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[user=115]Borndragon[/user] wrote:
Quote:Giving gifts to strangers on the internet whom could be lying through their keyboards about anything of who they are, seems to be setting yourself up to be taken advantage of and a victim.
The crowd I associate with wouldn't dream of giving out their home address as they are more likely to receive a package that goes Boom than anything cool like a Robe. ::nuts::
Why can't you just make friends in real life and save the internet for fuckin' with people?
I agree. The whole fucking thing is weird. I wouldn't send some asshole a gift anymore than I would give out my address expecting one. I can't even stand the people I know IRL, much less make friends with some freaks over the internet.
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:Borndragon Wrote:[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote:Quote:Come on, you can't tell me you've never made friends with someone online. Sometimes people connect, just like IRL, although you're right about a lot of scam artists out there. That's why gift certificates are great... just needs email addresses.
Well shit Mimi, [email protected] me sometime :kiss::
I have made some friendly acquaintances on line and I'd like to think I can pick out the more genuine ones but doesn't seem to you that friendships made online are more fragile and people turn on you a hell of a lot faster than IRL?
This does not include my brothers and sisters from Rant-Rave....much love. ::scared:: Sending a $20 gift cert from amazon isn't like signing a marriage certificate and I don't send gifts out to that many people for this to really be a concern. The robe and money to Sinister was an unusual situation and I'll never be tempted to send so much as a good thought her way in the future. Well I'm glad you learned your lesson. I don't see Sinister defending herself, so it must be true that she took everyones sympathy and shit all over it ::laugh::
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Momster Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:I was being facetious, you nimrod. It was glaringly obvious who I was talking about... you didn't see me trying to continue the charade in the following posts, did you?
And I would never have mentioned it if Sinister hadn't started Ramsey on this path, claiming I'm trying to buy friendship in here. You might want to read a few threads before screaming GET. OVER. IT.
How fucking stupid are some of you? Some asshole brings the topic up but when you respond, you're the one accused of this shit. My friendship can be purchased in Starbucks cards... just sayin'
sally Wrote:I don't see Sinister defending herself, so it must be true that she took everyones sympathy and shit all over it ::laugh:: You don't see me defending myself because this topic is absurd and the business only of the people involved. You ain't one of 'em so you can take your assumption and fold it into a nice tight square and cram it up your ass. If you morons can't see that the bimbo who started the thread is only after a reaction from me - that she won't get - you're all more stupid than I first believed.
I have no intention of trying to defend or explainmyself to any fucking person in this forum.
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Sinister Wrote:I have no intention of trying to defend or explainmyself to any fucking person in this forum. Is that because you never thanked anyone for the gifts?
sally Wrote:Sinister Wrote:I have no intention of trying to defend or explainmyself to any fucking person in this forum. Is that because you never thanked anyone for the gifts? I could tell you I did and I could tell you I didn't. Your opinion on this topic is already decided so continuing to discuss this totally pointless and meaningless troll-fest holds no meaning for me. The people who gave the gifts know what I did and it is none of your fucking business. Are you so bored that this topic about something that happened over 2 years ago is so interesting to you?
If it means all that much to you, I suggest you go join up at Forum Garden and ask the people who have been there for more than 3 years. Although I suspect you're just another bag lady groupie who gets some ridiculous kick out of trying to get a reaction from me and that it doesn't really matter to you. So you and the other bimbo can continue to bash your heads against a wall while I sit here laughing at both your expenses.
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[user=93]sally[/user] wrote:
Quote:Sinister Wrote:I have no intention of trying to defend or explain myself to any fucking person in this forum.
Is that because you never thanked anyone for the gifts?
A rather expensive cashmere robe, in addition to money to help pay bills deserves a 'Thank You'.....And the person who did the giving claims she didn't get one.
Borndragon ~ doesn't matter if the rest of FG did.
Clancy, Arnold Layne, MrsK, Pants and myself never received a simple thank you. So now pancake tits is trying to insinuate she has indeed thanked some people, just apparently NOT the ones I named.
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[user=35]LuMPyPussy[/user] wrote: Quote:Clancy, Arnold Layne, MrsK, Pants and myself never received a simple thank you.
That's pretty fucked up! ::stir:: and further proves my point on giving gifts to strangers you only 'know' on the internet.
Borndragon ~ No more being nice, Mimi......
Quote:A rather expensive cashmere robe, in addition to money to help pay bills deserves a 'Thank You'.....And the person who did the giving claims she didn't get one.
The operative word there being "claims". And how is this any of your fucking business, either?
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[user=7]Sinister[/user] wrote:
Quote:Quote:A rather expensive cashmere robe, in addition to money to help pay bills deserves a 'Thank You'.....And the person who did the giving claims she didn't get one.
The operative word there being "claims". And how is this any of your fucking business, either?
It's not....::stir::
But, that would be rather crass of LMPP to claim to have not received any gratitude from you when in reality she had?
What would be the motivation behind that?
Borndragon ~ To try and make you look bad?
Borndragon Wrote:But, that would be rather crass of LMPP to claim to have not received any gratitude from you when in reality she had?
What would be the motivation behind that? Simple; she's an attention whore and has no life, so she seeks validation fromstrangers in the countless forums she visits. Along with that, she's a fucking nutcase so her motivation could be simple boredom with her non-existant life.
Borndragon Wrote:[user=7]Sinister[/user] wrote:
Quote:Quote:A rather expensive cashmere robe, in addition to money to help pay bills deserves a 'Thank You'.....And the person who did the giving claims she didn't get one.
The operative word there being "claims". And how is this any of your fucking business, either?
It's not....::stir::
But, that would be rather crass of LMPP to claim to have not received any gratitude from you when in reality she had?
What would be the motivation behind that?
Borndragon ~ To try and make you look bad?
Crass I may be, but I'm not a liar. All I'm seeing from Sinisterare insinuations and attempts at deflection.
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It's painfully obvious that she didn't thank anyone. Otherwise she would have called LMPP a lying fucking cunt and proved her wrong. Anyone with an ounce of pride would have already done so.
sally Wrote:It's painfully obvious that she didn't thank anyone. Otherwise she would have called LMPP a lying fucking cunt and proved her wrong. Anyone with an ounce of pride would have already done so. How does a person prove something like that? As I said; your opinion on this has already been made, since you've been sucked into the self-absorbed world of the bag lady. I still don't have to prove a thing to any of you vermin here. You go right on ahead pretending like you know anything. I'm sure your partner in crime will validate you, as long as you validate her in return. You're made for each other.
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Seeing as you say you've thanked LMPP for the gifts in the past Sinister, how hard would it be to type something here, along the lines of...
'Lumpy, you obviously missed it the first time, so thank you for your kind gifts in my time of pain and need' and be done with it?
Borndragon ~ Bornmediator
Borndragon Wrote:'Lumpy, you obviously missed it the first time, so thank you for your kind gifts in my time of pain and need' and be done with it? Because, for the last fucking time, I have no intention of giving her the satisfaction and still have no intention of pursuing this pointless, soap opera bullshit shit stirring that ignorant cunt is attempting. You people are like a bunch of rabid soap opera fans, getting sucked into something that happened 2 fucking years ago and hanging on to it like a fucking pit bull.
This shows me without any more doubt that many of the people in this forum have no life outside of it. And I thought the bag lady was the sole winner of that title. ::lmao::
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OR... because she doesn't give a fuck for REAL about anyone or anything, and it is not her internet persona. She's a real life bitch.
Momster Wrote:OR... because she doesn't give a fuck for REAL about anyone or anything, and it is not her internet persona. She's a real life bitch. There ya go. So accurate that it was vote-worthy. ::thumbs::