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Have you felt the burn of it? Care to share the story behind it? Smiley_emoticons_smile
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I had rug burns on the right side of my face for a few days many years ago.

I fibbed and told people that I'd used a facial hair remover cream which was too harsh for my skin and got, "you have a hairy face?" Pretty much had to say "yeah" or fess up to the rug burns.

That was kinda embarrassing.
When I was a kid, I was banned from our local swimming pool. The lifeguard said I peed in the pool, embarrased no, since I said well yeah, everybody does it.

He said, yeah, but not while on the diving board! hah
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

when I was about 14 years old, my brothers stole my clothes while I was changing at our local swimming pool, and without thinking I ran outside naked as a jaybird to tell my mom who was talking to one of her friends. She screamed at me "Get back inside! NOW!" And I did.

So embarrassing.

I have so many embarrassing moments. If I couldn't laugh at myself I would have gone up in a puff of smoke years ago.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I've stepped on rakes before just like the cartoons.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
In 5th grade, I called a black classmate "Raisin"

Embarassing and racist.

He smacked the racism out of me with hard rubber dodgeballs though.
(03-23-2015, 12:41 PM)Clang McFly Wrote: In 5th grade, I called a black classmate "Raisin"

Embarassing and racist.

He smacked the racism out of me with hard rubber dodgeballs though.

I had a similar event when I was a young man in Vegas. I've never been racist to any extent and always thought it was pretty foolish to hate people who had even less than me. But as the offspring of southerners certain colloquialisms crept into my speech that I never really thought deeply about. Getting jewed down on a price tag, or somebody Japping out on a promise. Niggertoe Brazil nuts at Xmastime.

One day I was at a drive-up burger joint with a couple of my friends and a girl I was trying to impress. I had just won a little bit at the casino so I jumped out of the car and yelled, "Let's go eat, I'm nigger-rich and I'm buying!" just as I turned around and saw a black couple and their very young boy and girl, all dressed up from Sunday church, three feet behind me and staring. No way they didn't hear what I'd said, and the look on that little girl's face is one I won't ever forget. KInd of a mix of surprise and sadness. No real hate on any of their faces, even the dad/Granddad (it was an older couple). Just that resigned sadness and revulsion.

I knew pretty much instantly there was no way to gracefully back out of that or make it right, so I mumbled something vaguely apologetic and ran away from them. We didn't even stay to eat.

I have never been so mortified in my life before or since as that day looking at that little girl. And I have embarrassed myself a lot of fucking times. Never used that phrase again, either. If I could pinpoint it, that might have been the day I started to grow the fuck up already.
A couple of weeks ago at work, I was walking to the mailbox, which is 5 store fronts from my office. I have only been at this location for a month.

I slipped and fell as I was putting mail in the box, ripping the knee out of my pants and busting open my elbow. Blood everywhere plus my face was redder. 3 people ran out of the hearing aid store in front of the mailbox. Yep HEARING AID store so everyone was 2x my age.
(03-23-2015, 12:41 PM)Clang McFly Wrote: In 5th grade, I called a black classmate "Raisin"

Embarassing and racist.

(03-23-2015, 07:47 PM)Donovan Wrote: I had a similar event when I was a young man in Vegas.
I have never been so mortified in my life before or since as that day looking at that little girl. And I have embarrassed myself a lot of fucking times.

It's a very bad word, no doubt about it. My Mom viewed it as a cuss word and I was once grounded for calling one of my brothers that. There are no black people where I come from, I never saw an adult black in person until I went to college. As hard as it might be to believe I can only figure I must have heard it on television. It's not like there was anyone around in my life being called that.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
funnier embarrassing moment. When I was in sixth grade, underage and developmentally about a year behind my peers, I went to a summer camp where the sixth grade boys cabin, not surprisingly, spent a lot of time talking about the smoking hot female counselor in the Girls' cabin. Cheered on by the older male counselors, the talk was bawdy and perverse and as sexist as pubescent boys can be. Lot of raucous laughter and titty jokes in the cabin at night and before breakfast.

I had no idea how to socialize that way and was awkward as hell, but in a misguided attempt to fit in at lunch time, I tentatively but loudly offered some inappropriate rude and extremely lame comment about the female counselor du jour. The reaction, instead of goodnatured laughter, was stone faces and a quick hush gesture by several older boys. I abruptly realized that the counselor I'd just mentioned loudly and crudely was directly behind me to my left, about two feet away from my suddenly uncomfortable self.

Stammering, I attempted to save face by throwing it off on the OTHER older female counselor, who was like Mary Ann hot to the first one's Ginger hot. Just as loudly, so the first girl could hear, I said, "but you know who I really am hot for, is counselor so-and-so..." who, as I turned in the rapidly silencing room with every single set of eyes on me, was seated two feet behind me on my right.

I don't think anybody before or since ever so publicly and graphically sexually harassed two completely different counselors in front of that many witnesses in such a short time span. I bet I still hold that record to this day. They probably talk about me like those legends of giant catfish or mythical campers of yore. "Oh sure, you kids tell a mean titty joke, but lemme tell you the legend of ol' Mushmouth Donnie, King of the Social Melvins..."

I also don't think any kid before or since wished quite so hard for a sudden and catastrophic earthquake to swallow them up. I'd like to say that both girls turned around and cooed, "Why choose, honeybun, we LOOOOVE to share." and covered me with kisses and whatnot, but I'm gonna say that isn't how it went down. No kisses, no cooing, not even a whatnot. I think I hid out for the rest of the week saying and doing as little as possible, and never attended another summer camp. Ever.
In 4th grade some little asshole put a pea on my chair in the lunch room and I sat on it and it was stuck to my ass.

Another time I fell backwards in the lunch room chair while trying to balance it on the back legs.
pssssh, those are rookie embarrassments.
Another time in 7th grade I was standing behind this big black kid in the lunch line and accidentally bumped into his arm. He turned around and punched me as hard as he could in the chest, it knocked the wind out of me and then I started crying. I was embarrassed because I was crying when I really wanted to hang the stupid nigger up by a tree.

He was a big kid and then I saw him in the gym once years later and he was really huge. I should have found out what he was driving and popped his tires.
I think most of my embarrassing moments in life happened in the lunch room.
(03-22-2015, 02:53 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I had rug burns on the right side of my face for a few days many years ago.
(03-24-2015, 08:28 PM)sally Wrote: I think most of my embarrassing moments in life happened in the lunch room.

I bet most of MS's embarrassing moments in life happened in the bedroom.
(03-24-2015, 08:28 PM)sally Wrote: I think most of my embarrassing moments in life happened in the lunch room.

I think most of my embarassing moments in life involve nudity and/or my (sad, tiny) genitals.

In the junior high school gym locker room, one my classmates whacked my penis with a rolled up wet towel.I was crying so bad the gym teacher asked me what was wrong and to show him my penis to make sure it was alright(which it isn't, its still scarred and weirdly curved). So embarrassing.
Years ago in the grocery store when my older Daughter was with me she was only 5 then, she was staring at a black guy in line. She looks at me and says "Daddy! a chocolate man!!" loud as hell. I said shush but she kept on saying look look a chocolate man a chocolate man! The guy was laughing. It was the first time she ever saw a black guy.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Hahaha! I can relate.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]