlike some of the gals in this forum, I doubt she's the kind of gal I would enjoy hanging out with in person... too much of a 'typical female'. She probably played with 'dollies' growing up and has more than likely worn a tiara at least a few times in her life.

I guess you could say, at least from the 'face' shown to us on the forum here, that Ramsey represents the type of shallow female I often want to throttle in 'the real world'. Maybe she isn't like that at all in reality, but it's what we see here. Some of us anyway. Or maybe it's just me.

As for IQs... I learned a long time ago not to flash the numbers around. People never believe it anyway, so what's the point?
Just to clarify - I would NEVER wear a tiara. I never played with dolls. I was too busy following my big brother around. I am a girly girl in that I do get my nails done and I like jewelery. Other than that, I am a tomboy. I love sports. Especially football. I am thrilled to be the Mom of two boys and thank God everyday that I don't have a daughter. I will admit that I am a tard when it comes to computers. I really am just a regular girl/person Syber. I work and raise my kids and come here for some entertainment.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Momster Wrote:I didn't like her BEFORE mock... much much less so now.
How about telling me why Sunny? I don't think we EVER even spoke on the other board when you were there? In fact, I rarely even post. So what is it exactly I did to make you dislike me? Is it because I KNOW to much about your personal life because you posted it all over that board? I can assure you, I hardly remember what you said. Even if I did, if you were not such a bitch I woudn't post it here. But the fact of the matter is you ARE a nutty bitch with a controlling husband who made you leave a board where you had a lot of friends. Who's the fucked up one now? Ah yea, that would be you.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Nothing wrong with tiaras. I plan on wearing one on my last day of work.
Ramsey. Making Lucky Lightening Strikes The New Hope.⿢
86 112
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
DPD Chick Wrote:I'm in the indifferent camp as well.
I admit I didn't realize previous to this board that people had issues with her though
DPD, it's not people but two members here. Momster and Sally. I already addressed Momster. And Sally? I have no idea since I don't know who she is on the other forum and like I said, I don't post much there. Other than that, I didn't know anyone on here prior to joining the forum.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Nothing wrong with tiaras. I plan on wearing one on my last day of work.

Now you KNOW, we are going to need pics.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
ramseycat Wrote:
DPD Chick Wrote:I'm in the indifferent camp as well.
I admit I didn't realize previous to this board that people had issues with her though
DPD, it's not people but two members here. Momster and Sally. I already addressed Momster. And Sally? I have no idea since I don't know who she is on the other forum and like I said, I don't post much there. Other than that, I didn't know anyone on here prior to joining the forum.
You misunderstood me, I meant that I knew you were from the other forum. I have no problem with you over there, I think I only talked to you once or twice. I really don't have any problem with you here either, I'm just messing around ::laugh::It is a mock forum after all.
Sally, are you a Mother or have you only been accused of being one?
Sinister Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Here's something that puzzles me...
Oooh, weird; something that puzzles the bag lady. What are the chances?

[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote:
Quote:Zenith was browbeaten and harassed like I've never seen before and Sinister didn't do shit. Here's Ramsey occasionally being told to 'shut the fuck up' and Sinister's up in arms about it.
Browbeaten like you've never seen.....You ain't seen much, have you? Let me see if I can get this to sink into your thick skull....again;

A) I do not tell people what to post here, until it breaks the rules, and I did not "browbeat" Zenith.
B) Zenith and I went out ONE time and neither of us have gone out of our way to contact the other again since. I don't call that friendship. I call that 2 people who met and decided they don't have much in common. So because I met her in real life I'm supposed to stand up for her in a MOCK forum?
C) This IS the Mock forum, as you keep finding need to point out and when Moose was going after Zenith am I supposed to scold Moose for doing just what this site was created for? When MF changed the rules and made lynching pictures a no-no, I took down those same pics myself when he missed them.
D) For the last motherfucking time to you idiots who can't seem to grasp this, even though I have said it at least 4 times now; it was an honestly curious question because I couldn't see anything Ramsey did to cause all of YOU to get so up in arms. I wanted to learn what it was that made you hate her.

I can't make it any more simple than that and if you can't understand this, it's your problem, not mine. Sorry I can't dumb it down to the lower than snake shit intelligence that you are afflicted with.

I've seen a lot actually, but I've never seen anything like Moose before.

And you're so full of shit, you're ready to explode. You try to demand how people post in here all the fucking time yet now you're trying to weasel your way out of that whole Moose debacle. You're a chicken shit that fell in lust with a blowhard at the expense of someone on here that you thought highly enough to meet in person. But she was a throw away friend, like anyone else you can't use any more.

And I'd bet your IQ is no higher than anyone else's in here, even Ramsey, so that continuous bellowing about it is asinine and actually kind of pathetic. YOU'RE pathetic. I used to feel sorry for you but you're such a toxic personality, that you deserve a lot of the shit that's happened to you.

Enough said.
"Enough said."
I bet not.
Enough said by me.

LuMPyPussy Wrote:Enough said by me.

I highly doubt that.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote:
Quote:Enough said by me.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
ramseycat Wrote:
DPD Chick Wrote:I'm in the indifferent camp as well.
I admit I didn't realize previous to this board that people had issues with her though
DPD, it's not people but two members here. Momster and Sally. I already addressed Momster. And Sally? I have no idea since I don't know who she is on the other forum and like I said, I don't post much there. Other than that, I didn't know anyone on here prior to joining the forum.

Two members here = people right? lol

Guess it doesn't matter Momster was addressed and Sally said she didn't have issues, just mocking.

I don't know any other members that regularly post on both boards, currently.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Sally, are you a Mother or have you only been accused of being one?
I'm accused of being one by those twopesky kids that constantlybadger me about when dinner is going to be ready.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote:
Quote:Enough said by me.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Holy shit coyote ugly, it's Leann-fucking-Rimes.... ::haha::
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
sally Wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Sally, are you a Mother or have you only been accused of being one?
I'm accused of being one by those twopesky kids that constantlybadger me about when dinner is going to be ready.
So, when is dinner going to be ready?
crash Wrote:.
BEST post by Crash ever and DEFINITELY Post of the Day!
It was all about the signature... ::bigg::

The incessant whiny drivel that she continually spews forth just makes you want to 95
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021