07-06-2014, 12:44 AM
"8:30 a.m.: Ross and Cooper Harris leave the condo and head to Chick-fil-A for breakfast."
He's guilty.
He's guilty.
07-06-2014, 12:44 AM
"8:30 a.m.: Ross and Cooper Harris leave the condo and head to Chick-fil-A for breakfast."
He's guilty.
07-06-2014, 12:57 AM
I get the feeling we're only hearing a portion right now & it's going to get worse. HTH do you forget your baby in just a few minutes time? IDT dad realizes he's in deep shit over those pics he sent to the 17 yr. old too. I have a hard time grasping that dad went to work & out to lunch, knowing his son was in the car, what a POS. It looks like his wife was aware also which is even worse, TWO parents that would do this to an innocent child is beyond words. How do you stand by a killer who's a cheat as well?
07-06-2014, 09:36 AM
(07-05-2014, 11:20 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: There are times when special circumstances require that we, the citizens of this country, mete out punishment to truly fit the crime. Are you advocating citizens of our country taking the law into our own hands & doing what the courts won't or can't do? I want to make sure I understand this correctly before I respond. ![]()
07-06-2014, 10:29 AM
(07-06-2014, 12:57 AM)Pat/Ohio Wrote: I get the feeling we're only hearing a portion right now & it's going to get worse. I think so too, Pat. Investigators haven't even scratched the surface yet (which is exactly what Detective Stoddard said at the probable cause hearing) and they've already uncovered so much incriminating circumstantial evidence. I'm interested in the wife, Leanna, and think that she may have unintentionally revealed a lot about herself and the couple at Cooper's funeral on June 28th. Her focus on defending and pumping her ultra creepy bowl-headed husband, rather than her son, bugged me from the get. Since then, we've learned that Justin Ross Harris visited a site for "Child-Free Living" enthusiasts and advocates, more than once. I tried to visit the site cited by Det. Stoddard at Thursday's hearing, but Reddit has since made it private: http://www.reddit.com/r/childfree So, I read a bit at http://www.thechildfreelife.com/forum/index.php to learn more about the child-free living community. Weirdos, IMO. Not having kids (for whatever reasons) isn't weird to me. BUT, not having kids and then adopting a philosophy and lifestyle focused on why people who do have kids are selfish, and how irritating it is living in a kid-centric world, is weird to me. Anyway, now I suspect that Leanna's funeral statements and Ross' childfree internet visits may well be related -- were they both prepared to free themselves of the baby and had she convinced her vacant-eyed gum-chomping self that she was freeing Cooper in the process? At the funeral, Leanna said that she would not wish to bring Cooper back into this "broken world" if she could. She went on to list the things she was happy her son won't have to endure: his first heartbreak, junior high and high school [the funeral audience laughed as she said she didn't like either one of them], who to sit with at lunch in those awkward middle school years, having to bury his loved ones... In other words, IMO, she's glad he doesn't get/have to live.
07-06-2014, 11:04 AM
(07-06-2014, 10:29 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: At the funeral, Leanna said that she would not wish to bring Cooper back into this "broken world" if she could. She went on to list the things she was happy her son won't have to endure: his first heartbreak, junior high and high school [the funeral audience laughed as she said she didn't like either one of them], who to sit with at lunch in those awkward middle school years, having to bury his loved ones... In other words, IMO, she's glad he doesn't get/have to live. Everything she referenced is part of growing up, things that we all have experienced one way or another. The world is no more broken now than it was when she got pregnant. I've already found her guilty and I hope to see her arrest in the coming days. The more I find out about this the more I believe Cooper's death was planned. I hope both of them are very frightened & uncomfortable. ![]()
07-06-2014, 12:32 PM
I have never heard a mother say such things about their dead baby. If he were terminally ill I could understand sparing him any suffering. But this baby was happy and healthy. I wound be so heartbroken and would want nothing more than to hold my baby again.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
07-06-2014, 12:39 PM
I thought Leanna's statement was strange too & also her comment that Ross would be a good dad if they had more kids??? WTH says that, KWIM? Everything they both said points to BOTH of them being aware IMO. I raised 4 kids & can remember being beside myself when mine were sick & I never had a problem calling the doc ASAP but these parent's seemed more concerned how this would affect Ross & HIS life, not how much the baby suffered. Unless Ross had some medical problem, he's kind of young to be having bedroom problems too & at first I thought maybe he was in love w/his young GF he was texting but then found out he texted a few, not just one girl so there must be more to this secret life of his. A few people have said they've forgotten their child in the car, but the difference is...they remembered within minutes, not 7 hours later. It's scary to think how many parent's have no regard for a life they created.
07-06-2014, 12:44 PM
@Duchess. I'm saying I want special sentences imposed on scum like this guy.
Like maybe tying him up, putting him in a car and letting him roast to death. That's just one example,.
07-06-2014, 12:47 PM
(07-06-2014, 12:44 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: @Duchess. I'm saying I want special sentences imposed on scum like this guy. I'm not disagreeing with you but you can't condemn someone for something and then turn around and do the same thing you are condemning them for, Maytee..er..MS. ![]()
07-06-2014, 12:51 PM
I feel about children the way you do about animals.
Now, give your response another try. Bozo.
07-06-2014, 12:58 PM
(07-06-2014, 12:51 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I feel about children the way you do about animals. I get that you're suburban white bread and the view from your cul-de-sac is somewhat limited but surely you understand the principles of America. If that's the kind of justice you want maybe you should consider packing up the hausfrau and little ones and hauling ass to a country that shares your point of view. Be forewarned, the countries who share your opinion keep their women covered from head to toe. I'm just mentioning that so you may make an informed decision. ![]()
07-06-2014, 01:49 PM
(07-06-2014, 12:39 PM)Pat/Ohio Wrote: Unless Ross had some medical problem, he's kind of young to be having bedroom problems too & at first I thought maybe he was in love w/his young GF he was texting but then found out he texted a few, not just one girl so there must be more to this secret life of his. Yeah, he is young to have needed "male enhancements", which I've seen reported (but not yet verified). Then again, a good portion of sex is mental and Harris seems to have quite a delusional mindset and inflated ego (those can usually be deflated quite easily too, IMO). Maybe part of why he appears to believe that he's sexy, smart, and crafty enough to fool church-goers, the general public, and LE alike...is because one of his wife's main goals in life is to pump him up (figuratively speaking). She called him her "leader", said he was "wonderful", blah blah blah...all after knowing that he'd not freaked out or been grief-stricken about causing their baby's death. During the probable cause hearing, Det. Stoddard said that Leanna knew of Ross' previous "cheating" -- hooking up with women. LE has a text exchange between the two to confirm that fact. However, I'm not convinced yet that he was "cheating", based on Leanna's bizarre words and public demeanor following the slow and painful death of her son. Seems possible to me that Leanna and Ross Harris had an open marriage, were swingers, or something to that effect. Right now, I'm not putting too much stock into her "did you say too much?" inquiry to Ross at the police station. It sounds very incriminating for her, like she was in on the murder. That may well be. But, without context, it could be that she was talking about something other than the baby's death when she asked him that question. Like you, I think a lot of other ugly shit is going to be unearthed in the course of the investigation. I really wanna see the interrogation tapes and the tape of Ross and Leanna Harris talking alone at the police station. Pretty sure it's gonna be quite some time before those are released, though.
07-06-2014, 04:06 PM
Great point on the open marriage, etc..I think alot will depend on what his texts, phone calls & "GF" says now as far as their lifestyle. Both their reactions weren't what most of us would call "normal" & what gets me is they BOTH showed little emotion, which I don't understand at all. I wish this were an accident but right now, it doesn't look that way & I think many are getting tired of these parent's that just don't care & they get away with it in the end, KWIM? It's sad all the way around but if this was intentional & the wife knew, they BOTH deserve the max. There are so many other options besides killing your child. I became disabled one week before my first grandson was born & shortly after my daughter had an accident where she almost died & needed care for a year. We took her & my GS in because that's what families do! I wonder if these two ever reached out to anyone for help. I can't imagine a GP or aunt that wouldn't step in to help out if they knew there were problems there. Maybe it was the money, IDK...but I hope & pray that this is investigated to the fullest to find the truth here.
07-06-2014, 04:54 PM
This weekend, media outlets have been running stories that Ross Harris has advised family about how to collect on the two insurance policies taken out on Cooper's life. He's reportedly done so from jail several times, starting right after his incarceration.
Hard for me to imagine that $27,000 could be a motive, or even one motivating factor, for killing a baby. But, people kill for less all the time. P.s. The funeral was fully covered by Home Depot and didn't cut into those insurance policies.
07-06-2014, 05:41 PM
That isn't much money but maybe to Ross, it was enough to take care of his bills, thinking LE would never look at a small policy as motive. This is just the beginning too & none of it looks good for dad. IDK how he can explain "forgetting" his son when it was only a matter of minutes away to drop him off. It just doesn't fit. Wonderful father's don't forget that easily IMO. The baby was almost 2, so he'd been doing this awhile, how do you NOT look at that carseat when you leave the car? My ex used to play touch football & if I was working, he'd take all 4 kids & managed just fine & they were ALL little. The oldest was 5 the next 3 1⁄3 & the twins were babies & he'd make sure one of our friends wives would be there & he'd put the babies in the stroller & all four sat close to him w/someone nearby to help. If there was a problem, they'd come home..he NEVER put them in the car alone or leave them in there. I just can't buy it that he forgot. WTH is wrong with people these days? First child, new parent....you would think he'd automatically be more cautious & concerned with his baby. I would think there was a diaper bag, etc..to remind him as well that Cooper was still in the car.
07-06-2014, 05:45 PM
And, on top of that Pat, we're supposed to believe that these parents were both so "concerned" and vigilant about their only child dying in a hot car that each of them read up about child hot car deaths in order to avoid it happening to their son.
STILL, their son is one of less than 40 children per year who dies from being left in a hot car? Defies logic.
07-06-2014, 05:46 PM
07-06-2014, 06:04 PM
It's disgusting. Shit, if it were that much of a problem, Ross could have attached a piece of yarn from the seat to his key chain to remind him, no need to research how long it would take to die in a hot car. I think he made a purchase at lunch for an excuse to drop it off at his car so he could check Cooper's condition. I just wonder what he'd have done if the baby was alive when he got off work...It's too bad no one walked by & noticed the baby in the car.
And so many think they can shop, tan, grab a beer & leave the kids in the car, thinking a short time is OK. People need to wake up, kids get abducted every day, do these parent's not think? Many things could happen, is it that important to tan that you can't wait until someone can watch your child? These things make me so mad, it's plain stupidity. I bet if they forgot their cell phone or laptop, they'd remember. I'm by no means mother of the year but this is plain common sense here & hard to believe so many lack it. I'm starting to think Baby Care 101 should be added to senior classes but IDK if that would help since many do this intentionally & sad to say, it's not an accident or mistake.
07-07-2014, 01:03 PM
(07-06-2014, 05:46 PM)Pat/Ohio Wrote: http://media.cmgdigital.com/shared/news/...5669-2.pdf Thanks, Pat, for the criminal/charging warrant. It's now in the case reference thread at the top of LC's Cell Block. COOPER HARRIS MURDER CASE -- REF DOCS: http://mockforums.net/showthread.php?tid=11295 News reports this morning indicate that several more search warrants will be released today. They are related to computer devices, phones, financial records, and the medical records of Ross and Cooper Harris. I've seen two of them, but I'm waiting to see if a full consolidated PDF is released before posting. Reportedly, none of the latest search warrants pertain to Leanna Harris. I wonder if LE is pushing her to ditch her alliance to Ross and make a deal with them (regardless of how much or little she knows).
07-07-2014, 01:20 PM
I'm a little hungup on that mom saying she wouldn't bring Cooper back if she could or words to that effect. I try to remind myself that people grieve in all kinds of ways but it doesn't help when I think of that statement. ![]() |
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