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What Irks You?
Sinister Wrote:I went out twice on errand-running business with the intention of buying a 2009 calendar and forgot. BOTH times.
heheh I hate it when I do that Smiley_emoticons_wink
OK I know I said to keep the irks short but this one goes for every family that has not had the decency to learn the art of consideration for others dining out.

Last night we made the mistake of going out to eat. We were out anyway doing stuff and I said lets eat out, it's lateand I dont' feel like cooking now sowe decided on Olive Garden. Well we were having a nice meal until a family of 6 sat down and the kids with them went batshit. Apparently (listening to the waitress talking to them) they had a very long wait in the vestibule because the people who were there before them were sitting for a very long time after dinner. I actually heard the waitress complain to the customers about this!
By then these kids must have been out of their minds from sitting for so long.

Our main dishes were barely eaten and those brats were screaming at the top of their lungs, throwing crayons and having a FIT in general. Then the parents started cannibalizing each other.... I got a knot in my stomach, tossed my fork onto the dish hard enough to make it bounce and silence the room - except for the kids - and looked father directly in the eye and he KNEW not to say a word.

Waitress comes by with more crayons and tells the mother, "Don't worry, this is a family restaurant and we understand how it gets." in turn mother replies, "Oh I'm not at all worried."

I nearly lost it.

Then the kids take the crayons and break them, throw them some more, start writing on the wall,more screaming and throwing of other itemsand mother rewards them with a MOVIE!!! A fucking movie. Portable DVD player, BLARING loud too.

All I know is my mom took us OUTSIDE until we settled down. Family restaurant does not mean youdo nothave consideration for the OTHER families around you!

I demanded my check and boxes for take home and told her to hurry. Stupid bitch asked me if I wanted dessert! I told her NO I WANT OUT OF HERE NOW or I shall make a scene.

She got the check, pronto. When we walked past the table Istopped, told them,"Thanks for ruining my dinner. Maybe mommy should learn to cook?" and proceeded to walk away.

Needless to say it'll be a long time before I got out to eat again.

The Antagonist Wrote:
All I know is my mom took us OUTSIDE until we settled down. Family restaurant does not mean youdo nothave consideration for the OTHER families around you!

You had it good.... If my brother or I even thought about getting outta line my old man would give us both the look that made you go "uh oh". I hate to think how much it would have hurt if we made it to a take it outside performance
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
I think there is prolly a generation of us that knew to settle down when simply given "the look".
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
"Outside to settle the kids" is for the infants, what you described came later when we were old enough to know better.
my kids get the 'settle down' look
Oh, how well I know "the look". My Granny would catch you doing something you weren't supposed to and all she had to do was raise one eyebrow and you just knew you were a walking corpse.

Even my Dad - her son - would quake in fear if he ever got the eyebrow. You see that brow go up and your guts curdled in terror and you wished you could find a very deep hole to hide in. Even at 33 years old, that look would strike fear into my heart.

Fear Granny's wrath. ::scared::
Working with someone that gets as much overtime as he possibly can and seeing the tiny amount of work he's actually accomplishing. I'm getting more work out in my normal 80 hour pay period than he's getting in his 80 + 30 hour pay period. It's tempting to rat the fucker out.
I should amend that... I get more work out in a 40 hour WEEK than he's getting out in his 80 + 30 hour pay period.
Having to work a 40 hour week sometimes.
Jurassic Wrote:Having to work a 40 hour week sometimes.
On the dole, huh? ::aww::
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Jurassic Wrote:Having to work a 40 hour week sometimes.
On the dole, huh? ::aww::
Nope, never took a penny from the Government other than my War Pension and Army Pension, never been out of work, always work hard and play hard.
DPD Chick Wrote:my kids get the 'settle down' look
My daughter gets the "thousand yard stare" if she is misbehaving which to be fair to her is a rare occurence.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
DPD Chick Wrote:my kids get the 'settle down' look
My daughter gets the "thousand yard stare" if she is misbehaving which to be fair to her is a rare occurence.
wow, that must be scary.
Jurassic Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Jurassic Wrote:Having to work a 40 hour week sometimes.
On the dole, huh? ::aww::
Nope, never took a penny from the Government other than my War Pension and Army Pension, never been out of work, always work hard and play hard.
I enjoyed the fact that you felt the need to explain. :kiss::
Jurassic Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Jurassic Wrote:Having to work a 40 hour week sometimes.
On the dole, huh? ::aww::
Nope, never took a penny from the Government other than my War Pension and Army Pension, never been out of work, always work hard and play hard.

Thanks for serving, Battle Bitch.
86 112
[user=110]Jurassic[/user] wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Jurassic Wrote:Having to work a 40 hour week sometimes.
On the dole, huh?  ::aww::
Nope, never took a penny from the Government other than my War Pension and Army Pension, never been out of work, always work hard and play hard.
This isn't you by any chance?

[Image: wwii.jpg]
OnBendedKnee Wrote:[user=110]Jurassic[/user] wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Jurassic Wrote:Having to work a 40 hour week sometimes.
On the dole, huh? ::aww::
Nope, never took a penny from the Government other than my War Pension and Army Pension, never been out of work, always work hard and play hard.
This isn't you by any chance?

[Image: wwii.jpg]
I wish OBK, if I was a woman I would have retired years ago instead of still supporting one ::bigg::
I read in your profile, "Alcohol Tester" and just assumed you were a woman.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Whoops.
I read in your profile, "Alcohol Tester" and just assumed you were a woman.
And your penis is a straw?