I need discipline
(10-11-2020, 06:53 AM)crash Wrote: Who says the Dom has to be a man? There are plenty of FemDoms out there, plenty of male subs.

To answer your question though, a genuine Dom/sub relationship only exists with a high level of trust. Otherwise it is just playacting. If the trust is broken by lies or avoidance, chances of repair are slim, and the person who broke it would have to come clean, not avoid the issue.

If the trust is there, completely, and it’s a genuine two way street, it can be a powerful, powerful thing

Crash is well versed in this kind of thing.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I suspect he's been violated a few times.
He actually does sound like a bitch lately.
Pot. Kettle. Black. You’ve been a cranky cunt for months. Did somebody run over your dog?
Now why the hell would you say such a thing?Dont put that evil on my dog. I'm ok with someone running over me, however.
I'm not sure if I could follow a dog around and pu a bag of warm shit but if I had a Dog and I get run over I hope the warm bag of shit doesn't moosh into me when I get hit with the tire. That would be ugly.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I dunno, I figured it had to be something big to make you walk round with a cactus in your gusset for months
Its the fucking covid being stuck in the house with the husband and kids and not being able to go anywhere.

The covid thing kind of gets you down, but nothing burns my britches more than talking shit about the dog.
I was joking, but the dog really is my best friend. She's so stinking cute she makes my heart melt. She runs like a rabbit too with her chunky little butt, the cuteness is too much. It's cuteness overload.
But trump is going to cure you all, he’s immune! *coughbullshitcough*
What the hell does that have to do with my dog? And if you think Biden is going to do anything phenomenal you are sadly mistaken. There is no cure for it, but if you are in that group that responds negatively to it you can eventually get the same treatment. Just not now, so you'll most likely die. It's not like Biden is going to rush it any faster though.
And winter is coming too with the flu, you catch them both and it's a double whammy. Everyone knows that it is lingering and waiting. That stupid asshole Trump or retard Biden aren't going to do anything about it.
I forgot to get my flu shot.

Well cant you just get it anytime? I had something where I was deathly ill about five years ago right after Christmas. I went to drive myself to the hospital and had to pull back into the driveway and call my husband to come and pick me up. Fever, chills, cough, headache, the whole nine yards and the flu test came back negative. I dont know wtf it was, but they gave me Tamiflu anyway and I was fine the next day.The headache was the worst and everytime I coughed it intensified it.
(10-11-2020, 11:26 AM)Duchess Wrote: I can't see it, there's just a question mark there.

[Image: 7e1ut1Q.png]
Nice pergola, but not $3 million nice. Thanks, buddy!
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
This thread is making me horny, can you send me a pic

of your feet?
Anything for you, honey.   27

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[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Thanks buddy.