OnBendedKnee Wrote:Sinister Wrote:Ok, OBK.....what the FUCK are you hoping to get out of this forum?? Please refer to my purpose listed right below my resume'.
The only life lessons you'll get here would be for people who want to be rude, crude and socially unacceptable. We don't want to hear about yout bible or your God and we'll probably verbally crush your head if you try to preach to us.
We have naked people pictures and I doubt there is a post in here that doesn't have the words fuck, shit, asshole, cunt and or bitch, or a selection of them.
And that the fuck ever made you want to be a cop?
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Liquid Wrote:OnBendedKnee Wrote:I stumbled upon these forums over the Thanksgiving weekend. Lots of love in the room-and a joy I'd like to partake in.
By way of introduction, I'm in law enforcement out of San Diego county and have collected coins since I was a small child.
Married, my wife and I found Christ together at Shadow Mountain church in El Cajon.
I've read the rules but not much else, yet. I look forward to contributing but first reading many of your wonderful, yet harmlessstories and antidotes.
Thank you. I am so happy for you that you and your wife worship a fake fiction god. But beyond that and even worse is that you are a coin collecting cop. That is just about the worst combination - think MF (hairy Italian pillow humping coin collecting bitch) combined with jackboots (wacked out woman with a pistol).
Oh yea - go fuck yourself you new piece of dried out decaying shit filled with maggots asshole. Although I did admittingly read the rules quickly, is such language tolerated?
Here I thought we could be forum buddies.
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OnBendedKnee Wrote:No, no, no. Perhaps I misspoke. We didn't literally "see" Christ. We walked down the isle at the invitation of Pastor Jeremia and gave ourselves to our Lord and Savior, and YOUR Lord and Savior, Jesus. That was two years, four months and six days ago.  Pastor Jeremia? Isn't his aunt the maple syrup lady? Or is this Jeremia the one who was a bull frog? Fuck, I get things mixed up.
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Aww, how sweet, the newbie wants Sinister as his forum buddy. Isn't that just fucking precious. Now why didn't I think of that one?
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Please refer to my purpose listed right below my resume'.
Last I checked, billions and billions of people think Christ is a hoax. How do you reconcile that with Zechariah 14:9?
And since we are even talking about chapter and verse; why do you think that the Councils of Carthage decided not to canonize the Gospel of Mary? Is it perhaps because thatclearly indicated she was married to Jesus and that (as Peter said) Jesus loved her more than all other men and women?
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Sinister Wrote:OnBendedKnee Wrote:Sinister Wrote:Ok, OBK.....what the FUCK are you hoping to get out of this forum?? Please refer to my purpose listed right below my resume'.
The only life lessons you'll get here would be for people who want to be rude, crude and socially unacceptable. We don't want to hear about yout bible or your God and we'll probably verbally crush your head if you try to preach to us.
We have naked people pictures and I doubt there is a post in here that doesn't have the words fuck, shit, asshole, cunt and or bitch, or a selection of them.
And that the fuck ever made you want to be a cop? In answer to your questions:
My introduction was only that. I would never assumeI could preach to anyone here all things God or Bible related (thank you for using the upper case G although you neglected to do so with your B).
A little gallows humor never hurt anyone so the sometimes 'crude' and 'socially unacceptable' is totally acceptable to me, for sure. We all need to vent every now and then I suppose!
I grew up watching Adam12 so what's not to love wanting to be a police officer?
I like that avatar though, the little dino is cute.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Although I did admittingly read the rules quickly, is such language tolerated?
Here I thought we could be forum buddies. I understand that not every human will have the same intellect. I just find those of lower intellect offensive; in that they cannot grasp what their place is in this universe so they grasp at scripture written by other men as a testament to miracles. I suppose that if everyone had a Ph.D., McDonalds would charge $15 for a cheeseburger, and fuckwits like you would have to charge $2,000 for going 12 over the limit.
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OnBendedKnee Wrote:AnonyMoose Wrote:OnBendedKnee Wrote:Married, my wife and I found Christ together at Shadow Mountain church in El Cajon.
What was he doing? More to the point; what was he doing to Mary? *
* Either the mother or the whore. We walked down the isle at the invitation of Pastor Jeremia and gave ourselves ...
Is that the lady on the syrup bottle?
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Yup..Queen Bee thinks it may be his aunt.
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Well, it should provide some good laughs earning Hell tickets in front of Holy Bitch.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:In answer to your questions:
My introduction was only that. I would never assumeI could preach to anyone here all things God or Bible related (thank you for using the upper case G although you neglected to do so with your B).
A little gallows humor never hurt anyone so the sometimes 'crude' and 'socially unacceptable' is totally acceptable to me, for sure. We all need to vent every now and then I suppose!
I grew up watching Adam12 so what's not to love wanting to be a police officer?
I capitalized God because I believe in God. I just don't come across the subject here in Mock where the purpose of the place is to fuck with people.
"Gallery" hmour? I think you didn't really check into this place before you registered, as evidenced from your question about what language is allowed. I don't think this is the sort of "venting" place you might think. We're just as likely to make fun of your complaints as to not even reply at all.
So, as a cop, how many stings have you taken part in and how many innocent people do you think you have had locked up? Deliver a skull thump to any handcuffed victims?
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Seriously, if one in a hundred are not guilty, isn't it still worth locking upall 100 at the ever so slight expense of that single "innocent" (read: you know they did something somewhere, sometime that he or she got away with)?
Also, skulls show marks.
The bottom of feet don't.
The rest of your comments are you just being coy or silly.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:The rest of your comments are you just being coy or silly. I'm serious as a heart attack, pig. Note my purpose, if you will.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:My introduction was only that. I would never assumeI could preach to anyone here all things God or Bible related (thank you for using the upper case G although you neglected to do so with your B). What exactly is your knowledge of the Bible?
Can you name each Council that changed what was considered canonized?
Can you explain how Jeebus could possibly been of virgin birth when Genesis 49:10 and Isaiah 11:1 say that is not possible for a true messiah?
Can you explain why you buy into the bullshit of Matthew 28:19 (father, son, holy spirit) when Deuteronomy 6:4 clearly indicates that such a christian belief would violate Tanakh? ("Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is ONE").
And while I am showing you how bullshit your [stolen from the Jews] religion is; why don't you address Matthew 1:12 where your lying apostle said Jeebus wasa descendant of Jeconiah. Last I checked, Jeremiah 22:24 and 22:30 prove the end of the messianic period by the word of god.
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Sinister Wrote:OnBendedKnee Wrote:The rest of your comments are you just being coy or silly. I'm serious as a heart attack, pig. Note my purpose, if you will.
"Serious as a heart attack". I've never understood that trite saying. I've seen a woman, right around your age, die in front of mein the throws of a full blown heart attack and it appearedshe was giggling asshe was withering in pain- laboring for breath. A toe tap to the side of the head confimed her passing.
Didn't seem so serious to me.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Seriously, if one in a hundred are not guilty, isn't it still worth locking upall 100 at the ever so slight expense of that single "innocent"
You apparently don't know a fucking thing about the Amendments to the US Constution, the opinion of the SCOTUS, or the printed positions of the Founding Fathers. Imbecile.
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Anonymoose, relax.
I was just playing a little with you.
1- I'm atheist
2- I don't know much about SCOTUS*.
*3- I'm surprised you do.
4- Keep up the bad mojo and we'll never be forum buddies.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:Seriously, if one in a hundred are not guilty, isn't it still worth locking upall 100 at the ever so slight expense of that single "innocent" (read: you know they did something somewhere, sometime that he or she got away with)? You quite obviously do not know your audience.
MF, I'm out of this one. I will take no part in granting access to a pig; especially one this stupid. You take it from here. Access is up to you with this one.
Sinister Wrote:OnBendedKnee Wrote:Seriously, if one in a hundred are not guilty, isn't it still worth locking upall 100 at the ever so slight expense of that single "innocent" (read: you know they did something somewhere, sometime that he or she got away with)? You quite obviously do not know your audience.
MF, I'm out of this one. I will take no part in granting access to a pig; especially one this stupid. You take it from here. Access is up to you with this one.
I'm with Sinister on that one.
Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis. $1 John Belushi.