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Luke versus FAHQ
Who the hell are you & where am I ?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Blame Sally, she's the one that brought Areola into the conversation. Did Areola have pancake nipples?
Fug duh kund
Sorry, I don't speak Disney.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I'll bet that bitch in 101 Dalmations did...almost surely.
Fug duh kund
Luke Warmwater Wrote:Blame Sally, she's the one that brought Areola into the conversation. Did Areola have pancake nipples?
No her name was Ariel and she had pancake areolas. Now please explain to me what the fuck a pancake nipple is or at least show a picture.
sally Wrote:
Duchess Wrote:Exactly what are guys looking for when it comes to nippes ?...I never knew guys had a criteria when it came to that...And what do you mean by pancakes ?...Boobs flat like pancakes ?...I can see how that would be a turn off...Like a limp dick, right ?
I think he meant the kind of areolas that are flat and look like they were tattooed on.

I didn't think nipples were that big of a deal either................then we have my husband. We were watching the Oscars last night and he tells me that Kate Winslot should win because he thinks she has perfect nipples. ::nuts::

He also doesn't like them dark, they have to be pink, not brown........Men, go figure.
sally Wrote:
Luke Warmwater Wrote:Blame Sally, she's the one that brought Areola into the conversation. Did Areola have pancake nipples?
No her name was Ariel and she had pancake areolas. Now please explain to me what the fuck a pancake nipple is or at least show a picture.

Glad someone finally picked up on the cerebral humor. Guess I'll have to spell it out in the future.

You had it right with the tattoo look...usually accompanied by large, excessively-kneaded, milkbags. GACK
Fug duh kund
Luke Warmwater Wrote:You had it right with the tattoo look...usually accompanied by large, excessively-kneaded, milkbags. GACK
Thats exactly how MF likes them. Some of the pictures he posts are enough to gag a maggot, then he has the nerve to complain about nice perky B's ::rollseyes::
MF wouldn't know a nice set of tits if they hit him in the face. Any guy that INSISTS that boobs have to be big to be good is an idiot. Size only matters when it comes to a guy's penis. Then bigger is definitely better. As MF has found out. He is small and therefore he projects his insecurities onto women by putting down small boobs.

Thank God I have nice perky full C's.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Luke Warmwater Wrote:Glad someone finally picked up on the cerebral humor. Guess I'll have to spell it out in the future.
You're actually giving credit to the one who recognized a character from a child's movie? Well, pardon the fuck out of us grown adults who don't have thetime nor the interestto join the Disney fan club. How fuckin' old are you?? ::blink:: You probably have your Mickey Mouse ears bronzed and sitting on your mantel, don't you?
I got his stupid Arial joke but didn't find it humorous in the least.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Luke Warmwater Wrote:Glad someone finally picked up on the cerebral humor.
I would say I picked up on it when I responded with "I don't speak disney"...Hello
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
[user=7]Sinister[/user] wrote:
Luke Warmwater Wrote:Glad someone finally picked up on the cerebral humor.  Guess I'll have to spell it out in the future.
You're actually giving credit to the one who recognized a character from a child's movie?  Well, pardon the fuck out of us grown adults who don't have the time nor the interest to join the Disney fan club.  How fuckin' old are you??  ::blink::  You probably have your Mickey Mouse ears bronzed and sitting on your mantel, don't you?

An ex work colleague of mine had a Disney wedding in Florida. ::nuts::25
Donald duck was the fucking best man.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Quote:An ex work colleague of mine had a Disney wedding in Florida. ::nuts::25
Donald duck was the fucking best man.
That just goes to show you that some men will stoop to any level to get the pussy.

WTF kind of man would let himselfget into that situation? A disney wedding.....Donald Duck for a best man, WTF?????

Sean was a fucking retard, him and his wife had a living room that looked like a a playroom, full of disney throw cushions, pictures and shit.

Very creepy, I used to think it was all a trap set up to catch innocent children.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Sean was a fucking retard, him and his wife had a living room that looked like a a playroom, full of disney throw cushions, pictures and shit.

Very creepy, I used to think it was all a trap set up to catch innocent children.
I don't think retard is the word. Now I have this mental picture of some guys whose balls have been tied to strings like those old toys we used to have. The clacker thingys. every time she wants something, she stands in front of him and starts clacking, and he jumps.

Seriously, this guy wouldn't show up on any kind of man radar.
I find the mockery of my D-love to be inappropriate, even for Mock.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:I find the mockery of my D-love to be inappropriate, even for Mock.
duck love? Is this the only quack you can muster up?
Fug duh kund
[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote:
Quote:Sean was a fucking retard, him and his wife had a living room that looked like a a playroom, full of disney throw cushions, pictures and shit.

Very creepy, I used to think it was all a trap set up to catch innocent children.

In his defense though he claims most of those children dressed provocatively (what with their short shorts and tank tops) and were "asking for it".
There is something very wrong with a 40 year old man who has a collection of Disney collectors plates.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.