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No snacking in court.
Bizarre act halts court hearing By Kimball Perry ⿢ ⿢

September 2, 2009

James Orr put an immediate halt to his criminal trial Wednesday when he squeezed the contents of his colostomy bag onto the table in front of him and ate it.

"There was what appeared to be feces on the table and on the floor," assistant Hamilton County prosecutor David Prem said.
Prem was prosecuting Orr, 66, for robbery and kidnapping. The trial, without a jury before Common Pleas Court Judge Ethna Cooper, began last week but continued today.
A witness had just taken the stand in the case Wednesday when Norm Aubin, Orr's attorney, said Orr leaned into him and asked if Aubin had anything to eat.
A shocked Aubin said he didn't. Orr then said he was hungry and asked for food. Aubin ignored him.
That's when Orr made a spectacle of taking his colostomy bag, worn on the outside of his body to collect his waste, and placing it on the table.
He then squeezed it and looked to be eating it. "It appeared he was eating his own (feces) at the table," Aubin said.
The Sheriff's deputy in the room shouted "What are you doing?" and then cuffed Orr and rushed him out of the courtroom.
The Sheriff's office later reported there was feces on Orr's lips, beard, hands and the defense table where he was sitting.
The judge suggested the courtroom had become a biohazard area and closed it for cleaning, continuing Orr's trial until next week.
Prem admitted he almost vomited up while watching Orr's antics but suspects they were done with a purpose.
"He's a con man. He has over 50 aliases and has convictions in Ohio and New York for thefts and robberies," Prem said.
"He's done just about everything a person can do to avoid justice. He feigned (mental) incompetence" leading up to this trial, Prem said. Orr was ordered to trial after court mental health workers deemed him mentally sound and a faker.
"I'm completely convinced his whole goal here is to cause as much mayhem as he can," Prem said of Orr.
Aubin will have jail workers again check Orr's mental health before continuing the trial Wednesday.
No additional charges were filed against Orr after Wednesday's courtroom activity. Orr was being tried for robbery and kidnapping charges after officials said Orr and a partner tried to get money, in a ruse, from a woman buying food at a Silverton Chinese restaurant.
When the woman wasn't fooled, Orr is accused of pulling a gun on her - with her three children in the car outside - and taking her to a bank where she was forced to withdraw $1,000 and give it to Orr.
He faces more than 60 years in prison on those charges.

I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

I can't imagine anything that would cause me to think eating shit would be a good idea.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I can't imagine anything that would cause me to think eating shit would be a good idea.
You ate that Baklava from Jersey.Smiley_emoticons_smile
Ooooh, she's gonna keel you for that! ::laugh::
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Ooooh, she's gonna keel you for that! ::laugh::
::dunno::oh well, whats new?
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Ooooh, she's gonna keel you for that! ::laugh::
Well it's about time she came up with a halfway decent mock ::bravo::
I don't have to do that Lumps.... she's halfway there between falling down steps and not being able to live without oxygen. By the time they get health care reform sorted out she'll have long suffocated.

Karma's a bitch.
The Antagonist Wrote:I don't have to do that Lumps.... she's halfway there between falling down steps and not being able to live without oxygen. By the time they get health care reform sorted out she'll have long suffocated.

Karma's a bitch.
Damn that secret Annie code!::doh::On a side note I think Freak Magnet Bitch is a fucking Gross S.O.B. I cannot even fathom visualizing such a thing. Thanks for grossing me out BITCH!::bvomit::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
[user=33]Maggot[/user] wrote:
Quote:Damn that secret Annie code!::doh:: On a side note I think Freak Magnet Bitch is a fucking Gross S.O.B.    I cannot even fathom visualizing such a thing. Thanks for grossing me out BITCH!::bvomit::

That's what she lives for. ::stir::
Fuckin' Aye !...That cup of coffee I just poured is no longer as appealing as it was only moments ago.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I can't imagine anything that would cause me to think eating shit would be a good idea.
You ate that Baklava from Jersey.Smiley_emoticons_smile
::lmao:: Good one ...

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