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I see/hear many people bitchin' that our Prez won the big prize...I'm gonna stay away from whether he deserved it or not & simply say, I'm happy it is OUR President who won it.

Regardingthe bid for the olympics ~ I actually saw a room full of Americans who, when the word came down that Chicago has lost their bid, stand up & cheer, give each other high fives & pump their fists into the air...AMERICANS !...And that kind of bullshit went on around the country...What the fuck is wrong with people ?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
They are more indoctrinated into Party worship and partisanship than they are with common sense. So they want to see Obama fail no matter what.
86 112

they might not come out and say this - but it all stems from the fact that our president is African American. That simple.
Liquid Wrote:100%
And every last one of those people will swear, until they are blue in the face, that they are patriotic Americans...Pfft.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Liquid Wrote:100%

they might not come out and say this - but it all stems from the fact that our president is African American. That simple.

How about the concept that there's people who simply don't agree with his political position?

Gee....remember "Bush Bashers"? How about "Clinton haters"? EVERY president has those who disagree and will take delight in seeing them stumble.

It has nothing to do with race so get off the fucking "it's because he's black" bullshit.
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
There are so many people out there that can not stand the fact that a black man is President...I see it, I hear it, I read it...They are white & STILL believe that blacks are not entitled to the same things in life that they are...It's a fact of life & there is NO ONE that will convince me of anything different.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
If you think the factObama is black is purely coincidental and incidental you really are living in cloud cuckoo land fuckwit. I mean no one is going to be stupid enough to come out and say it but you can bet they are thinking it, they are hating the fact that the first black American president refuses to act like a n****r, it is driving them batshit crazy.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ok...I'll give you that there are people out there that are prejudiced but.....they are NOT the majority.
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
LKTraz Wrote:Ok...I'll give you that there are people out there that are prejudiced but.....they are NOT the majority.

Yeah, just the entire population south of the Mason-Dixie Line.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
LKTraz Wrote:Ok...I'll give you that there are people out there that are prejudiced but.....they are NOT the majority.

Yeah, just the entire population south of the Mason-Dixie Line.
Now that's a fine statement. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Prejudice is not simply a black versus white thing. It applies to ANY pre-conceived statements without factual basis.

Feeling a bit hypocritical yet?
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
LKTraz Wrote:Feeling a bit hypocritical yet?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
So you're saying that ALL people living south of the Mason-Dixon line are prejudiced against black people and you don't think that in and of itself that is a prejudiced statement?
[Image: alcatraz-prison-picture2-1.jpg]
[Image: what_manner.gif]
I'll tell you...the fucking "patriots" of America are a bunch of fucked up and ignorant people. Just fucking sheeple following their god's beck & rush with nary an original thought of their own.

Their fucking party is more important to them than the other 80%'s lives, schooling, welfare, or standing within the world view.

We can start by lining up D-9 cats and pushing the SE corner of the fucking country into the ocean....THEN identify the remainer fucksticks and place them in stocks in townsquares where we can throw their shit right back at them.

All anyone has to do is consider where we'd be today had mccain and the cunt made it into the's a hint, all the fucking guns everyone owns would come in handy for defensive purposes.

Face it...the wingnuts don't like "no uppity black boy in dat house" and they're going to do anything in their power to make him fail...even at the detriment of America...THAT, my friends, is todays 'patriotism'.
Fug duh kund
LKTraz Wrote:How about the concept that there's people who simply don't agree with his political position?
Oh Wow, so that's why so many, patriotic Americans spread their joyful cheer when Chi Town got turned down for the Olympics...Gosh, I simply never considered that it was 'cuzour Prezis a Democrat.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
LKTraz Wrote:So you're saying that ALL people living south of the Mason-Dixon line are prejudiced against black people and you don't think that in and of itself that is a prejudiced statement?
Yes thats exactly what he's saying and he's too much of a brainwashed PC idiot to realize it. I'm sick of the racist shit already, I'm sure there are many people who hate him because he's black, but I think the majority hates him because they would hate any democrat in there. Fuck, I'm a white bitch and my school years were a living hell because ofpredjudiceblack people. You didn't want to be white and go to the schools I went to, but I'm sure this makes me racist for even mentioning it ::rollseyes::

From: Michael Moore
Date: 10/9/2009 3:49:18 PM
[email protected]
Subject: Congratulations President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize -- Now Please Earn it!

Congratulations President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize -- Now Please Earn it!

Friday, October 9th, 2009

Dear President Obama,

How outstanding that you've been recognized today as a man of peace. Your swift, early pronouncements -- you will close Guantanamo, you will bring the troops home from Iraq, you want a nuclear weapon-free world, you admitted to the Iranians that we overthrew their democratically-elected president in 1953, you made that great speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, you've eliminated that useless term "The War on Terror," you've put an end to torture -- these have all made us and the rest of the world feel a bit more safe considering the disaster of the past eight years. In eight months you have done an about face and taken this country in a much more sane direction.


The irony that you have been awarded this prize on the 2nd day of the ninth year of our War in Afghanistan is not lost on anyone. You are truly at a crossroads now. You can listen to the generals and expand the war (only to result in a far-too-predictable defeat) or you can declare Bush's Wars over, and bring all the troops home. Now. That's what a true man of peace would do.

There is nothing wrong with you doing what the last guy failed to do -- capture the man or men responsible for the mass murder of 3,000 people on 9/11. BUT YOU CANNOT DO THAT WITH TANKS AND TROOPS. You are pursuing a criminal, not an army. You do not use a stick of dynamite to get rid of a mouse.

The Taliban is another matter. That is a problem for the people of Afghanistan to resolve -- just as we did in 1776, the French did in 1789, the Cubans did in 1959, the Nicaraguans did in 1979 and the people of East Berlin did in 1989. One thing is certain through all revolutions by people who wish to be free -- they ultimately have to bring about that freedom themselves. Others can be supportive, but freedom can not be delivered from the front seat of someone else's Humvee.

You have to end our involvement in Afghanistan now. If you don't, you'll have no choice but to return the prize to Oslo.

Michael Moore
[email protected]

P.S. Your opposition has spent the morning attacking you for bringing such good will to this country. Why do they hate America so much? I get the feeling that if you found the cure for cancer this afternoon they'd be denouncing you for destroying free enterprise because cancer centers would have to close. There are those who say you've done nothing yet to deserve this award. As far as I'm concerned, the very fact that you've offered to walk into the minefield of hate and try to undo the irreparable damage the last president did is not only appreciated by me and millions of others, it is also an act of true bravery. That's why you got the prize. The whole world is depending on the U.S. -- and you -- to literally save this planet. Let's not let them down

BROTHER Wrote:I get the feeling that if you found the cure for cancer this afternoon they'd be denouncing you for destroying free enterprise because cancer centers would have to close.
Got that right.
Thanks for posting that, BROTHER...I know Michael Moore sends some people into shit fits but, I appreciate reading his opinion & that article isnot something I would have went looking for.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
BROTHER Wrote:I get the feeling that if you found the cure for cancer this afternoon they'd be denouncing you for destroying free enterprise because cancer centers would have to close.
Got that right.
Brother didn't get that right, Michael Moore did. That stupid bitch can't even form a complete sentence. Trying to hold a conversation with her is like talking to an ESE kid.
sally Wrote:
LuMPyPussy Wrote:
BROTHER Wrote:I get the feeling that if you found the cure for cancer this afternoon they'd be denouncing you for destroying free enterprise because cancer centers would have to close.
Got that right.
Brother didn't get that right, Michael Moore did. That stupid bitch can't even form a complete sentence. Trying to hold a conversation with her is like talking to an ESE kid.
sorry I don't speak Slovakian.::dunno::