Let's make a hypothetical situation here. Two women are members at a very large, active forum. One woman has a serious accident and is unconscious and laid up in the hospital for a stretch of time. Many members at this large forum are concerned and send gifts and money, and the other woman mentioned at the beginning of this post sends a rather expensive cashmere robe, in addition to money to help pay bills etc.
Question: if you were the woman in the accident, would you view these gifts with gratitude and pleasure or would you assume that these gifts (which you never acknowledged or extended appreciation for) were some sort of attempt to buy your friendship?
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I would have to assume people had cared about me, and say thanks regardless. This story sounds familiar - is this the Sinister FG thing, or am I mixing up stories again?
How is FG nowadays, by the way?
Middle Finger Wrote:I would have to assume people had cared about me, and say thanks regardless. This story sounds familiar - is this the Sinister FG thing, or am I mixing up stories again?
How is FG nowadays, by the way?
Yes it is the Sinister FG thing and I'm not the only one that was more than a little hurt by the callous disregard shownwhen the generous donations went unacknowledged.
I dunno about FG, I don't read there much anymore. It's basically another EA filled with word games like "Words that start with the letter T". ::death::
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Anyone ever ask her why she didn't want to acknowledge the gifts/donations? Maybe she did privately? The mystery continues ...
She was in bad shape and I just assumed she didn't remember who gave what or if she knew she had even received anything but she mentioned that robe here in a mock, so she obviously DOES remember.
I've discussed this with several other people that also donated and none of them received a thank you from her family that actively sought donations at FG. There wasn't even a thread started to thank everyone en masse afterwards by either her family or her... she just left FG without a word and started posting at 24 like nothing had ever happened.
Weird that sending someone a get well or birthday gift is now considered a bribe for friendship by the -80 IQ crowd.
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Lumpy you are so fucking transparent.
"Hypothetical situation" my arse! most people here recognised straight away who and what you were refering to. How long ago was this "hypothetical situation"? 2 or 3 years ago?, let it go for fucks sake you stupid bitch, you are just desperately clutching at straws.
I got jumped on for mentioning something that just happened a few months ago with Antbitch and here you are mentioning stuff that happened literally years ago.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
I was being facetious, you nimrod. It was glaringly obvious who I was talking about... you didn't see me trying to continue the charade in the following posts, did you?
And I would never have mentioned it if Sinister hadn't started Ramsey on this path, claiming I'm trying to buy friendship in here. You might want to read a few threads before screaming GET. OVER. IT.
How fucking stupid are some of you? Some asshole brings the topic up but when you respond, you're the one accused of this shit.
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I wasn't really sure it was Sinister, for some reason I've been insecure lately on my memory.
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More he said, she said, boring soup chicken like high school drama about a situation of minor importance from 3 years ago.
I don't start all this "I didn't bring it up" bullshit, as soon as someone else mentioned it you are all over it in this thread like flies on shit.
If you want to "buy" my friendship (::dunno::::nuts:  I'll take my payment in pounds sterling please not in toilet tissue dollars.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:More he said, she said, boring soup chicken like high school drama about a situation of minor importance from 3 years ago.
I don't start all this "I didn't bring it up" bullshit, as soon as someone else mentioned it you are all over it in this thread like flies on shit.
If you want to "buy" my friendship (::dunno::::nuts: I'll take my payment in pounds sterling please not in toilet tissue dollars.
Whenyou end up in hospital with brain damage, I'll consider it.
And I'll keep that 'minor importance' bullshit in mind the next time you start crying about Ant lying about those PMs and emails, okay? ::thumbs::
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At least the shit between me and antbitch is fairly topical, you are just bringing up ancient history in a pathetic attempt to make Sinister look bad.
I however used a more topical and relevant subject to mock her recently, why do you keep on calling for a shovel when you hit rock bottom bitch?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The Antagonist
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:At least the shit between me and antbitch is fairly topical, you are just bringing up ancient history in a pathetic attempt to make Sinister look bad.
I however used a more topical and relevant subject to mock her recently, why do you keep on calling for a shovel when you hit rock bottom bitch?
Fairly topical?
Helloooooo you insane obsessive compulsive nut job!
You can't let the past go! This is the only thing you bring up in our battles now. It eats at you day and night. The ONLY thing you've added to your repitiore against me is your silly beastiality claims, which not one post of mine, here or on ANY other site even gives any indication of or insinuation of such behavior.
That is your feeble attempt to pretend to let the lying shit go.
What are you trying to accomplish? Do you really think someone passing through is going to think, "Hey, OP the delusional [by admission] nut case says Antbitch [or TK] is a liar and now that cements it for me! I shall never chat with this woman again nor shall I take anything she says with any semblance of truth because what is said by this nut on a MOCK site surely must be true. She's damaged his reputation to such a degree that he's about to lose his home, family, reputation and future job prospects because of her. In fact he must now continue to be a welfare whore all because of Antagonist. What a shame." ::nuts::
Get over it already. :  :
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:At least the shit between me and antbitch is fairly topical, you are just bringing up ancient history in a pathetic attempt to make Sinister look bad.
I however used a more topical and relevant subject to mock her recently, why do you keep on calling for a shovel when you hit rock bottom bitch?
I don't need to make Sinister look bad, fuckwit... she manages that quite well all on her own. She's actually feeding Ramsey info, like the 'bribes for friends' robe story, and using her as some sort of drone. That isn't ancient history, it was posted two days ago. Or did you miss that in your haste to once again bring up your bullshit email storyabout Ant?
Jesus, talk about fucking transparent. You've clearly got an agenda and you're going to bulldoze everything else to get at it. Shut the fuck up already, we've heard this shit ad nauseum.
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:At least the shit between me and antbitch is fairly topical, you are just bringing up ancient history in a pathetic attempt to make Sinister look bad.
I however used a more topical and relevant subject to mock her recently, why do you keep on calling for a shovel when you hit rock bottom bitch?
I don't need to make Sinister look bad, fuckwit... she manages that quite well all on her own. She's actually feeding Ramsey info, like the 'bribes for friends' robe story, and using her as some sort of drone. That isn't ancient history, it was posted two days ago. Or did you miss that in your haste to once again bring up your bullshit email storyabout Ant?
Jesus, talk about fucking transparent. You've clearly got an agenda and you're going to bulldoze everything else to get at it. Shut the fuck up already, we've heard this shit ad nauseum. Sin is not feeding me anything. I didn't know about any robe until you mentioned it here. I don't know what you have against Sin. I do know that you felt the need to bring something to Mock that she had clearly stated was not up for discussion here. Even though this IS a mock site, you should learn to respect a person's request. It's obviously a touchy subject for her and rightly so. If you were such a good friend to her you would have realized that.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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ramseycat Wrote:I don't know what you have against Sin. I do know that you felt the need to bring something to Mock that she had clearly stated was not up for discussion here. Even though this IS a mock site, you should learn to respect a person's request. It's obviously a touchy subject for her and rightly so. If you were such a good friend to her you would have realized that.
ramseycat Wrote:
Sin is not feeding me anything. I didn't know about any robe until you mentioned it here. Bull fucking shit. You've repeated things she's posted to me nearly verbatim, you stupid slag.
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:ramseycat Wrote:Sin is not feeding me anything. I didn't know about any robe until you mentioned it here. Bull fucking shit. You've repeated things she's posted to me nearly verbatim, you stupid slag. Bull fucking shit. I NEVER said anything about any robe. Or about donations to her when she was in the hospital I didn't even KNOW about it. You a fucking idiot. Whatever when down between the two of you YEARS ago was long before my time. I don't know what happened. I don't care what happened. Stop trying to blame me because Sin hates your fucking guts. It has nothing to do with me.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
ramseycat Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:ramseycat Wrote:
Sin is not feeding me anything. I didn't know about any robe until you mentioned it here. Bull fucking shit. You've repeated things she's posted to me nearly verbatim, you stupid slag. Bull fucking shit. I NEVER said anything about any robe. Or about donations to her when she was in the hospital I didn't even KNOW about it. You a fucking idiot. Whatever when down between the two of you YEARS ago was long before my time. I don't know what happened. I don't care what happened. Stop trying to blame me because Sin hates your fucking guts. It has nothing to do with me.
Talking to you is like talking to a Downs Syndrome child. Blank stare, blanket denial, totally unbelievable.
You might not've had the specifics since it's doubtful you could've retained the info for longer than five minutes, but you've used that same, tired argument about me trying to buy friends by sending them gifts that your idolcommented onseveral months ago. You've mentioned other things that Sinisterknew via PM that wasn't mentioned hereand we all KNOW you're too stupid to come up with this on your own. It's obvious there's PM traffic between you two, I have absolutely no doubt about it.
Hey Sinister, wanna know what Clancy thinks about this?
From an email:
Me: I know I'm being accused of beating a dead horse by bringing up the lack of thank you notes from Sinister and her family after the accident, but even if that's true, I'm glad I got all that out. The fucking nerve to use my generosity as a weapon like that...
Clancy: Too fucking right ! I don't think you'd be so bothered if she hadn't thrown your nice gift back in your face. What kind of miserable, mean spirited, person does that! huh? Some people don't get what she received in their wedding shower ffs!
I've know a few forgetful people over the years, but she takes the biscuit for being the most unresponsive, ungrateful git......and if you had a dollar for every other person who felt that way, you'd be a happy camper. What was it that,XXXXX said?, "I feel like I've been mugged" BR didn't even have the good graces to hang around FG after so many had heaped stuff her way....had that been you, you'd have stayed for a decent amount of time on your return, even if you hated being there
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The drama thickens, heh heh.