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Poor Sterling is batteling prostate cancer. The timing of this announcement is suspicious.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
(05-02-2014, 06:51 AM)crash Wrote: Where have I ever said that?

(05-07-2013, 08:46 PM)crash Wrote: I have no problem with her wealth and her business savvy. Methinks you should reign in your tall poppy syndrome...
Having no problem in her being wealthy and her business savvy is far from thinking 'she's a doll'. But you draw that long bow of yours to fit whatever purpose you need, Loosey Loo, I don't mind.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
Now your just being silly. It's not business savvy when you inherit a fortune. She dropped out of uni, any brains she has, she hires. The only thing she is good at, is being greedy.
She inherited money, yes, but she has made some very shrewd acquisitions since. Also some very clever developments and investments. She beat the Chinese at their own game.

I'm sure she does have a smart team of people behind her. How does that differ any from Oprah, silly?
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
Oprah is self made, and blessed, that other troll is not. I dare say that if I gave you the fortune that you inherited you too would be the richest woman in the world, with more flair of course.
She was a long way from being the richest woman in the world when she inherited it. James packer was the richest Australian when he inherited his and look how he fucked that up.

Oprah was network made, not self made. Clever network marketing. It sucked you in.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
Maybe you would have fucked it up like Packer. Oprah had a job, and went from there. I am not 'sucked in' by anybody. What about you and Suzuki? What do those pesky scientists know anyway?
Why the hell are you arguing about how great Oprah is?? Do you really think you will change Crash's mind?
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Maybe I would have. Actually, probably would have. Along with you and 95% of the rest of the population. I don't kid myself that I'm that good at business.

And not that I've ever met the guy, nor spoken to him, but I'm pretty sure he would 'urgghh' at the label scientist.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
(05-02-2014, 09:09 PM)ramseycat Wrote: Why the hell are you arguing about how great Oprah is?? Do you really think you will change Crash's mind?

Because she's sick of having her ass handed to her on a plate by HotD. She thought she'd talk out her ass a bit and try and take a stroll down the Trollywood red carpet with me.

“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
You must be pretty hard up when you have to call in Ramsey for back up.
I wouldn't know, I never have. The way you're talking out your arse atm, you may well resort to it..
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
I don't know how you reconcile admiring a world renown highly respected person such as David Suzuki and then in the next breath, espouse the virtues of a major carbon pollutant.

By the way, you may accuse me of speaking out of my arse, but I have achieved some major milestones myself recently, I just don't brag about it like you do.
I wasn't bragging.

You accused me of working in an industry that robs and pollutes and blah blah. I was pointing out to you that I don't solely work in that industry, and contrary to your judgement of my work, my profession is not limited to mining, but reaches into environmentalism as well.

Yeah, talking out your arse, with your 'Espouse the virtues' comment, you just proved my point for me again. I hope you don't use that much hyperbole and sensationalism in your academic work; I couldn't see it getting you far.

As for the people who dig the stuff out of the ground, I'm pretty sure they only do it because the end user demands it. Unless you're typing your tripe away there on a solar powered laptop and getting around the apple isle on a push bike, you're part of the problem too. Not to mention anything plastic you have, the music you make blah blah.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021

I listened to Barbara Walters interview V last night. She's been with Sterling since the tape was released, he declined to be interviewed. V says she loves him but she's not in love with him, she views him as a father figure.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Sterling seems to like being in the middle of his wife and his mistress/assistant/faux-daughter or whatever she is. He advertises it. I don't think it's his age causing him to behave that way -- he's always been "that guy". That's how he rolls; Hollyweird drama.

He first announced that he was gonna do the Baba Wawa interview, then not, then it was back on, and finally he said "he wasn't ready". (Translation: Rochelle said, "I will take you to the cleaners if you go through with it"?)

That effin' visor that V.'s been wearing since the scandal broke is the icing on the cake. hah

[Image: 0502-v-stiviano-splash-news-com-4.jpg]

She's posted her photo everywhere, it's all over the news and entertainment sites, and I'm gonna guess that reporters have a slight clue that it's her behind that inconspicuous head wear. Cuckoo bird, for sure.

She's a weird one for sure. I glanced up at her a few times last night and her eyes were all over the place, they were roaming almost constantly, up and down, back & forth.

I read somewhere recently that Sterling threw her a 21st birthday party last Fall. *snort*
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
The Clippers won game 7 of the first round of the NBA Western Conference play-offs last night. 89

Of course, that means the Warriors are down for the count this season. Crying-into-tissue

Can't have it all.

Pleasantly absent from the sports pieces that I read this morning was any mention of racism, visors, and lawsuits -- good; Doc Rivers, Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and the rest of the team deserve to be the focus. Close game.
Criminal Investigation of V. Stiviano Now Launched

So, LAPD has now launched a criminal investigation into the release of the tape, reportedly after someone close to Sterling filed a complaint that he was the victim of extortion by V. Stiviano.

Stiviano maintains that she had Sterling's permission to tape their calls (required under California law) and that a friend released them without her permission (better pony up that pal, V.).

TMZ's posted her rap sheet and aliases, along with a video of Tommy Lasorda saying he's not surprised by what his friend Sterling said and he shouldn't have said it, but he hopes Stiviano gets hit by a car. TMZ also notes that since reporting last week that it was Sterling who called V. asking her "how can we make this go away?", they have learned that it was actually V. who actually called Sterling asking that question.

Does anyone even care anymore? Probably not so many -- it doesn't impact anything that's happened thus far. But, if she released those tapes and extorted him, I hope there's evidence and she's convicted. Not only because she deserves it if guilty, but to prevent other would-be extortionists from pulling the same shit. Weird, though, Sterling doesn't seem to behave as though he thinks she extorted him -- I'd still like to hear from him directly.
