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I really don't give a tinker's cuss what type of car she drives. My point was, dopey, don't criticise others (wrongly, I might add) for supporting a prime minister in power who is cutting jobs and bang on about being part of a club that supports workers when you yourself are not supporting Australian workers with your buying choices.
And please enlighten me as to where or when I suggested which club she should or should not belong to?
And just for your info, petal, I don't wear panties, and even if was they are far from in a bunch. I'm having a pretty awesome day. My girls are both home, my debtors have all paid and the Christmas spirit is alive in the Crash household. Laughing at the hypocrisy and stupidity on display here today here is just a bonus, thanks for adding to it!
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That's so not true bout the Workers Club. You got it wrong. They had some poker championship on Saturday and some heat thing poker players there and I think the grand final will be 1mil at the casino. I don't pay much attention to that it bores me. One thing I did notice, that all those gamblers were not very well dressed except one girl with nice manicured nails. I don't think gambling pays. I don't mind lotto now and again, but not poker. There are no pokies there and it's in the city, it's really nice Crash, and comfortable. There is a garden area out the back for smokers.
(12-09-2014, 01:13 AM)blueberryhill Wrote: Crash, quit picking on my buddy, Aussie..
Thanks for that BBH. He gets like this around this time of year and tax time, although I highly doubt he pays any tax.
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Yeah, as an event, but they don't have regular gaming tables where you can go bet against the house every day of the week, right?
I'll make you a deal, Loosey Loo; next year you pay my tax and I'll pay yours?
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(12-09-2014, 06:22 AM)crash Wrote: I'll make you a deal, Loosey Loo; next year you pay my tax and I'll pay yours?
Oh HELL NO! I am feeling pretty agro at the moment about tax. I exceeded my fringe benefits in one part of income and now have had to redirect my salary into other areas including the car. However, I earned so much last fortnight with penalty rates etc, I had underestimated the amount and have paid a large chunk of my income on tax this fortnight. I am hugely pissed about it. It means essentially, I am going to work, parking, petrol, putting up with work politics and not getting paid for it, it goes to your mate PhonyTony. I will NOT make the same mistake over Christmas.
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Yeah, I didn't thinks so. You could have almost bought a 3 bedder on the outskirts of Launy for what I gave the government in tax this year.
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(12-09-2014, 07:24 PM)crash Wrote: Yeah, I didn't thinks so. You could have almost bought a 3 bedder on the outskirts of Launy for what I gave the government in tax this year.
Oh fuck off! That just means you made a vulgar amount of money.
Whereas if I don't work too often, I can break even
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Sounds like you pay more taxes than we do here in U.S. The poor and middle class pay more tax relative to their income than their wealthier counterparts.
Also, Maggs, your upside down tree is making me dizzy.....
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(12-09-2014, 09:29 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Oh fuck off! That just means you made a vulgar amount of money.
No, it means I worked my ass off. And I just looked at the Real estate prices in Launceston and holy shit they've gone up a lot since last time I looked! Make that go you halves in a two bedder..
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(12-09-2014, 10:11 PM)crash Wrote: (12-09-2014, 09:29 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Oh fuck off! That just means you made a vulgar amount of money.
No, it means I worked my ass off. And I just looked at the Real estate prices in Launceston and holy shit they've gone up a lot since last time I looked! Make that go you halves in a two bedder..
Haha...who are you trying to fool?
2 bedder...Okay, wink, wink.
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(12-09-2014, 10:55 PM)crash Wrote: Umm...wut?
What does "make you go halves in a two bedder's mean"? Like, share an apartment?
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(12-09-2014, 11:59 PM)username Wrote: What does "make you go halves in a two bedder's mean"? Like, share an apartment?
He is suggesting we go in 50⁄ 50 in an investment property. Any expenses (contractors, agents etc.) can also be used as tax deductions. These properties can also generate income.
(12-09-2014, 10:11 PM)crash Wrote: (12-09-2014, 09:29 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Oh fuck off! That just means you made a vulgar amount of money.
No, it means I worked my ass off. And I just looked at the Real estate prices in Launceston and holy shit they've gone up a lot since last time I looked! Make that go you halves in a two bedder..
Lonnie is a hole! You cannot throw a cat in that place without running into someone you don't want to meet. Cheap real estate when I was at uni, but it gets boring. I'm in Hobart, much nicer, Syndey to Hobart Yacht race every year and they have this food festival around the same time. It is awesome. It can get boring around here, they are backward, definitely cannot compete with Sydney in that respect. But it is friendly and wonderful to have a family in. People are so polite and courteous on the road compared to other states. But it still has it's fair share of bogans, generational ruling class and people who have not even left the island who think they are better than you.
This is a picture of my first unit I rented when I arrived in Launceston. It costs $150 per week in 2004. You can see in the background my mother standing holding the then baby. That is my first car in Launceston a 1992 Magna cost $2000. To be honest, I really don't care about material things, or money or that kind of stuff. Many do, I don't. I just always make do with where I am at. I don't complain, I always have a feeling of gratitude for what I have. Be it looked down upon and besmirched by others, the money I earn is honest and I try to give back where ever and when ever I can.
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My daughter is where we wanted her to go originally. He's coming home tomorrow but when he visited her today, he found her hanging out with around 6 other girls at a table chatting. I'm so happy, I'm going to take around 4 Advil pm's and sleep like a brick. If I don't post by 10am or something, I'm still sleeping or dead.
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(12-10-2014, 02:13 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: (12-09-2014, 11:59 PM)username Wrote: What does "make you go halves in a two bedder's mean"? Like, share an apartment?
He is suggesting we go in 50⁄50 in an investment property.
No, I wasn't. I was suggesting I paid enough in tax to buy a 3 bdr house on my own, hypothetically, but when I actually looked at how much real estate had gone up there since the last time I looked, the amount I paid in tax would only buy half a 2 bdr house, therefore go halves with someone, hypothetically.
F2, I think Loosey Loo has about as much interest in shacking up with me as I would in shacking up with her; absolutely fuckibg zero.
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(12-10-2014, 02:47 AM)username Wrote: My daughter is where we wanted her to go originally. He's coming home tomorrow but when he visited her today, he found her hanging out with around 6 other girls at a table chatting. I'm so happy, I'm going to take around 4 Advil pm's and sleep like a brick. If I don't post by 10am or something, I'm still sleeping or dead. 
That's a really good sign -- that she's socializing -- right?
I hope your girl bonds with some of the other girls, starts eating well, and has good counselors who she lets help her. I imagine that would be the best gift she could give you and your husband (and herself) going into a new year.
I really hope this is THE place, user.
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aussiebitch..........Keep voting in flaming liberals that will gladly spend your money on pipe dreams, your taxes will go up-up-up.
Bluebush.........what does that tree look like?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(12-10-2014, 11:05 AM)Maggot Wrote: Bluebush.........what does that tree look like?
Is this a trick question?
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(12-10-2014, 02:47 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: (12-10-2014, 11:05 AM)Maggot Wrote: Bluebush.........what does that tree look like?
Is this a trick question?
No, it is a sexually motivated response technique I use for my psychological profile file.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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My son's high school is closing for the next two days because of the expected storm. This is a first; I'm amazed. I don't know if it's district wide or just his school because a few classrooms flood. Wow.
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So this is what a Winter storm in California looks like? It's all over my welcome screen, it's being written about like it's a big, scary monster.