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As I was leaving work tonight I saw a guy fucking with the time cards. He is slow and stupid and was about to get laid off tommorrow. I walk over to see what he was doing and he was running all the guys time cards (they use a card that they swipe) through a magnet he had. They kinda pick on him because he is lazy. I told him "you Fuckin dumbass, now your fired!" He said why?.........I said because your a fucking dumbass. He promised to be back in the AM. This may get interesting.  Now he cannot claim unemployment.::dlaugh::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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It's worse to get fired. No unemploymemnt. No Cobra for health insurance. No severance package. He just saved your company a bunch of money.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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Thus the Dumbass statement.............he knew he was getting layed off Friday I told him Monday.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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So he is pissed that he is getting laid off. Understandable. However, he is an idiot for trying to get even as he has just fucked himself out of his severance package and any chance of getting brought back when the economy rebounds.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
Maggot Wrote:As I was leaving work tonight I saw a guy fucking with the time cards. He is slow and stupid and was about to get laid off tommorrow. I walk over to see what he was doing and he was running all the guys time cards (they use a card that they swipe) through a magnet he had. They kinda pick on him because he is lazy. I told him "you Fuckin dumbass, now your fired!" He said why?.........I said because your a fucking dumbass. He promised to be back in the AM. This may get interesting. Now he cannot claim unemployment.::dlaugh:: I believe you just answered your own question.
Are you the guy's manager? He does sound like a dumbass.
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I think the Drama magnet clicked on by mistake.............sorry.  Manager is a cruel word I prefer owner. (Or at least part owner). I think he thought I was to old to realise what he was doing, considering I'm so damn computer illiterate.:cool:
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Maggot Wrote:I think the Drama magnet clicked on by mistake.............sorry. Manager is a cruel word I prefer owner. (Or at least part owner). I think he thought I was to old to realise what he was doing, considering I'm so damn computer illiterate.:cool: I didn't know if you had any 'real interest' in the business (I don't mean 'interest' like 'Hey, I'm interested!', I mean 'interest' like, ownership).  It just sounded like you were in a position to fire the guy, but I wasn't sure. What kind of business is it?
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I thought posting in the assholes in the news forumwould somehow encompass assholes in my smallsphere of news, this is the most recent addition. It is the typical boost to my current excitement level. But considering it is the dead of winter, I had to get it off my chest, and the Catholic school of thought, what with confessionals and all the secrecy, and cubby holes that look liketelephone booths draped in blankets ( I abandoned all that crap many years ago) This was my only outlet.
It certainly stopped me from driving over the curb to run over that guy with the sign "will work for food". That is such a Fucking scam. If not for this tidbit of insanity things would be different. Thank you for for being a Mock friend. Scum bucket. :kiss::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Maggot Wrote:It certainly stopped me from driving over the curb to run over that guy with the sign "will work for food". That is such a Fucking scam. Yes.... yes it is. Anyone who is capable of 'working' hard enough to go out panhandling on the street, is capable of doing some lame-assed, minimum wage job. Granted, there are SOME areas were even those jobs are few and far between (I lived in such a spot once, PhDs were fighting each other for fast-food jobs, it was bad) but in most cases, if a person WANTS to work, they easily can.
"Will Work For Food" - translation: "I make more money suckering you dumbasses than I would working a real job".
It's damned amusing that if you actually OFFER the bastards 'work' in exchange for a hot meal or something, they will just snub you, 9 times out of 10. I've helped people who truly were in desperate need before, and the ones who really need the help are bloody grateful for a ride to a homeless shelter, or the opportunity to earn a meal, or some other meaningful assistance. The panhandlers just want money.
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Hell! Get a couple big titted bitches with signs that say "free titty window wash" pay-em with 70% of the tips and sip coffee at the corner Drunkin Dognuts. That or face libel suit for electronically sabotaging others personal property sent this guy away.::bigg::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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We just had to layoff 25% of the plant a few weeks ago, they all got severance, extended insurance coverage...and of, course, are eligible to apply for unemployment.
Layoff is much better.
Fucking economy...
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.
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Fucked up to hear that Kid, taking it your job is safe, for now.
And here I was planning on moving to I De Hoe.
Fucked up everywhere.
Layoff's are better.
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Lot's of Mormons in Idaho Dragon. I don't worry about you, but rather all of them.
Mormon's though are the easiest group to mock.
Edited to add: Like shooting fish in a barrel.
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[user=90]OnBendedKnee[/user] wrote:
Quote:Lot's of Mormons in Idaho Dragon. I don't worry about you, but rather all of them.
Mormon's though are the easiest group to mock.
Edited to add: Like shooting fish in a barrel.
I know what you mean, OBK, My dad is from Pocatello and grew up in all that Mormon crap and is even one of the plethora of descendents of Brigham Young. That's until, the story goes, my father, being a member of mensa, was smart enough to denounce the churches use and was traveling thru San Diego on a pilgrimage to Soledad to become a monk.
He met my mom there and the rest is history.
They say genius skips a generation....
Borndragon ~ My kids are smart as a whip.
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From Mormon to Monk.
The stories your dad could tell!
(Mormon and and the mensa crowd don't mix. I can only imagine the short period of time it took him to figure out the golden plates story and Joseph Smith was a total crock and high-tale it out of that religion.)
Borndragon Wrote:my father, being a member of mensa, was smart enough to denounce the churches use and was traveling thru San Diego on a pilgrimage to Soledad to become a monk. Cute story.
Mensa are annoying pricks for the most part. I've known a few, but never bothered to join.
I don't believe it's intellect that skips a generation.... I think that's 'insanity' you're thinking of. ::bigg::