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Caylee Anthony. NO JUSTICE
Ad on line for Jose Baez law firm: PRACTICE AREAS Sex Offenses, Internet Crimes, Drug Offense, Homicides, Domestic Violence, White Collar Crimes, Drunk Driving, Federal Crimes ...

Seems Casey got herself the right lawyer.

Jose scored one for his side today. When he kept asking George, you said you smelled the distinct smell of decomposition in your (at the time) missing daughter's car along with your missing granddaughter, and you didn't call the police, why? George said he just didn't, kinda damming.

Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

(05-27-2011, 06:26 PM)Carsman Wrote: Jose scored one for his side today. When he kept asking George, you said you smelled the distinct smell of decomposition in your (at the time) missing daughter's car along with your missing granddaughter, and you didn't call the police, why? George said he just didn't, kinda damming.

"Looking back, sir, there's a lot of things I wish I would have done," George Anthony said, after being pressed by defense attorney Jose Baez as to why he didn't contact police immediately. (a reasonable answer)

all jose managed to do was show that he (jose) agreed there had been a dead body decomposing in casey's car. so if George had disposed of Caylee's body right after an accidental drowning, why would there have been a dead body smelling up the trunk? and yet jose is going to try to claim it was rotten pizza/garbage. which way do you want it baez??

baez has probably violated the Canon of Ethics. if he says he 'knew' the baby was dead while his client sat in jail for these years, he insisted they were searching for a kidnapped live child? let thousands search? lying sack of shit like his client.

Cars: Seems Casey got herself the right lawyer.

see my post #220.
to add to that, he does not know the rules of criminal procedure. he is consistantly over-ruled. he is a buffoon.

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How do you explain the tape if it was an accident?
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3
A cover-up to an accidental death. A staged murder. An Over kill.
Hi here is my take on it. Bearing in mind I have limited information compared to all the stuff you guys have had. I saw her on fox news the other day on Greta. I saw her crying on the witness stand and just in my experience and life experience, my experience in the health profession I would say there is some deceit in the tears. That's what I feel, and that 'gut' feeling is part of the insight we acquire over the years. I understand that in itself is not enough, but I remember when this first happened she was saying SHE dropped the child off with a babysitter.

Didn't her parents stand by her when she was first arrested? She is a bold woman if she thinks she can pass this off as someone elses crime.

Also having said that, I do believe in God and I think justice will prevail.

I was looking at the OJ thing the other day and pics of the crime scene etc. I was talking to my mother about it, I said it would have been better for him if he had have been jailed and paid for his crime. But he was allowed to bond with those children and they are going to hate him. Also the whole world hates him and his life is more miserable had he have been found guilty. I truly believe that.
By the way LC, I don't know how you find the energy to cover all these cases! your brilliant! I mean it, like workaholic brilliant you must be great to work with as a cop. I worked with someone today who didn't pull their weight on the job and it was horrible.
thanks for nice comments Aussie. Smiley_emoticons_smile

saturday, mother cindy on stand. she cried a lot. casey had a big crying angry meltdown at one point. i need to be gone for a while, i'll look for photos when i get back.

this myspace posting was not allowed in, i don't know why not, it shows cindy's state of mind. maybe they will get it in later.

i don't like cindy at all for a lot of reasons, but i don't think she's going to go along with casey's bullshit any longer, which is to her credit.

photo is Caylee's daybed.


My Caylee is Missing - posted by Cindy Anthony on July 3

She came into my life unexpectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don’t know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankful for all of the love and support given to her. A mother’s love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First is seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for the haughtier to change, but instead more lies, more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead she tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?

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casey showed her true colors in court today. fury. rage. hatred. crying for herself. real crying, not the pretend shit she has been doing when coached. here is the real spoiled brat casey. poor poor victim casey. boo fucking hoo. brief video:

her mother laid out what a liar she was/is. her mother also said Caylee never could have climbed in pool alone.

cindy will be back on stand tuesday, i want to see what baez does to try to destroy her. they haven't even touched on the alleged sexual abuse.

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May I ask a couple questions? 50
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(05-28-2011, 05:34 PM)Duchess Wrote:

May I ask a couple questions? 50

well of course! Smiley_emoticons_wink i may or may not know the answers. Smiley_emoticons_razz


I read what you posted & I watched the video. I'm curious to know why she is so pissed & weepy. Did she think her mom would lie for her? Did she think her mom was lying to the court and I'm wondering what brought on the reaction I see in the third photo in.

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
it is my opinion, from following the cast of characters for about 3 years, that she is angry as hell her mom didn't cover up for her as she has done all along. something has happened where cindy finally understands her daughter is a monster. it took a long time. she even said today that she was still looking for 'zanny' the imaginary nanny up until 6 weeks ago!! the woman has been in total denial all this time.
i think baez claiming all the sexual abuse etc. put her in another place. she gets it. what she never wanted to believe.
i don't like cindy, but i now feel sorry for her. she lost her little grand-daughter and has pretty much lost her daughter too.

casey today let her hatred and rage show for a few minutes. the picture of Dorian Gray was exposed. mommy didn't go along with the program. but SHE set out to destroy mom, dad and brother. WTF did she expect?

edit to add...i know liars. cindy was not lying to the court today.

I bet you Casey is raging about Cindy walking out with Daddy Anthony. Taking his arm, standing by his side. I think Casey lives her own lies. The lastest being that Casey is a victim of childhood sexual abuse.

Casey is hating on Cindy for not immediately believing what Bozo said in the opening statements. In a letter Casey wrote while incarcerated, she set the stage for Cindy not believing Casey when she told her mom about Brother Anthony "feeling her up".

Casey has been planning out the pity party event for awhile. This is all part of the lie.
She will be looking for a plea deal, I hope it's too late but I also know that is not the case.

She has finally lost her support group, that will tear the shit out of a defendant especially one facing the death penalty.

if this goes all the way to sentencing on the death sentence expect to see cindy ask the court for mercy for her daughter.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

i'd be shocked and appalled if the state ever went along with a plea now.

and you're right, if it gets to penalty phase of course her family will beg for her life, despite what she has done to them. they will excuse her for being mentally disturbed. what else can they do?
baez could have gone with a mental defense, but he chose not to. they might have had a chance with that. it's too late now, but in a penalty phase they will use a mental defense in mitigation. it will be PTSD. from all her 'abuse'.

That little girl was so beautiful it shows how cold hearted she was when she just went on with her life business as usual ie partying. I dont think the prosecutors will leave that out. I do believe in justice and I think she is going to be found guilty. She lost the support of her parents who were in denial. They are not anymore. Or maybe they knew and they didn't want to admit it publicly until she started accusing.

It's all so horrible. If she really didn't want that child she could have given her away or up for adoption but murder? She won't get away with it, no matter how many buckets of tears she pulls out.
A little background on Mason.

Quote:According to Hal Boedeker of Orlando Sentinel while talking about Casey, Cheney said, “I have a great belief personally in her innocence. I don’t care what the prognosticators and the idiot bloggers have to say or what the idiot bloggers will say about this.” source Cheney claims he doesn’t care but still reads the blogs and gets all bent out of shape. Appears Cheney is quite intimidated by bloggers.

Additionally, during his interview, Cheney Mason declared his fondness for Casey saying ”she’s a nice human being” . Hal Boedecker noted Cheney described Casey as “far more emotional” than people see, but that jail has “toughened her up” and that she is “very, very likable and very bright.”

Interestingly, according to Orange Co. Jail records obtained by The Caylee Daily, Cheney has only visited Casey once in jail on 7/24/2010. How would he know she is ’far more emotional’ than people see? I call Cheney’s bluff – he’s simply trying to sway potential jurors into thinking Casey is ”likable” and a nice person. It’s all just a stategy to win the case, just like the patting on her back & touching each other in court.

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An accidental death, grossly mishandled by all involved. Casey doesn't seem self sufficient enough to have handled this mess all by helself. She had to have help.

Prosecutors put Cindy on stand and showed her the photo of Caylee's bed, knowing full well that she would break down like she did, it was done for emotional effect on the jury. Why didn't they show the photo to Georgie, cause they knew he wouldn't have acted the same way.
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

(05-28-2011, 09:56 PM)Adub Wrote: Bullshit

And You know this how?
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
