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The way I talk in forums is how I really talk in the real world. I cuss like a sailor, unless I am with my Mom, then I try to tone it down a tad. She is very prim and proper. Kinda nauseatingly so.

I was talking to a friend the other day and I realized that I said "fuck" or a variant of the wordlike, 9 times in 4 sentences. It just seems to spill out of my fucking mouth like it has a will of its own.

What's your opinion on women who swear frequently? Does it strike you as "un-ladylike" or could you fucking care less how awoman talks?

I remember once my Granny said "shit" when I was about 28 and I almost fell off my chair. She was no saint, but to hear that come from her was a fucking shock.

So what do you fuckers think about this?
I think it is low-class, masculine, and unattractive.
86 112
Good question Sin...........why the fuck did you ask it?
newbiecollector Wrote:why the fuck did you ask it?
'Cuz I can. Why the fuck did you think? ::wait::
FUCK you. All of you cunts.
I be dam.......just the reason I thought you did.

Get some coffee in you ......dam your a nasty thing without coffee.
I am ALWAYS a lady in public but, a slut in the bedroom...On the rare occasion that I am seriously pissed I do resort to cussing a blue streak, that's how people around me judge just how angry I am...I'm a very laid back chick & rarely cuss but, when I do, I like the word, "fuck", I use it as a noun, verb & adjective...A couple of my guy friends always try to entice cuss words outta me 'cuz they "think" it's sexy to hear it said in such a soft voice...Assholes.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
There are exceptions - like during sex. Like, if I was on my back laying down on a soft bed and Duchess was sitting up on top of me, and she was cursing a little ... it would be very hot.

But if Sinister was cursing at any time, I would just picture oily motorcycle rags, dirty ash trays, and big biceps.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:I think it is low-class, masculine, and unattractive.


There is nothing hotter than to hear a woman say "fuck me harder" during sex, or "do you wanna fuck me?" before sex.

This is a fact any heterosexual man will confirm, yet more evidence that you are a latent homosexual.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:I think it is low-class, masculine, and unattractive.


There is nothing hotter than to hear a woman say "fuck me harder" during sex, or "do you wanna fuck me?" before sex.

This is a fact any heterosexual man will confirm, yet more evidence that you are a latent homosexual.

I was referring to the seedy biker stain.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Like, if I was on my back laying down on a soft bed and Duchess was sitting up on top of me, and she was cursing a little ... it would be very hot.
Hey !...How did you know that's my fav position ?...I'd ride ya like a horse, baby !
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I think I just puked
Funny...It made me laugh, Newbie.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Like, if I was on my back laying down on a soft bed and Duchess was sitting up on top of me, and she was cursing a little ... it would be very hot.
Hey !...How did you know that's my fav position ?...I'd ride ya like a horse, baby !

I LOVE that position because I get to see and touch everything I love ... curvy skin, yum yum. Plus, you get face-to-face interraction, you can relax your bodies ... nice.

Nice I say, NICE.
86 112
Duchess Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Like, if I was on my back laying down on a soft bed and Duchess was sitting up on top of me, and she was cursing a little ... it would be very hot.
Hey !...How did you know that's my fav position ?...I'd ride ya like a horse, baby !

You would have to go on top, prone position = trying to find your snatch under all the rolls of blubber which is virtually impossible, like traying to harpoon a slice of water melon in a 10 gallon tub of jello with your cock.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
newbiecollector Wrote:I think I just puked

That's the natural result of a Tard forming reasonable paragraphs like you did in the abortion thread. You had to use all your tard cells to pull it off and your body is undergoing a serious chemical imbalance, as it readjusts back to normal tardation.

Just sit down and think about things like how red and yellow make orange. Simple stuff.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
newbiecollector Wrote:I think I just puked

That's the natural result of a Tard forming reasonable paragraphs like you did in the abortion thread. You had to use all your tard cells to pull it off and your body is undergoing a serious chemical imbalance, as it readjusts back to normal tardation.

Just sit down and think about things like how red and yellow make orange. Simple stuff.

Do you really need to think that much about if you puked or not?

Of course you do. Sorry i stressed your brain. I will email some garlic or depends or both. Now settle down
At work, I never swear. Got to be the professional. At home, depends on who I am talking to and if I am mad or not. Generally, in public I try to keep it clean. There are just some people you say say fuck to and some people you can't.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
I play it by ear. I do believe I curse more HERE and at my kids than I do anywhere else in the world ::lmao::

I don't use profanity on other sites (including my own sleeping site) because it is not appropriate and does nothing to help others understand my point(s).

Mock is different, I feel a need to curse here and will do so at any given moment. The beauty is, I don't have to give a fuck who likes it or who doesn't.

Sin, you are correct in saying that you curse as much in person as you do here...hahaha. Even though I am used to you gettin' down and dirty with us here I have to be honest when I say, I had no idea that you were REALLY LIKE THAT IN PERSON. It is refreshing though because with you, I know where you are coming from and don't have to "rack my brain" wondering if you have fabricated anyting about yourself.

Put it this way, if I wondered into a bar filled with racists ass red necks and you happen to be in there too, I would bet that you would tell me to get my black ass out or face the ever lovin' consequences [or you would simply tell everyone there that if they put one hand on me it will be the last time they used that hand....hahahah] :kiss::::thumbs::::hugs::
Zenith Wrote:Put it this way, if I wondered into a bar filled with racists ass red necks and you happen to be in there too, I would bet that you would tell me to get my black ass out or face the ever lovin' consequences [or you would simply tell everyone there that if they put one hand on me it will be the last time they used that hand....hahahah] :kiss::::thumbs::::hugs::
You don't really wonder which one of those things I would do, do you? Seriously; you've hung out with me, you don't actually think that I would even consider the first scenario, do you?