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what a repulsive load of excrement...
i know this isn't 24, but many of us are familiar with robodoom the dwarf psycho. ::nuts::...and i can't post what i'd LIKE to say over there ::lipsealed::. i don't post in his deranged threads anyway. he's currently been banned from political forum temporarily for his vituperousness. but he can make personal attacks and irrelevant comments with impunity. a few minions post in his forum, but most rational people ignore him. he is the ONLY person i ever banned from my forum, because of constant anti-cop rhetoric. i don't like bad cops and have often stated that fact, but this whackjob claims his dad was a cop and yet never posts one positive thing.

he just posted the weakest, most self-serving, self-righteous excuse-making "apology"i've ever seen. he's so pathetically obvious. he constantly insults people and calls people nasty names, with absolutely no provocation. never germane to the topic at hand.

so Frank59, you can yell at me, but i'mweary of his mental illness, rather,the way it manifests itself. he needs to put down the crack pipe and get a refill on his Rx. fucking conspiracy freak.

if you're reading this dwarfboy, and i hope you are, i do NOT accept your weak crappy "apology". it sucks donkey dick, just like you do. you're an oozing pustule on the ass of 24. ::finger::a dung beetle on a pile of steaming shit in a bangkok alley.


Jackboots, I don't know you well, but you strike me as someone who doesn't get pissed off at another member unless it is warranted. So based on your rant, he must be quite the obstinate fellow.

(You do have me now wanting to cruise over to his forum and check it all out.)
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Jackboots, I don't know you well, but you strike me as someone who doesn't get pissed off at another member unless it is warranted. So based on your rant, he must be quite the obstinate fellow.

(You do have me now wanting to cruise over to his forum and check it all out.)
Thanks OBK, he's not in there much because he knows many, if not most people have his forum collapsed. so he goes on the attack wherever he can.

He's gotten three votes! ::laugh::
Sounds like a total nutjob.
[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
Quote:Sounds like a total nutjob.

His profile states he love Jesus Christ. Not his teachings of tolerance and love, mind you, just the man himself I suppose.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:He's gotten three votes! ::laugh::
must be 3 of his 17 mods that he doesn't need. and Fox.

He should register an account over here.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
Quote:Sounds like a total nutjob.

His profile states he love Jesus Christ. Not his teachings of tolerance and love, mind you, just the man himself I suppose.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:He should register an account over here.
he got banned here!! he's too weird even for MOCK! ::lmao::

What was his handle here? I'd love to dig up some old threads/posts.

Not to derail this thread, but how many people have been banned from this site?
I'm not talking about the ones who register and quickly get booted in a banning suicide mission, but rather those who are established and then go off the deep end?
he joined here with his username, robodoon. and some of us were delighted. :Diablo:

Well, I couldn't figure out what his user name means, if anything at all, so I googled it and came up with this?

[Image: mockman.jpg]
It doesn't look like he actually made it out of newbie hall.

He only had nine posts.
So this forum was created for the members at 24 to have an outlet for their anger and be able to say whatever they feel?All the right wing conservative whack jobs stayed there and all the like minded people came here to cannialbalize each other? Makes sense ::blink::
jackboots Wrote:i know this isn't 24....
you are right. it is not 24. so shut up already
Liquid Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:i know this isn't 24....
you are right. it is not 24. so shut up already
Why don't you shut up for once fat ass. Quit telling people to shut up, if you got something better to talk about then start a topic asshole.
MOCK is an offshoot of 24 in some ways, and we have cannibalized many 24 members here. so what? we know the same people. ::dunno::
