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Are you okay up there? I've never seen anything like the pix & videos I've seen the past few days and I was born & raised in the North Country. It looks awful and there's been so much death.
I want to know you're okay. Thanks!
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Dono was here & didn't see my thread. Or maybe he ignored me. Woe is me.
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Probably didn't see it. I am sure if he saw this he woykd have responded.
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he puts the woy, in woke.
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(01-06-2023, 01:40 PM)MirahM Wrote: Probably didn't see it. I am sure if he saw this he woykd have responded.
I think so too. I was shamelessly bumping the thread just in case he came back.
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Actually I didn't see this thread before now, and the answer is both yes and no. Snow isn't an issue, for those of you familiar with the dirty words "lake effect" it means I can be completely snow-free while a few miles away people are dying in their stuck cars. Very schizophrenic weather up here.
Unfortunately I am also recovering from a pretty nasty car wreck on 12 26, no significant injuries but banged up pretty good and the (new,improved) girlfriend got a concussion and busted ribs, and her 18 yr old son broke a pelvis getting thrown from the vehicle and had a few days in ICU. He's recovering now and starting to get around on his own, but shit like this kinda flips your world on its head, ya know? Anyway, we all lived to tell about it and nobody lost any limbs, so there's that for silver lining...
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Was he wearing a seat belt?
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He was, but had fallen asleep so kinda laid over sideways. The other car t-boned us at a high rate of speed coming out of a driveway on kind of a blind spot area. Spun us around three or four times, totalled the car. We think the force of the spin flung him out the other side, felt like the world's worst fucking roller coaster.
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The good news is you're all alive, although breaking a pelvis is no good. I take it you also got a lawyer to deal with the insurance companies?
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Holy shit! I'm glad you and all survived that ordeal.
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GF was driving so she is calling lawyers now
However NY is a no-fault state so as of yet we haven't had any issue with insurance companies.
They put a plate and a screw in his pelvis and he is slowly regaining mobility, much faster than we could have hoped but still agonizingly slow for an 18 yr old just ready to get rolling. Just really kind of fucked up way to start the year. Totalled out her car, I'd share pics but I still can't figure out how to do it without putting them in some kind of photo bucket thing first.
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My son was in a head on collision on a 55 mph road and the lady who hit him died. She had the bare minimum insurance so the lawyer filed a claim with our insurance. He was all beat up, but his broken finger is what won him the money. They consider anything broken a lifelong injury. My son was 19 at the time, luckily they bounce back faster than us old people.
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NY don't fuck around with that minimalist shit. They require certain liability minimums be met and it's added in to regular costs. Annoying until you need it. Made our claims a lot easier to handle. Weird thing is, we found a good lawyer but not for us, for her son. The way the laws are structured, she doesn't have much of a legal case but her son can sue her (her insurance anyway) and seek the maximum benefit for his injuries. In this way his lawyer does the best possible work to get her son what he's entitled and her insurance company does all the work trying to make sure she doesn't have any fault in the accident. Kinda weird but whatever. Insurance laws suck.
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That's how we did it too. My son sued our insurance because he was driving our company truck. He got a 100,000 for a broken finger and of course the lawyer took 30, but a broken pelvis is much more serious so I imagine he will be compensated accordingly.
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Broken Pelvis was my stage name!
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(01-07-2023, 09:53 AM)Donovan Wrote: Actually I didn't see this thread before now, and the answer is both yes and no. Snow isn't an issue, for those of you familiar with the dirty words "lake effect" it means I can be completely snow-free while a few miles away people are dying in their stuck cars. Very schizophrenic weather up here.
Unfortunately I am also recovering from a pretty nasty car wreck on 12 26, no significant injuries but banged up pretty good and the (new,improved) girlfriend got a concussion and busted ribs, and her 18 yr old son broke a pelvis getting thrown from the vehicle and had a few days in ICU. He's recovering now and starting to get around on his own, but shit like this kinda flips your world on its head, ya know? Anyway, we all lived to tell about it and nobody lost any limbs, so there's that for silver lining...
I'm so glad to see you, but sorry to read what you've been through. That kid is lucky to be alive after being ejected!
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So little update: went for a minor test and ultrasound to verify all was well inside, they found stage three spleen bleeding which sent me to the ER. They were gonna take it out because they said I could die, but then realized I'd been doing basically normal shit for several weeks and not really having any issues with pain or dizziness so they decided not to fuck with it. Mildly scary (trauma teams kept calling other doctors and saying "you guys gotta come see this shit" which is NOT what you wanna hear from your trauma doctors) but I didn't die. Everyone else is healing nicely, my new and improved lady and I just had a 1 year anniversary and life is WAY better than the last several.
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Donovan was that related to the accident? Forgive me if it is a stupid question.
I'm so happy for your new improved lady, happy anniversary!
This medical issue sounds scary, but right now I feel like all medical issues sound potentially scary, but also glad your body seems to be handling it well.
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Yeah it was hidden and because I wasn't really in a lot of pain I was not thinking I was badly injured. ER doc said most people with this bad a spleen bleed get dizzy and fall over within a few days. But I'm stubborn as fuck so I was just doing what I do and ignoring the trouble signs lol. My family not known for laying down until we just drop. Stubborn bastards all of us. Broke a couple pieces off my spine too, but they can't really do shit about it.
In a weird way it was almost a relief because I had this survivor guilt thing going where everyone else was all fucked up and I'm walking around like nothing happened. Felt kinda bad like I didn't deserve to get medical care while other people I love were hurt worse.
Strange feeling. So when they freaked out and were poking at me and talking about keeping me in trauma, I was like " see I TOLD you I was there in the accident too"...
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.