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This morning I read that our servicemen & women are being spied upon in the green zone in Iraq...Their private phone calls are being recorded & then passed around so that others may listen to them...The people listening think it is a hoot to hear a general having phone sex with his wife/girlfriend/whatever...We only know this now because of a couple of whistleblowers, who will now probably receive death threats & have their lives made a living hell because they had the balls to stand up& say this is wrong.
This is sooooo not surprising and it makes me sad to admit that.
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Due to technology, I bet over time we are going to hear of bigger and bigger spying operations in general.
Does anyone here think their phone and online conversations are private?
Hello Homeland Security!
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I've always known that anything I said online or on my cellphone/BlackBerry is not private...The most they could learn about me is that I like to talk dirty & smoke a little weed.
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does anyone have a link to a story actually reporting this. i can not find anything online and would like to read a story where it was reported!
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I got it from the AOL News, Liquid, if that is any help...I'll try to link it but, you all know I suck at that stuff.
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Here is the story Duchess sent to me so everyone can read:
Wiretappers Passed Around Intimate Calls
At a February press conference a reporter pointed out to President Bush that the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping program is "not intended to spy on Americans, but in the collection process, information about everybody gets swept up and then it gets sorted."
Bush responded, "People who analyze the program fully understand that America's civil liberties are well protected. There is a constant check to make sure that our civil liberties of our citizens are treated with respect."
It turns out that the privacy and civil liberties of American citizens were most certainly not treated with respect. In fact, according to a report from ABC News, the calls of hundreds of US citizens were exposed to ridicule by National Security Agency employees, including some calls that included sexual content. Many of the calls came from American military officers in the Green Zone in Iraq.
One of two independent whistle blowers, former Navy linguist David Murfee Faulk told ABC News that that others would tell him about what they considered! to be a musing phone calls. According to Faulk, they would say, for example, "Hey, check this out, there's good phone sex or there's some pillow talk, pull up this call, it's really funny, go check it out. It would be some colonel making pillow talk and we would say, 'Wow, this was crazy'."
Senate Intelligence Chair Jay Rockefeller said that his committee has begun an investigation.
This is also in some international papers. I read about it first on BBC News online
Liquid Wrote:Here is the story Duchess sent to me so everyone can read:
Bragging about that, are we? ::rollseyes::
Frank's gonna be pissed off.
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All yer pillow humping pushed me to it.
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I swear I only pillow hump because it's just an opportunity to have you ...
Middle Finger Wrote:I swear I only pillow hump because it's just an opportunity to have you ... I've contacted your wife.
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Face up or face down?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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Contacting my wife is futile - my night time pillow humping is my own personal time to use as I wish.
Duchess, don't let the wife thing bother you. My thing for you goes well above "wife." Wife is equal, you are more than my equal, you are my Goddess. Think big picture here, Duchess.
Maggot, it's varied. Sometimes pillow humping is great from the side. I recommend a long body pillow, though. Just sayin.
Because you just know D will be enthralled by that pillow humping talk.
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Not AS enthralled as YOU would be knowing someone humps over you each night, but it should mean something positive to her when she realizes it is all part of my Goddess worshiping.
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Poopys mouse is sticky now...........or was that a jelly doughnut?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.