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So is everyone here a satan worshiper or what?
Maggot Wrote:a fear of women in black gowns from Catholic school.
I share that same fear...Sadistic bitches they are.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:a fear of women in black gowns from Catholic school.
I share that same fear...Sadistic bitches they are.
They like to come at you from dark alleys. You can smell them coming, a slight myrrh scent, almost like a wet dog.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Maggot Wrote:I recieved perfect penmanship and a fear of women in black gowns from Catholic school. Also a weird love for Sally Fields the flying nun.
I love Sally Field in all her incarnations, even that stupid movie series with Burt Reynolds.
Sally Field is really Dorian Gray.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
sally Wrote:
Liquid Wrote:is that about bestiality and having sex with dogs you sick pervert?
Jesus Christ! Jesus Fucking Christ!I'm not even going to respond to your crazy ass. And I know you are the one voting for me stalker.

OK, I know it is early, and I did not get a lot of sleep, but to me, a response that says I am not going to respond is an oxymoron of sorts. With the emphasis on moron.

I read the bible. Don't believe much of what I read, but find it interesting in parts. I think the book of Revelations, about the end times is great.
I think religion is all sorts of wrong. Its like the blind leading the blind. I do not believe in the christian god. I do not believe there was a jesus raised from the dead.
Maggot Wrote:I recieved perfect penmanship and a fear of women in black gowns from Catholic school. Also a weird love for Sally Fields the flying nun.
Beware of the Ruler. It hurts when your hand is smacked....j/s
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
sally Wrote:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole.

You obviously know fuck all about religion, please stop digging your own hole, even my seven year old daughter knows that Methodism is a form of Christianity for fucks sake.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Just for the record I am an Atheist.

I have flirted with Laveyan satanism in the past, but that is philosophy not a religion and no it doesn't involve the worship of satan.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
sally Wrote:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole.

You obviously know fuck all about religion, please stop digging your own hole, even my seven year old daughter knows that Methodism is a form of Christianity for fucks sake.
I knowMethodists are christians asshole. Did you read my question? I asked what do you believe in.
sally Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
sally Wrote:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole.

You obviously know fuck all about religion, please stop digging your own hole, even my seven year old daughter knows that Methodism is a form of Christianity for fucks sake.
I knowMethodists are christians asshole. Did you read my question? I asked what do you believe in.
::death:: Fuck me, you are dumb.

You don't know any Jewish people who are "methodist", did you mean "orthodox" by any chance?
As for what I believe in ?, I have stated that in the post directly above yours you unobservant bitch.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
sally Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
sally Wrote:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole.

You obviously know fuck all about religion, please stop digging your own hole, even my seven year old daughter knows that Methodism is a form of Christianity for fucks sake.
I knowMethodists are christians asshole. Did you read my question? I asked what do you believe in.
::death:: Fuck me, you are dumb.

You don't know any Jewish people who are "methodist", did you mean "orthodox" by any chance?
As for what I believe in ?, I have stated that in the post directly above yours you unobservant bitch.
If his mother is Jewish than he is Jewish too. You can become a Jew through blood and not due to belief or actions.
Oh...My...God..............Hahahaha...Sally is simple.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Duchess Wrote:Oh...My...God..............Hahahaha...Sally is simple.

Have I not been saying this since she was inflicted upon us???!! ::blink::::bang::

Fuck, it takes you people some time to catch up. ::irk::
sally Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
sally Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
sally Wrote:
I know jewish people who aremethodists asshole.

You obviously know fuck all about religion, please stop digging your own hole, even my seven year old daughter knows that Methodism is a form of Christianity for fucks sake.
I knowMethodists are christians asshole. Did you read my question? I asked what do you believe in.
::death:: Fuck me, you are dumb.

You don't know any Jewish people who are "methodist", did you mean "orthodox" by any chance?
As for what I believe in ?, I have stated that in the post directly above yours you unobservant bitch.
If his mother is Jewish than he is Jewish too. You can become a Jew through blood and not due to belief or actions.

I think the Kennedy's once had a daughter like you, I think they had her put to sleep.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Sinister Wrote:
Duchess Wrote:Oh...My...God..............Hahahaha...Sally is simple.

Have I not been saying this since she was inflicted upon us???!! ::blink::::bang::

Fuck, it takes you people some time to catch up. ::irk::
I've been aware of that since day one...I usually use the words, "stupendously stupid" tho, today I borrowed your phrase.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Middle Finger Wrote:
Zenith Wrote:Solitary witch with an eclectic path.


Crazy but interesting person willing to go down on warlocks [color="blue"]with huge cocks[/color].
There, fixed it fer ya....::sly::
[I suck the big ones and the small ones...Pfft! can just shove 'em up my ass] ::rolllaugh::::gigg::::rolllaugh::::gigg::
Duchess Wrote:Oh...My...God..............Hahahaha...Sally is simple.
Butt, that ass of hers has me mezzzz-more-rised!!
[Image: shok%5B1%5D.gif]

[I don't understand why no one else can see that]
Zenith Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
Zenith Wrote:Solitary witch with an eclectic path.


Crazy but interesting person willing to go down on warlocks [color="blue"]with huge cocks[/color].
There, fixed it fer ya....::sly::
[I suck the big ones and the small ones...Pfft! can just shove 'em up my ass] ::rolllaugh::::gigg::::rolllaugh::::gigg::


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