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(08-26-2016, 05:37 AM)Duchess Wrote: So...Trump grants Anderson an interview and then gets pissy with him when Anderson fact checks his comments and accuses him of protecting Hillary. 
I'm pretty sure that's why he prefers being interviewed for Fox, they simply don't give a shit and never call him out or fact check him.
Some of the Fox anchors call out Trump's falsities, but not often. Trump likes to be interviewed by Hannity because Hannity is not a journalist; he's an entertainer who always agrees with Republicans and is thus pushing to get Trump elected (his own admission) . Still, some FOX viewers insist his show is 'news'.
Alex Jones from InfoWars is even worse than Hannity. Trump says Jones is great. In her speech yesterday, Hillary mentioned Jones' effort to promote the conspiracy theory that Sandy Hook was a hoax pulled off by actors and nobody actually died. Jones is certifiable.
Anyway, this is hysterical. As one of the big promoters of the Hillary health hoax, among thousands of other baseless conspiracy theories, Jones did a whole piece to prove that Hillary Clinton didn't REALLY open a pickle jar on Jimmy Kimmel the other night. He offers evidence to prove that it was all a set-up because there was no 'pop' when the lid came off. Seriously. It's not the stupidest thing Jones has floated, but it's really effin' stupid and for some reason the video of his piece made me laugh out loud.
Here's Alex Jones' pickle piece. It's a dilly; quite jarring indeed.
Kimmel confirmed last night that the pickle jar wasn't loosened and laughed about the conspiracy over Clinton simply opening a pickle jar.
Still, Jones and his followers really are serious about Pickle-gate.
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It is laugh out loud funny. I watched it earlier when I saw it mentioned. Jones devoted several minutes to his pickle theory. Kimmel's reaction to it is hilarious.
The Alt Right are ridiculously grateful to Hillary for mentioning them. I read one of them say she had legitimized them. What a bunch of freakin' weirdos. Yesterday I heard it said that the secret service opened the jar for her.
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(08-26-2016, 08:24 PM)Duchess Wrote: Yesterday I heard it said that the secret service opened the jar for her.
You're gonna have to be more specific.
Are you talking about the real Secret Service?
Or, are you talking about the doctor posing as a Secret Service agent who follows her around sneakily wearing a medic pin that's disguised as a Secret Service pin and holding a palm flashlight which doubles as a seizure-recovery Diazepam shot?
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You should see the video of Bill opening the cigar jar.
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(08-26-2016, 09:46 PM)BigMark Wrote: You should see the video of Bill opening the cigar jar.
C'mon, Biggie. Everyone knows that Bill likes his cigars in boxes, not jars.
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^^^^^^ *snorts*
I wonder why they always play You Can't Always Get What You Want at a fuckface rally.
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I'm sure a lot more photos of Trump with prominent Democrats, like Bill Clinton, will be surfacing and published before election day, Biggie.
For decades, prior to his batshit birther bluster when Obama came to prominence, Trump contributed to and praised Democratic leaders and their policies; Trump liked to mingle in New York political and celebrity circles.
Republican Rudy Giuliani (left) was often at odds with his own party for being too 'Democratic' during his time as mayor of NYC (though I admired his bi-partisanship back then).
Former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg (pictured between Trump and Clinton) was endorsed and strongly supported by Giuliani back then. Bloomberg switched from the Democratic party to the Republican party before his mayoral run. After it, he officially became an Independent because he felt both parties were too extreme.
In actuality, Trump was REALLY just subliminally planting the idea that "The Wall is great and beautiful!" in the minds of his unsuspecting golfing companions. Those suckers believed that they were simply attending a charity event being held at one of Trump's courses almost a decade ago. However, in every picture from the event, you can see a wall in the background! Coincidence?
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I listen to news more than watch it. I saw Trump on tv the other day. Is his hair really yellow/gold (hay colored) now or was it my tv?
It looked like my son's when I bleached it for Halloween but took the bleach off too soon. You'd think he could offord better or someone on his staff would tell him how ridiculous it looks.
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He needs to put some toner on it to get those yellow gold tones out, he's a mess.
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He's a hundred fucking years old, I want you to imagine him and hillary having hot buttery monkeys love with lots of moaning involved.
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(08-28-2016, 11:51 PM)BigMark Wrote: He's a hundred fucking years old, I want you to imagine him and hillary having hot buttery monkeys love with lots of moaning involved.
Eww. Screw you. That's a disgusting image to place in my head just before bed time.
Didn't know this until recently, if elected Trump will be the oldest person elected POTUS (or so I heard). I'm not worried about his health though; not after that Drs letter stating he would be the healthiest POTUS ever elected. Interesting when he backed off that to say something like "healthiest POTUS ever elected excluding all those that had died". Comforting.
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(08-28-2016, 11:51 PM)BigMark Wrote: He's a hundred fucking years old, I want you to imagine him and hillary having hot buttery monkeys love with lots of moaning involved.
I imagine will involve lots of hot sauce and not butter.
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"hot buttery monkey love". That's kind of appealing.
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(08-30-2016, 11:56 AM)Duchess Wrote:
"hot buttery monkey love". That's kind of appealing.
Don't ya mean a-peeling?
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So, Trump still holds the record for the highest unfavorable rating of any presidential candidate in American history at 63%.
But, Clinton's unfavorable ratings have increased in the last couple of weeks and she holds the second-place record at 56%
Oddly enough, Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto invited both Trump and Clinton to visit Mexico yesterday. Pena Nieto has the lowest favorable rating, under 25%, in modern Mexican history.
Trump accepted the invitation from Pena Nieto, who previously compared Trump to Mussolini and declared that Mexico will not pay for the wall. Trump will be meeting with Pena Nieto today. Members of both parties of the Mexican government are reportedly incensed that Trump will be at the Mexican palace for a private meeting with Pena Nieto and Pena Nieto's being called treasonous (unsurprisingly, Trump is not popular in the country where pinatas of his likeness are popular).
I don't know if the meeting today will be beneficial for either Trump or Pena Nieto in the long run, but it's definitely got a lot of tongue's wagging and will make for a great photo opp.
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Trump will be giving his immigration speech tonight when he returns and, hopefully, he'll put something comprehensible on the table.
Over the last week, Trump and his surrogates have backed off his previous promise to deport en mass all Mexicans in the country illegally (and their American US-born children) if Trump's elected President. Trump, his campaign manager, and his surrogates have been all over the map and wildly inconsistent in explaining Trump's shift, while also claiming there's been no shift.
Trump's annoying son Donald Jr. said yesterday that his father will build the wall and then address illegal/undocumented Mexicans over the course of many years, in baby steps.
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(08-31-2016, 02:22 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Members of both parties of the Mexican government are reportedly incensed
They aren't the only ones pissed. He dumped his pool media in AZ. Apparently, this is unheard of, a candidate doesn't just kick their pool media to the curb. I wouldn't know, I've never paid attention before this election. I only know this because I follow the accounts of several journalists.
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Ahahaha! I hope this makes his head explode! I do! I do!
Joe Scarborough is singing a new tune about Donald Trump. Or to put it another way: He is intensifying his trolling.
The MSNBC host is promoting his new name for Trump, "Amnesty Don," with a music video posted to Facebook on Wednesday.
The "Amnesty Don" song is virulently anti-Trump, describing the GOP nominee as a "soft and flaccid man" with "tiny little hands."
"He said he'd build a wall for us, but then he up and ran," Scarborough sings, alluding to Trump's muddled message about immigration policies:
"When the cowboys smell the dirty con of Amnesty Don."
The video is all the more intriguing because Scarborough and Trump were friendly for years -- and that clubbiness was reflected on "Morning Joe" until February, when Scarborough began to staunchly oppose Trump.
Last week Trump repeatedly criticized Scarborough and his co-host Mika Brzezinski with highly personal tweets.