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She better start cashing in on some of those offers, soon.
If she's truly in danger, as Baez and Mason allege, she's gonna need a full-time security detail.
They're pricey.
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We send balloons to heaven every Easter and Birthday.
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(08-09-2011, 07:37 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: . . george and cindy showed up.
I wonder how the murdering cunt honored her daughter, today?
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Does anyone happen to know the address to where the memorial for Caylee is? The news sites are reporting "where Caylee's remains were found" however I don't have an address for the location. A friend of mine is honeymooning in Orlando and would like to visit the memorial to pay her respects to Caylee.
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(08-10-2011, 12:46 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: it's on Suburban Drive.
Thanks LC! I was trying to find the road name and shockingly couldn't come up with it! Your help is much appreciated!
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you're welcome. it's a residential neighborhood. the greedy lying anthonys live at intersected street, Hopespring drive.
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more scumsucking bottom-feeding dirtbags wanting to profit from Caylee. DON'T CONTRIBUTE!
and that property is underwater much of the time. do you really need to go out there in the palmetto scrub with the rattlesnakes to remember missing kids? Caylee was never missing. she was in a trash bag and that family knew it. FUCK ALL OF THEM!  :bricking:
Tuesday, a nonprofit organization released artwork of a permanent memorial they hope to build at the site. A real estate agent confirmed that representatives from Bring Kids Home has signed a contract to purchase the property. The owner had originally listed the vacant land for $88,000.
Bring Kids Home is now trying to raise $200,000 to build the memorial, which will honor Caylee and other missing children, according to a spokesman. They are hoping to raise $25,000 from individual donations, with corporate donors covering the remaining cost.
The New Jersey-based nonprofit registered as a corporation in 2008. However, a Local 6 News investigation revealed that New Jersey officials revoked the group's corporation status in April because officers failed to submit annual reports for the past two years as required by law.
The founder of Bring Kids Home, Eric Segura, told Local 6 News reporter Mike DeForest that he was unaware he was required to file those reports. BULLSHIT!! He said he was not aware New Jersey officials had revoked the corporation status until Local 6 brought it to his attention.
Segura acknowledged that his group has not done much fundraising prior to seeking $200,000 to build the Suburban Drive memorial. He insists the project is legitimate and will get built, as long as Orange County commissioners rezone the land to allow the memorial. If the project does not proceed, donors who purchase bricks will be refunded a portion of their donation, and other donations may not be returned, according to the group's website.
"It is a new organization. I can't answer if the public can trust it," said Eddie DelValle, an Orlando-based volunteer for Bring Kids Home, who is organizing the memorial project. "I'm putting my faith in it."
sickening fuckers want 450 K for an interview!! ---->
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DCF is doing a "death review". States that Casey is responsible for Caylee's death because she was her guardian and her negligence contributed to Caylee's death. Casey's "failure to protect" Caylee caused her death.
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(08-11-2011, 12:53 PM)RaisingAPrince Wrote: DCF is doing a "death review". States that Casey is responsible for Caylee's death because she was her guardian and her negligence contributed to Caylee's death. Casey's "failure to protect" Caylee caused her death.
It's a 'Day Late and Dollar Short', CYA move.
C'mon . . . they actually needed a review to determine responsibility?
It's like having a committee to investigate if water is 'wet'.
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Judge in Florida orders Casey Anthony to serve probation
Orlando, Florida (CNN) -- A Florida judge ruled Friday that Casey Anthony must serve one year of supervised probation for a check-fraud conviction.
Orange County Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. said that Anthony has to report no later than noon August 26 but that she can report earlier.
Perry also ruled that the Florida Department of Corrections is authorized to keep her address confidential in order to safeguard her well-being.
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Looks like I lost that bet.
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I would have never thought the judge would make her come back to Orlando for probation. I have always thought the bitch should have to.
She mise well just  DO US ALL A FAVOR!
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(08-12-2011, 02:31 PM)JsMom Wrote: I would have never thought the judge would make her come back to Orlando for probation. I have always thought the bitch should have to.
She mise well just DO US ALL A FAVOR!
I'm not a tard, no no no I'm not.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
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actually, i did think Perry might do this. he doesn't want any more hatred directed at him. and i feel certain he read ALL the remotely applicable case law he could find, which was nil, so he probably created precedent.
i just got home and have not caught up on the exact orders, going to go do that soon.
i hear he excoriated bozo too.
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a tiny bit of my faith is restored. i hope a complaint is filed with the Florida Bar. eat shit and die baez, mason, sims et al. you deserve exactly what you've got on your hands, a client with no money and no place to hide. are you supporting her? hahahahahaha
Orlando Sentinel
In his order, Perry said it is clear Anthony's probation was to start once she was released from jail. He said Strickland had the ability to correct what amounted to a clerical error.
Perry said there was no double jeopardy issue because Anthony couldn't comply with the standard 13 conditions of probation while she was in jail.
"To permit the Defendant, whose counsel was well aware that the probation was to begin upon the Defendant's release from jail, to avoid serving probation now, would take a lawfully imposed sentence and make it a mockery of justice," Perry wrote. "This would allow a defendant to take advantage of a scrivener's error and be rewarded. This is not the message the courts want to send to the public or defendants."
During last week's hearing, Perry asked the defense if they knew about the probation being served in jail. Defense attorney Lisabeth Fryer admitted that they did, but said it wasn't the defense's burden to notify the court about it.
Perry took up that issue in his order as well, stating that attorneys have "a duty of candor."
"While ignorance of the contents of a court order is one thing, the failure to abide by that order and the failure to notify the court of a known scrivener's error in the order may be a violation of an attorney's duty of candor," Perry wrote. "To additionally seek to use a scrivener's error to achieve an end that was against the court's intent, especially where both parties had argued the issue of when probation should commence, strikes at the very foundation of our justice system."
Perry continued, "No attorney should conduct himself or herself in a way that impedes an order of the court.…Our system of justice should never be in the position of rewarding someone who willfully hides the ball."
The judge included a portion of the Florida Bar's rules of professional conduct in his order.
"It is very clear that the Defendant and her attorney knew she was to start her probation upon release from the Orange County Jail. Despite this fact, they took advantage of a scrivener's error which started the probation while she was being held in the jail pending trial," Perry wrote. "The defense should not be able to claim that they are now harmed by having the Defendant serve probation at this time."
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This decision is a good surprise. It makes no sense for someone to serve probation while incarcerated. It defeats the whole purpose. The verdict in the murder trial left me jaded, so I didn't expect Judge Perry to rule in favor of the state and require her to serve real probation in Orlando. I'm glad he did.
Judge Perry seemed very annoyed with Baez (again) for claiming that he had no obligation to inform anyone that he was aware of the court reporter's error in transcribing Judge Strickland's probation order. He knew that the Dept of Corrections was moving forward against Strickland's order/intent when they started the probation clock last year, but Baez didn't say jack. I don't think he had any idea that his guilty client would be set free.. Still, he should have spoken up back then or just conceded to external probation upon the felon's release.
Bet the residents of Orlando are thrilled that Ms. Anthony is returning to the scene of the crime.
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LC, Could she be jailed for VOP? Just wondering...
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(08-12-2011, 03:29 PM)JsMom Wrote: LC, Could she be jailed for VOP? Just wondering...
sure, if she violates. and VOP in florida means no bond.
i love that she is ordered to get a job. i guess jose or mason are going to have to hire her.
Confirmed: #caseyanthony defense team will appeal Judge Perry probation ruling.
11 minutes ago
bob kealing
In a press release tonight, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney says #CaseyAnthony will not be returning to their home for probation.
Violation of Probation in Florida
Violation of probation (VOP) in Florida is a very serious offense. By acting contrary to a specific or general condition handed down by a judge at a sentencing or failing to comply with the terms of the probation can result in a revocation of the probation which could result in a number of severe penalties including significant jail time. It is important to remember that there is no statute of limitations when it comes to the crimes committed during a probation violation in Florida; that is to say the law can prosecute alleged violator at any time after the alleged violation.
If a person violates their probation they do not have a right to a trial before a jury, and the balance of the burden of proof shifts to be based on a preponderance of evidence. Unlike other criminal cases where there must be compelling evidence that a person committed a crime, in a VOP hearing prosecuting attorneys only have to prove that a person probably committed a crime. Furthermore, you can also be compelled to be a witness at your hearing.
the rules:
When Casey Anthony returns to Orlando she will be bound by the rules of her probation for one year, for a check-fraud charge she pleaded guilty to in 2010.
Meet with a probation officer on the fifth day of every month
Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge
Not change her residence or employment or leave the county without first getting consent from her probation officer
Neither possess, carry or own any weapons or firearm without first getting consent from her probation officer
Not 'use intoxicants to excess'. She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used
'Work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependants to the best of your ability'
Answer her probation officer's questions promptly
Not possess marijuana or other controlled substances
Submit to reasonable searches without a warrant of her person, effects, residence or business premises or vehicle for alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, weapons or firearms.
Submit to chemical tests (breath, urine, blood) upon request to determine the presence and quantity of alcohol or controlled substance in blood.
Not knowingly associate with others engaged in criminal acts.