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Stupid famous people
I was going to make this a poll, but we're only allowed 20 choices for a poll and there are way more than 20 stupid famous people out there.

First that may come to mind is one of those bimbi, like Paris Hilton. Zero talent, has accomplished precisely SHIT, and will never know what a day of hard work is like.

But one of the most amazingly stupid famous people that I have ever heard of is Timothy Treadwell. Perhaps you've heard the name but aren't sure where, or in what context? He is the Einstein who decided to go "take care of" grizzly bears out in the wild. He thought they needed his help, his protection and his presence for some reason that must only be known to residents of whatever fucking planet he came from.

What gives me a chuckle about his story ( of dozens of things) is in the previews for the upcoming show about him, he is talking to a bear like a human talks to a baby. He asks the bear if it wants to go fishing and tells the bear he (Treadwell) will "help" the bear to fish. It took a few years but the bears got sick of his presence in their domain and ate him and his idiot girlfriend. Thankfully, before that psycho could reproduce. Smart bears!!! ::thumbs:: Only thing that bums me out about that is they didn't capture the mercy killing on film.

I wish we could gather round all the stupid people out there - famous or otherwise - and let the animals choose who lives and who dies. Their system of "only the strong survive" can be translated into, only the strongest, fastest and smartest survive. Let the animals clean out the gene pool!!!

'Course, that would eliminate about 90% of this forum right here, but shit; we can restart with a skeleton crew!!!

So, this thread was started for 2 reasons;
1) To poke fun at that stupid FUCK Treadwell
2) For you to post about the stupid famous person of your choice.

We rented Grizzly Man a few months ago. Dont' ask me why, I sent the bf out to rent movies.

I will not go into as much detail as you have but to us, it was more of a tragic comdey than a documentary/complimentary.

How fucking stupid are you to think the bears need YOU to take care of them?

For shits sake (pun intended) did you think you were safe? To a hungry grizzly you are FOOD dumbass!

Then to top off the comedic hilarity, we are watching Ron White's routine and he mentions this asshole.... says something along the lines of:

"Your father always said you'd never amount to shit. Well, I got news for him, "Oh daddy........." ::lmao::

I'm waiting for the moron on Animal Planet that is living with the lions in Africa to be eaten next. Then the film on how tragic it was he was mistaken for food. ::nuts::

Isn't there also one with a man who lives among wolves? Actually you are safer with wolves but still, a very hungry pack will turn on you if they need food. Humans make a nice meal for a large pack!

The Antagonist Wrote:Isn't there also one with a man who lives among wolves? Actually you are safer with wolves but still, a very hungry pack will turn on you if they need food. Humans make a nice meal for a large pack!

You got that right.

A Man Among Wolves | National Geographic Channel

How many people have to be killed by an animal acting like an animal before people learn that

A) Wild animals do NOT need us mucking about with them
B) They can NOT ever be tamed or domesticated
C) No matter how much you think they "love" you, a wild carniverous animal will always see you as food????

I see it the same way, Ant. Some people think I'm sick for laughing at the idiots who get themselves killed, but hey; the fucking idiots asked for it!!!!
Steve Irwin comes to mind, I just knew he was gonna get whacked one day. Crikey!
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Maggot Wrote:Steve Irwin comes to mind, I just knew he was gonna get whacked one day. Crikey!

but shit, i thought a croc would get him!

you could tell treadwell was a looney. he had a history of being a druggie looney. poor bear probably was tripping after eating him. ::nuts::

jackboots Wrote:
Maggot Wrote:Steve Irwin comes to mind, I just knew he was gonna get whacked one day. Crikey!
but shit, i thought a croc would get him!
SO DID I!!!! Who woulda thought a freakin' stingray would end him? That is almost poetic justice.

Quote:you could tell treadwell was a looney. he had a history of being a druggie looney. poor bear probably was tripping after eating him. ::nuts::
Absolutely you could tell. Just to hear him talk you think "this guy's elevator doesn't quite reach the top".

Rent the movie Grizzly Man. even if you don't watch it just go to the end where you see people talking about him. How sad and pathetic they are as well.

The extras they give you on DVD too.

Did you know the bear ate is girlfriend too? Nice, drag her down into your demented world of saving grizzlies.
The Antagonist Wrote:Rent the movie Grizzly Man. even if you don't watch it just go to the end where you see people talking about him. How sad and pathetic they are as well.

The extras they give you on DVD too.

Did you know the bear ate is girlfriend too? Nice, drag her down into your demented world of saving grizzlies.

Where his friends talk about him? I saw that. They are all as warped and fucked in the head as he was. That stupid ex-girlfriend of his had the brains of a watermelon.

I did note in the OP that the girlfriend was part of the bear's meal. I just laugh my fuckin' ass off when I think of Treadwell's end. I really think it is a shame that Treadwell didn't happen to have his camera rolling when he was eaten.
there was a tape rolling with their screams. nobody will release it god dammit.

i can hear it now...."Oh mr. bear, don't eat me, eat her! let me help you". ::lmao::

He did have it rolling! The family got hold of it. Watch the interviews at the end again.

It's ALL on film. They have it, they claim to have destroyed it once they viewed it to prevent it getting out on the internet.

Same story for Steve Irwin. But I got to see it on
The Antagonist Wrote:He did have it rolling! The family got hold of it. Watch the interviews at the end again.

It's ALL on film. They have it, they claim to have destroyed it once they viewed it to prevent it getting out on the internet.

Same story for Steve Irwin. But I got to see it on

The version I saw was on Animal Planet and they wouldn't show anything they had like that. They claimed to have audio of his screaming and what-not but the friends didn't want it aired. I guess I do have to rent the movie to catch the good stuff.

Ant, do you think they have actual, visual film and just won't release it? Are ya sure about that? I believe what you say, I just wonder how it hasn't leaked out into public view by now.
That's what they said on the movie interviews.

Animal Planet is running the Grizzly Man Diaries, completely different thing from the movie I am pretty sure.

I'm not even bothering to watch that, that stupid dumbass with the lions or the one with the wolves. That's just too much stupidity for one to absorb every week.
Thats crazy that their families even wanted to watch what happened...Seriously...Would you want to see your loved ones' final moments...Not me...And surely not with the screams too...Family is as much a dumbass as he was.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
bear food...not as good as salmon. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin
