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LMPP, If your nosyassmust know I was not going for original . I was going for to the point in as few a words as possible . And anyone that mattered understood the significance of that post . But since you are unable to figure this out let me clarifyit for you .
M.F. Stick your threatening/insulting mass e-mail straight up your ass.I do not have time to keep up with your boring ass , sit behind a computer screen making new sites that no one could give a shit about , stick your big nose in everyone else's business , ass is doing all the time ! I have a life that takes me away from this computer that your life revolves around . I may be gone for days or even weeks at a time [ take that as a blessing] . So don't you worry your pretty little head as to weather I am here insulting your ass or not .
Is That clear enough for you LMPP ? I swear with some people its a case of the smarter they get , the dumber they get .
Beer drinking, gun toting, Bike riding,
womanizing, sex fiend, sexist, asshole !
Don't like it? Well than F.U !!!!!!!!!
F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:LMPP, If your nosyassmust know I was not going for original . Well, look how well you succeeded!
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F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:M.F. Stick your threatening/insulting mass e-mail straight up your ass.I do not have time to keep up with your boring ass , sit behind a computer screen making new sites that no one could give a shit about , stick your big nose in everyone else's business , ass is doing all the time ! I have a life that takes me away from this computer that your life revolves around . I may be gone for days or even weeks at a time [ take that as a blessing] . So don't you worry your pretty little head as to weather I am here insulting your ass or not . HEY, I liked your previous post.
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Like I said MF those who matter got it . She just dont matter .
Beer drinking, gun toting, Bike riding,
womanizing, sex fiend, sexist, asshole !
Don't like it? Well than F.U !!!!!!!!!
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F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:Like I said MF those who matter got it . She just dont matter . You're still a dick.  ::showass::
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Yeah, but is it really BEST FUCKING POST OF THE CENTURY?
Anytime I see the POW/MIA flag and the PGR patch, knowing what those people do and did, yeah, It is REALLY the best fucking post of the century.
'Nuff said.
FLST Softtail
Peronally I LIKE F.U. Dont ask again POSTS..And YES..I got the same lame ass email....throw me in newbie..I dont care.Like Ive said endless times to see what kind of endless bullshit has been posted but some neanderthal skulls cant concept the idea that we all CANNOT BE HERE EVERY DAY like as you wish massa 
great concept for geting members in my opinion ::nuts::
Sinister Wrote:LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Yeah, but is it really BEST FUCKING POST OF THE CENTURY?
Anytime I see the POW/MIA flag and the PGR patch, knowing what those people do and did, yeah, It is REALLY the best fucking post of the century.
'Nuff said. Okay, seriously here... you guys (riders/bikers/whatever) seem to have this chip on your shoulder and think you've got a monopoly on the POW/MIA logo. You don't. I've been affiliated with the military in one form or another for 28 years... and I'm probably a little closer to ground zero than most people in here. Don't fucking preach to me, I DO get it.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Okay, seriously here... you guys (riders/bikers/whatever) seem to have this chip on your shoulder and think you've got a monopoly on the POW/MIA logo. You don't. I've been affiliated with the military in one form or another for 28 years... and I'm probably a little closer to ground zero than most people in here. Don't fucking preach to me, I DO get it. <picture of Sinister passing M a Xanax>
Chip on the shoulder? Most of us, yeah. Monopoly on the POW logo? What the fuck does that even mean? In case you're not aware, there is an MC whose membership is Vietnam Veterans and their sons and other military men. Where do you get this fucking absurd and, frankly, obscene idea that Bikers think we have a monoploy on it? Did you just pull that out of thin air looking for an opportunity to bash Bikers?
My whole family is military and has been for 4 generations so whatever caused you to cram sand up your snatch, go douche and get the fuck over it. You "get" precisely SHIT. About a whole lot of things.
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Choad Wrote:Peronally I LIKE F.U. Dont ask again POSTS..And YES..I got the same lame ass email....throw me in newbie..I dont care.Like Ive said endless times to see what kind of endless bullshit has been posted but some neanderthal skulls cant concept the idea that we all CANNOT BE HERE EVERY DAY like as you wish massa
great concept for geting members in my opinion ::nuts:: I like him too ... but I didn't feel like telling him so I coughed up a cheap, fast insult.
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Choad Wrote:Peronally I LIKE F.U. Dont ask again POSTS..And YES..I got the same lame ass email....throw me in newbie..I dont care.Like Ive said endless times to see what kind of endless bullshit has been posted but some neanderthal skulls cant concept the idea that we all CANNOT BE HERE EVERY DAY like as you wish massa
great concept for geting members in my opinion ::nuts:: I forgot to add ... I was just fucking around with the email. ::bigg::
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i am going to bed. write me in the morning. like about 1000.
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Well shit stain its like this . After reading your bullshit response I can see that you obviously have no fucking clue . You are obviously mistaking our willingness to express our support/gratitude/patriotism for a chip on our shoulder . Well take off the fucking blinders bitch . And see the hole picture . If the rest of the citizens in this country would be willing to let the people that lay their life's on the line daily , those who give all the whiney asses like you the freedoms that you enjoy the respect that they deserve . We would not seam to be thumping our chest or monopolizing anything . It amazes me how JohnQ Public takes and takes from these heroes and never once thinks what that soldier is going through . Just so loud mouths like you can sit their and let the shit run out of their hot dog chute . If it were not for those heroes past and present your ass would be sitting in a corner shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds under a much different flag . So instead of sitting there behind that computer screen ,try getting of that shit covered ass of yours and go find a vet and thank them for what they do . It amazes me that on every mission that I am on that the family's are shocked that there are actually people out there that are willing to stand in honor for a hero that has past . Someone that we more than likely have never met but yet we will stand in silent honor to assure that they receive the recognition for their sacrifices that they so deserve . So if you were really affiliated with the military in one way or another for 28 years . You would not open that cesspool you call a mouth and let shit like that bubble out .You would remember what it is all about and keep your mouth shut and show some respect .And as far as your physical location goes , I don't give a good god dam if you are IN ground zero it does matter because from LA to Orlando , from Elpaso to Bismark we were all attacked on that terrible day in September . So stuff it up your depends wearing ass bitch . If you reallyDID GET ITwe would not be having this conversation right now .
I am done with you bitchSo save your time and typing fingers . F.U.
Beer drinking, gun toting, Bike riding,
womanizing, sex fiend, sexist, asshole !
Don't like it? Well than F.U !!!!!!!!!
Jesus Christ, you're a pretentious, pompous fuckwit.
I know and work with veterans, asshole. They're honored where I work and where I live. Motorcyle clubs aren't the only ones that show respect and for you to claim AGAIN that I "just don't get it" shows what a closed-minded ignorant piece of shit you are.
Shut the fuck up and show some respect for the rest of the population. You are NOT special.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Shut the fuck up and show some respect for the rest of the population. You are NOT special.
I beg to differ.
Actually, check that; I don't "beg" for a fucking thing; not from you. I'm telling you that if you work so closely with veterans, as you claim, you would know better what the PGR and Rolling Thunder do, and trust me when I tell you; the vets appreciate it.
You "know" and "work with" veterans? In what capacity? Do you take time from your personal life to guard against the psycho fucks like those nutsos from that Baptist church to protect the family of a fallen Soldier at the funeral for that soldier? No, you don't; but F.U. does.
Quote:Motorcyle clubs aren't the only ones that show respect
A) F.U. didn't claim to belong to a MC.
B) No one here has claimed that Bikers or Clubs are the only ones who show respect. A word you are not actually familiar with, I see.
I'm calling bullshit on your "closed minded" claim. It belongs to you, not F.U. We've seen your type many times before and there is no dragging you from the "I have my opinion; don't confuse me with the facts" section of the bleachers. You know shit. Check that, too; you wish you knew shit. You can't even claim that much.
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...I am acknowledging that I recieved your mass email, MF...I've been busy planning a charity event...Save the Ta Ta's...It would be nice if everyone gave a little thought to all the woman that are not only afraid of losing their boobs but, losing their lives too...But, I suppose thats just too much to ask for given where I'm asking this...
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Duchess Wrote:...I am acknowledging that I recieved your mass email, MF...I've been busy planning a charity event...Save the Ta Ta's...It would be nice if everyone gave a little thought to all the woman that are not only afraid of losing their boobs but, losing their lives too...But, I suppose thats just too much to ask for given where I'm asking this... Thanks Duchess, and thank you for doing charity work.
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F.U. Dont ask again Wrote:Well shit stain its like this . After reading your bullshit response I can see that you obviously have no fucking clue . You are obviously mistaking our willingness to express our support/gratitude/patriotism for a chip on our shoulder . Well take off the fucking blinders bitch . And see the hole picture . If the rest of the citizens in this country would be willing to let the people that lay their life's on the line daily , those who give all the whiney asses like you the freedoms that you enjoy the respect that they deserve . We would not seam to be thumping our chest or monopolizing anything . It amazes me how JohnQ Public takes and takes from these heroes and never once thinks what that soldier is going through . Just so loud mouths like you can sit their and let the shit run out of their hot dog chute . If it were not for those heroes past and present your ass would be sitting in a corner shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds under a much different flag . So instead of sitting there behind that computer screen ,try getting of that shit covered ass of yours and go find a vet and thank them for what they do . It amazes me that on every mission that I am on that the family's are shocked that there are actually people out there that are willing to stand in honor for a hero that has past . Someone that we more than likely have never met but yet we will stand in silent honor to assure that they receive the recognition for their sacrifices that they so deserve . So if you were really affiliated with the military in one way or another for 28 years . You would not open that cesspool you call a mouth and let shit like that bubble out .You would remember what it is all about and keep your mouth shut and show some respect .And as far as your physical location goes , I don't give a good god dam if you are IN ground zero it does matter because from LA to Orlando , from Elpaso to Bismark we were all attacked on that terrible day in September . So stuff it up your depends wearing ass bitch . If you reallyDID GET ITwe would not be having this conversation right now .
I am done with you bitchSo save your time and typing fingers . F.U.
Ever heard of paragraphs pumpkin ass?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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::laugh:: Good one. Yeah, use a little fucking structure in that mess.
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Middle Finger Wrote:::laugh:: Good one. Yeah, use a little fucking structure in that mess. Too right.
Reading that mess is like being cornered in a blind alley by a raving derelict.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.