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Are you a keeper or purger?
Holy crap! We have a lot of stuff. We have thrown out a ton and there is still a lot. I have a walk in closet with shelves for storage. There was stuff on the top shelves I forgot I had. And then there's my moms house. She was a secret hoarder! Her garage and closets were very neat and organized but she had so much stuff. I will never have to buy Pledge again. She had about 25 pairs of shoes that were all basically the same. Some never even worn. We filled up my whole car with her clothes and shoes to donate.

I've always thought of myself as a purger. I am always throwing stuff out. Shredding paid bills and paperwork. I was fooling myself!
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies

I don't keep anything unless it has sentimental value. The former Mrs. Cowboy was a goddamn pack rat who kept everything right down to her prom dresses. I still come across stuff of hers & one wing of the basement is stuck in a time warp filled with her stuff. It used to bug the snot outta me but I haven't cared in quite awhile.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I throw away most things and only keep things that are special/need of mine. I'm a less is more type chic. Smiley_emoticons_wink
I am a keeper, who is in process of purging. I spent most of the last two weeks I was off work just getting rid of shit. And there is still more shit I can get rid of. I filled my two recycle bins to overflowing twice. And filled the outside trash bin, twice. And there is still shit. FML.
I'm a purger and my husband is a hoarder. He has drawers full of wires and cables and adapters and plugs all rolled into a ball and goes to god knows what. God forbid I throw any of it away, that would be the day he would need it.
I really really really hate moving.
Get a dumpster or give it to goodwill or the salvation army and claim it as a charitable donation. You could get back 250.00 as they let you tell them how much your crap is worth. 2000.00 will get you 250.00 by the way. The IRS has caught on to the other schemes.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I've already had a dumpster. One here and one at my mothers. Both filled. I've also donated a to Sally's. unfortunately the rest if the stuff we use and is coming with us.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
How much will THAT cost to ship to her?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I've been told that I'm a keeper.

(But the guy was a hoarder, so probably doesn't mean too much.)

My wife on the other hand, needs my continual reminders that we can get rid of a ton of shit that appears to be stacking up.

When I do mention that she's a borderline hoarder, I get a real nasty look (and a comment or two).
I purge twice a year I think... things that go unused or unopened get donated if they are in good shape. The rest goes to the scrap heap.
Purger...I fucking hate a bunch of useless shit laying around.
I'm both. I have a habit of collecting stuff I may need to utilize later, but I also have no problem scrapping out an entire roomful of stuff if I need to get rid of it. I'm bad about storing roomfuls of furniture and dressers etc because someone might need one and when I go into discard mode I call out for takers. I hate wastefulness...
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.
I readily acknowledge I might have a little problem hoarding old books though. And the GF has specifically forbidden any more shelves being brought in.
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.

Books are treasures & I love to see walls lined with bookshelves.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]