Here we fucking go again, she is looking down and crying...I am sure she will be "ill" by the end of the day today as well.
I still would love to know WHY (if we are going with the drowning in the pool theory) did she BNOT report it, if she HATED her parents so bad? She could have easily blamed them like she is doing now!
I just don’t understand BOZO's theory of WHY she did not report it IF it was indeed an accident. SHE would have gotten a plea if it was an accident and she just fucking admitted it. I REALLY THINK SHE believe she will beat this charge!
I DO NOT FEEL BAD for her shaking, crying...who I do feel bad for is her parents that have to innocently be blamed for her actions. First Zanny, Roy Kronk, her parents....(several nameless people in the middle).
ANOTHER thing that is crazy to me, BOZO is really going to try and blame the person who found her bones. WHAT motive would a guy that has no attachments to the Anthony family have to dispose of the bones or have Caylee’s little body?
I have SO many comments and thoughts about this case…I could go on and on. WHO is the curly haired women who is sitting next to her, putting her arm around her like she feel so sorry for her…is she counsel??
(06-10-2011, 10:16 AM)browntabby1226 Wrote: Such an actress she should win an award for this.Did she not know this info. before trial bet she did.Look at me i'm the victim........
Unless she pukes in court, I refuse to believe she is actually upset and not acting...she is listening to this info...she has ALREADY READ this information prior to court. NOTHING that is being presented in court is NEW to her or ANYONE at that defense table.
(06-10-2011, 10:16 AM)browntabby1226 Wrote: Such an actress she should win an award for this.Did she not know this info. before trial bet she did.Look at me i'm the victim........
WTF happened to "Casey's World"? Where Miss Anthony goes when the things get ugly? Her defense team should cue her in that now is the time to go. It worked in the past, why isn't it working now?
(06-10-2011, 10:16 AM)browntabby1226 Wrote: Such an actress she should win an award for this.Did she not know this info. before trial bet she did.Look at me i'm the victim........
Does her tissue ever get wet? And I want to know where she got that great waterproof mascara!
so, the makeup question...she is NOT ALLOWED to have makeup, if one of those lawyers is giving it to her, they should be sanctioned. however, inmates are creative, it could be marker or something else improvised.
this huggy shit on the inmate is also verboten. it needs to stop. it is for the jury's benefit. screw that. it's all a big BS performance in my opinion. although, it may be hitting her that she's in deep doo doo. that she can't lie her way out of this mess.
another point i want to make. she LIKES being the center of attention in court. if she really gets sick the trial can continue as long as she gets a video feed.
this Judge cares about this sequestered jury and will not waste their time.
I fucking LOVE Dr. G, haha, she laughed at counsel when he started questioning. He is a smug bastard...I can not even think of anything better to say about him.
I LOVE DR.G's TESTIMONY, she is getting everything out!!! haha Fucking love her!!!
oh shit, now baez says it can't be proven the duct tape was a weapon that caused death. but i suppose he can prove it was drowning?? he does not like the skull superimposed over Caylee's face either. which is an anthropological tool. but baez is just a tool.
yeah mason, little Caylee killed herself, duct-taped herself, and crawled into trash bags in the palmetto scrub. not a homicide.
I cannot agree with you more! FFS whose running this circus? Some of the shit that the defense implies/asks just defies logic. I'm thinking they have laid an amazing case for a retrial for Casey based on ineffective assistance of counsel!
the state made HUGE headway this week. baez and mason are in trouble.
i have one concern, the state has not said whether they believe Caylee's cause of death was the duct tape or chloroform. but, she could have pulled tape off if she was conscious. there is no provable cause of death known anyway. but ME says she DID NOT DROWN.
the animation of skull/Caylee's face/ duct tape did come in, but baez is going to try to make it an issue on appeal since he says it was intended to inflame the jury. saying george stuck his penis in casey's mouth was NOT inflammatory however.
here is bozo's high-tech exhibit which followed the anthropologist's professional animation---->
DR. MICHAEL WARREN -- Anthropology professor at the University of Florida. Created an animation comparing Caylee Anthony's skull to a photo of her taken when she was alive.
LC. I'm not sure this has been brought up yet, if it has, what page?
How was Casey supposed to have dumped little Caylee's body to the site, did she walk from her parents house? Did she drive to the side of the road and walk in? Did she go into the woods from another direction? I haven't hear it mentioned.
Thanks dear.
"Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed."
(06-10-2011, 05:37 PM)Red_velvet71 Wrote: LC. I'm not sure this has been brought up yet, if it has, what page?
How was Casey supposed to have dumped little Caylee's body to the site, did she walk from her parents house? Did she drive to the side of the road and walk in? Did she go into the woods from another direction? I haven't hear it mentioned.
Thanks dear.
i haven't heard speculation about that yet. and may never. but remember, body was in her car trunk. she probably just pulled over and walked in a short distance.
besides, george disposed of her body and roy kronk held onto it for months.
(06-10-2011, 05:54 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: you own the joint.
Stop that!
I only know the basic story behind this case, that's all. I'm curious why there is so much animosity regarding George & Cindy. I've seen many, many photos & that kid looks loved. She has nice things, she's always dressed beautifully and looks exceedingly well cared for. I don't understand why so many people appear to be against the grandparents.
in a nutshell, because they did everything they could to obstruct justice ever since this happened. right up until casey accused george of molesting her and disposing of Caylee.
also...they profited $$$$ throughout the investigation and wait for trial, while they bought things, got tattoos, diamond studs for george, let their house go into foreclosure while they took a cruise...that was blood money from selling the child's photos and appearing all over the talk shows. cindy in particular lied like a rug from day one. and she blocked Texas Equusearch from searching. i could go on and on.
that's just in brief, but there's a lot more in this thread, earlier portions. and i had a lot of observations from very beginning at 24 where i started initial thread, but that's gone. i thought cindy and george were complete nutjobs from the day Caylee was reported missing.