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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:You did claim to be a dentist when you first arrived here at Mock, not in a humourous way, or way that was clever or witty in anyway, just a blatant lie that you continued to perpetuate in your posts at the time for no reason whatsoever.
You are the worst kind of fucked up liar, a liar who tells blatantly deliberate and deceptive lies when there is absolutely no reason to do so.
You will not find one post in this entire forum where I ever claimed to be a dentist. You are making that shit up Pinocchio.
Middle Finger Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:You are the worst kind of fucked up liar, a liar who tells blatantly deliberate and deceptive lies when there is absolutely no reason to do so.

Unlike your lies, which are accidental and issued for noble reasons. ::nuts::
I don't lie about the important things, I.E - who and what I am.

Sally lies to herself daily just to get through the day.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Here is her thread - judge on the dentist thing yourself:
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Here is her thread - judge on the dentist thing yourself:
cant you just link directly to one Post or quote it here. i don't have time to read through 10 pages of lies.
Liquid Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Here is her thread - judge on the dentist thing yourself:
cant you just link directly to one thread or quote it here. i don't have time to read through 10 pages of lies.

That is a link to one thread. ::finger::

There is no one post to quote - it's make of the conversation and implications what you want. Apparently, she had "dentist" in her profile when she first came on board.

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I meant one post sorry, I changed my original post above
That's OK, because I meant "fuck you" I don't care what you have time for or whether or not you want to explore Sally's dentist drama. Smiley_emoticons_smile
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I tried to post a link and fucked it up somehow. Fuck it now, find it yourself Liquid. I never said I was a dentist. In fact, I tried to convince people several times that I wasn't a dentist, but they refused to believe me.

Post 35 of MF`s link
post 35 in that thread said:

AnonyMoose Wrote:
sally Wrote:I'll introduce myself here then, but there is nothing much to make fun of. I'm a wahm, married 15 years, 2 kids and 4 dogs. I alsolike beerand have huge breasts.
What the fuck is a work at home dentist? Are you the sweeney todd of molars or some shit? WTF? Is the rest of your figure decent, or are your tits huge because the rest of you is 300 lbs.? Where did you do your dental school? How did you meet your husband? Is he also a dentist? What kind of dogs? How old are your kids?

Did you get the message moron? I'm not a fucking dentist and I dont have huge tits. Jesus Christ do you even read anything around here?

I have a construction buisness, my kids are 11 and 15, I met my husband at a friends house, the dogs are a newfoundland, golden retriever, basset hound, and pit bull.

So what is it that you do asshole? How old are your kids, where did you meet your wife?


so the question now is where did the dentist mention come from before that
Poor Sally.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Liquid Wrote:so the question now is where did the dentist mention come from before that
The bimbo had as her resume; been fixing teeth for 33 years. It has since changed its profile.
Sinister Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:so the question now is where did the dentist mention come from before that
The bimbo had as her resume; been fixing teeth for 33 years. It has since changed its profile.
Yeah and your job is listed as being evil, it should be listed as"being a dumb bitch". The two of you are clearly mentally challenged so I won't bother explaining anymore about my profile.
Duchess Wrote:Poor Sally.

You got that right sister, I'm surrounded by retards. I say I'm a WAHM and they somehow get WAHDentist out of that ::blink::::bang::

[user=47]Liquid[/user] wrote:
Quote:post 35 in that thread said:

AnonyMoose Wrote:
sally Wrote:I'll introduce myself here then, but there is nothing much to make fun of. I'm a wahm.
What the fuck is a work at home dentist?

Did you get the message moron? I'm not a fucking dentist


so the question now is where did the dentist mention come from before that
Quote:I say I'm a WAHM and they somehow get WAHDentist out of that ::blink::::bang::

Why is that shocking when your profile, joking or not, had indicated that you were a dentist at the time it was known you were a WAHM?
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Duchess Wrote:FuckSally.
Fixed your post for you, Dutch. 116
Middle Finger Wrote:
Quote:I say I'm a WAHM and they somehow get WAHDentist out of that ::blink::::bang::

Why is that shocking when your profile, joking or not, had indicated that you were a dentist at the time it was known you were a WAHM?
Because MF, WAHM doesn't stand for WAHD. M is for mom and D is for dentist, see how that works? If he took my profile seriously then he should have said "but I thought you were a dentist" to which I would have replied.... "no I just did not want to put what I really do for a living in my profile so I typed in dentist instead, you stupid fucking douchebag".
[Image: Bored-Baby-1284.jpg]
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