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I never knew until the last few years how complicated depression is. I've certainly had very sad moments in my life and there are times I feel discontented but I don't understand the kind of depression that keeps people from getting out of bed in the morning or even simply living their life. There are pills for all of that kind of thing now. Whatever become of just pulling yourself together? Is it really more than that?
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I don't know what it's like to be depressed so I can't say. I have moments where I feel down, but I get over it. Other than someone dying I've never been to the point where I can't function, and that's not even depression, that's just being deeply saddened.
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(03-09-2015, 06:50 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I never knew until the last few years how complicated depression is. I've certainly had very sad moments in my life and there are times I feel discontented but I don't understand the kind of depression that keeps people from getting out of bed in the morning or even simply living their life. There are pills for all of that kind of thing now. Whatever become of just pulling yourself together? Is it really more than that?
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Hahaha! I listened to the whole thing & I completely agree!
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I'm depressed because I have bad luck, if it was raining pussies I would get hit with a Dick.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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There is a broad range that we can have from feeling blue to a low mood, to full blown depression.
For it to be a full blown depression there needs to be evidence of symptoms over a sustained period (usually a few weeks). What I usually say to patients (particularly men, who are first presentation with an acute crisis such as suicide attempt). Many people don't realise they are depressed, they think they are just sad, or their life is shit etc.
What I say to patients is, you know what depression is now, you know how to treat it. It is not some magical mystical thing, it is an illness just like any other. What I use as a comparison, is pnueumonia. If you have the flu and you need antibiotics and you don't get them, your flu can descend into pneumonia and that can be fatal. It's the same way with depression, if you have an episode of depression and it starts to linger, you need to get to your doctor and get some antidepressents to begin to treat the depression before it descends into a full blown illness including suicidal ideation.
It's a terrible thing depression. What I also think is evil, is when someone deliberately tries to sabotage another individual or their life and cause them to end up in that space, or wish that upon them. I probably don't make sense as usual.
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I don't think unless you have experienced depression first hand that you can ever really know what it's like. It's not as simple as saying buck up and pull yourself together.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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That's very true Rams. The thing is, sometimes people don't even realise they are depressed and may just think that their life is shit. Whereas it's the illness that is clouding their perspective.
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I don't want to ever know what it's really like. I don't want to relate in any fashion.
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It's not a choice Duchess. A lot of people are depressed and you would never even know it. Or think they would be.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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Ironically, I wholeheartedly agree with Aussie and BH...and Rams.
It's not something you can just get over.
If you've never had it, you'll never understand it.
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I am on meds for depression and anxiety. From my research, there is some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain that causes the symptoms, that are often only regulated by medication and therapy. With me, I have found that therapy alone does not help enough, I need the meds.
From my perspective, it would be like saying a diabetic can control their symptoms without medication if they just "got it together" and ate right. While eating right does help the symptoms, and maybe decrease the need for insulin, meds may always be needed
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In your 40s/50s you can be prone to altnerating moods and with hormone changes you can be more prone to depression.
I have been smoking dunhill blue now for about 6 months, I have tried to stop, but it is a great anxiety relief. If I wake up in the middle of the night I go and sit out on the balcony (even if it's freezing) and have a ciggarette, and then I can go back to sleep. There is nothing nicer, than a coffee or even a cup of tea and a ciggarette. I know it's very unhealthy. I was working in Oncology yesterday. Some of the people I was looking after were good people who have lived clean lives and have still ended up with it. I know that it's not good to smoke.
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This is going to come as a HUGE surprise, but I've actually suffered from anxiety. Crazy, right? Type A, worried (sometimes about stuff that wasn't even necessarily on my immediate horizon like death, whether my kids would finally be happy and productive by the time they hit their 30's), generally stressed out blah, blah. But, I've never been "can't get out of bed depressed" so I can't really relate to that either.
I was on an SSRI (anti-depressant) for the anxiety for a few years. But, when I started having stomach problems 6 months or so ago, they suggested I stop them. While they seemed to help when I first went on them, I don't feel worse for going off of them now either. Yep...calm as a cucumber, that's me (what a weird expression).
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Believe it or not, I've suffered from depression in the last year and a half. There have been days where I don't want to get out of bed. But I do and I feel better then. Keeping active helps a lot. Accepting g that there are thing's and people you have no control over helps too. Shit happens in life. You just have to find a way to be happy in spite of the crap.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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User, I would say it would be better to be on something now than wait until there is a chemical imbalance and then your anxiety goes off the charts.
I would recommend something like efexor. It does not have any strong side effects. These days the anti-depressants are so much better and faster acting than a generation ago. By that, I mean, even the 90s.
Regarding stomach upsets, I would say ask your doctor for nexium, or whatever the equivalent is over there. As you get older you can be prone to stomach integestion. Or it may be that you have stomach sensitivity. You might also need something like heartburn relief you can buy over the counter as well. You find when you take these tablets they can make a huge difference to your comfort and well being and ability to get on with your life.
Don't hesititate if you need something (even valium) I am very much for pain relief, whatever your pain is. Don't tough it out, ever. It's never the answer.
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(03-13-2015, 09:41 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: User, I would say it would be better to be on something now than wait until there is a chemical imbalance and then your anxiety goes off the charts.
I would recommend something like efexor. It does not have any strong side effects. These days the anti-depressants are so much better and faster acting than a generation ago. By that, I mean, even the 90s.
Regarding stomach upsets, I would say ask your doctor for nexium, or whatever the equivalent is over there. As you get older you can be prone to stomach integestion. Or it may be that you have stomach sensitivity. You might also need something like heartburn relief you can buy over the counter as well. You find when you take these tablets they can make a huge difference to your comfort and well being and ability to get on with your life.
Don't hesititate if you need something (even valium) I am very much for pain relief, whatever your pain is. Don't tough it out, ever. It's never the answer.
That was insulting on so many levels.
Well, done, crazy lady. I'll get right on that.
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Listen here cunt features, I was genuinely trying to be nice to you. Unfortunately/fortunately, I do have personal experience as well as professional experience about this shit.
I think depression is no different than diabetes or asthma. It is an illness, something you manage. Anxiety is usually a bi-product of depression, diagnosed or undiagnosed. Anxiety can also exist on it's own and be managed with an antidepressant. You don't feel like you are taking any medication. It feels like taking the pill. There is an absence of pregnancy, and with that present there is a minimalisation of anxiety. I don't think there is any magic fucking pill. But it can help.
I don't want you to end up like Robin Williams and offing yourself. However, you are welcome to go and fuck yourself.
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User, if I want to patronise you, I would pat you on the head and say "bless you my child". Depression is a bitch, but anxiety is a scourge. That's the rub.
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There's too much drug pushing for this bullshit. I believe that there are instances where there are chemical imbalances in the brain, I don't think that can be disputed but not for a moment do I believe that's the case in every instance where a prescription is written. In general I think most people are lazy and don't want to take the time to work through their issues.
That's a general statement and is not directed at anyone in this thread. I don't do coy, I'd tell you that straight up.